Top 10
New Followers
The creators with most new followers in this month

WeWork UX
User experience design @ WeWork. We create and inspire compelling and effective experiences through deep data-driven human understanding.
Total Followers: 208

David Peterson
Growth @ Airtable. Organizing the world one base at a time.
Total Followers: 182

Steve's Seaside Allotment
I've tried lots of ways to manage my allotment. This collection of simple databases has proved to be the best so far. I particularly like the fact that I can access them from my tablet, phone and PC
Total Followers: 31

Product Hunt
Product Hunt is a curation of the best new products, every day. Discover the latest mobile apps, websites, and technology products that everyone's talking about.
Total Followers: 38

Katherine Duh
Marketing at Airtable. And a whole lot of Universe stuff ??? Twitter: @katherineduh
Total Followers: 86

Howie Liu
Cofounder of Airtable.
Total Followers: 92

Creative Circle
Creative isn't just part of our name, it's at the heart of what we believe in. If you are looking for talent or are in the midst of your job search, visit for more information.
Total Followers: 73

W. Vann Hall
Short version: Consultant, developer, and author with extensive data and telecommunications experience. | Long version: | Fun version:
Total Followers: 69

Postlight is a digital product studio in New York City. We build prototypes to prove out ideas—then build large, scalable digital platforms that support elegant consumer products.
Total Followers: 49

Tony Mataya
I work on Lifecycle marketing at Twilio. Home is Dallas, TX.
Total Followers: 59
Top 10
New Likes
The bases with the most new likes this month
RPG Campaign Organizer
This base allows a game master to organize their role-playing game campaign and share it with their players. It is built to allow for content to be shared with just a couple clicks, so even during a game you can update the player's view and allow them to read descriptions or view images on their phones in the kanban view. Share only what you want and keep the rest ready for when the players find it! This base is for my Forbidden Lands campaign. []( Enjoy!
Total Likes: 1
A social beer rating/tracking database. This base is an expansion of Andrew Ledford's excellent and popular "Beginner's Guide to Craft Beer" base: It adds on it to allow you to track the brews you and your friends have tried, allowing you to rate them and rank them, and compare what you like vs what your friends like... because beer is more fun with friends!
Total Likes: 1
SE Courses at IUE
This template is for students who study software engineering at the Izmir University of Economics. With this table, you could track your quizzes, projects, homeworks, etc. Courses that you are taking are added. If any changes will happen in the curriculum let me know and I will change the base immediately. Loves, Hüseyin.
Total Likes: 1
Jewelry Sales Tracking
This base is designed to help with inventory, supplies, design, and sales tracking specifically for jewelry designers (although it could be customized for other types of products as well). You can track your supply orders and current stock of different supplies/pieces, create designs by combining supplies and price them accordingly, and list them in an online gallery, complete with links to pre-filled order forms. You can also track vendor events you sell your jewelry at to see what your most profitable shows are. I tried to set it up to be fairly intuitive to use.
Total Likes: 1
Top 10
New Copies
The bases with the most new copies this month
Freelance Writer Template
Hi, I started freelancing a little over a year ago, and I wanted to share the spreadsheets I use to keep track of everything from writing assignments to pitches to finances. Hope this helps! -B.
Total Copies: 27
Personal Garden Almanac
Manage your flower and vegetable gardens and monitor progress year after year while saving and benefiting from your historical notes. Keep track of harvests, what you plant where, pests, and wildlife. There is a field that creates a link to Weather Undergrounds historical records so you can always see what the weather was like when you picked those strawberries. I created this database for my personal use and paired it with a Google map of my property. On the map our family identified 17 distinct garden areas and recorded the diversity in each one with notes on when blooms occurred and when fruits were observed and harvests conducted. This was one of my first bases so it had some design issues, most of which I ironed out before publishing. We also slacked on our garden upkeep for the past few years as I took on directing a nonprofit and my wife is slightly less database/track-everything conscious, but it's already proven quite handy many times regardless. I hope someone else gets some enjoyment out of it.
Total Copies: 17
Rolodex for the 21st Century
This base should be used to collect information throughout the course of networking and meeting people. Business cards can be discarded now! Take a photograph of the card, and put the relevant information in the base. Other information, like followup date & method, as well as notes from conversations can be easily added. A benefit of Airtable is its relational tables. If used correctly, you can easily sort by the companies and cities your contacts work at or in. If there's something more specific to you industry, this base can accommodate that too. Happy networking.
Total Copies: 15
App/Website Events Tracking Plan
As a business owner, while working on any product or service, you have to constantly ask yourself: in order to improve my business, what do I need to measure and how am I going to do that? After all, you can’t manage what you don’t measure…let alone hoping to improve it. I recently found myself going through this process of trying to define key events that I should track within my mobile app while also having to explain what sort of data need to be passed with these events. This is important because it reduces errors that could happen when developers try to implement these tracking points. I started doing this on a Google sheet but quickly found out that using Airtable for this might be more intuitive and user-friendly in addition to being able to group, sort, filter as needed. Therefore, I created a simple analytics events tracking Airtable sheet that may help you define & document the various events that you may wish to track.
Total Copies: 10
The Basic Flow: Recondition yourself out of stressed states and trip into flow states with this simple process
This tool is the core of The Basics of Flow - immediately reduce your time in stressed states and start getting into flow states by taking this mini-course. _This course is free because chronic stress is a global epidemic which I am passionate about solving._ In my opinion, you and I should have been taught this stuff at school. You will: - Understand (i) what stress is, (ii) what influences state and (iii) what you can/can’t control. - Find your internal reset buttons to alter state and get into flow. - Create a powerful habit with my custom tool and data-driven awareness. - Become addicted to flow. It makes you more present and more effective at everything. Take the course now at
Total Copies: 6
Audiobooks Template
An updated version of the base I use to track my Audiobook Narration work. Please feel free to suggest changes or additions you think would make it more useful.
Total Copies: 6
Seed funded startups list (July-18 to Dec-18)
Seed funded startups list (July-18 to Dec-18). Find Angel, Seed, Series A funded startups contacts at Also check funded 2018 CEO's contact list
Total Copies: 5
RPG Campaign Organizer
This base allows a game master to organize their role-playing game campaign and share it with their players. It is built to allow for content to be shared with just a couple clicks, so even during a game you can update the player's view and allow them to read descriptions or view images on their phones in the kanban view. Share only what you want and keep the rest ready for when the players find it! This base is for my Forbidden Lands campaign. []( Enjoy!
Total Copies: 4
Editorial Calendar & the Content Strategy behind it
For organizations going through the arduous but revitalizing process of a Content Strategy, this Airtable base provides the infrastructure to support loads of information while giving options for different ways of consuming that information. At Timeshare CMO, we’ve found that a good Content Strategy starts with a Content Audit, then Strategy is built using pertinent data, and when approved, gives life to a handy, helpful Editorial Calendar—all organized here. This Airtable is particularly useful for a mid-sized company with several products/topics, annual events, and a robust marketing and approval process in place—and one with the desire to stop reacting to content requests and start operating around a broader content strategy. Step 1: Closet Cleaning (Audit) Our team Timeshare CMO likens this process to cleaning out your closet. It’s best to start with a Content Audit—the process of taking everything out of your closet and dumping it on the bed so you can see what you have. We use the first table in this base to pick through the piles, determining what’s worth keeping, what’s worth “mending” and reusing, and what can be thrown out. In the Content Audit table, we’ve used labels to sort existing content by step in the funnel and by topic, which makes it easy to see where your content gaps are. Step 2: Content Strategy The second step is the Content Strategy. Informed by extensive data (hopefully) and tough conversations with the client or key players (ideally), the content strategy is the view forward. Organized into buckets of content by theme, you can take a bird’s-eye view of the coming content year. Where do you need to add outreach? What steps in the sales process need attention? What content will support your product launch, annual event, or suite of offerings? In the Content Strategy table, you’ll notice a column for marking a project’s level of difficulty and level of reward. Picture a matrix with four quadrants, representing whether something is high difficulty/high reward, low difficulty/high reward, etc. This forces a team to rank the efficacy of the tasks that eat up the most time. Anything high difficulty/low reward? You may want to consider scrapping it. Step 3: Editorial Calendar The third step is creating the Editorial Calendar. This is the meat of the process and the table you’ll visit nearly every day. Informed by the previous tab (Content Strategy), the Editorial Calendar breaks out the many content pieces and deliverables that it takes to make your organization go through the content year with confidence. Using Views There are many ways to split this out and many ways different people will think about a year’s worth of content. Some people think month-by-month. Some people think in terms of sales opportunities. Some are focused on the promotion of a particular product or event. The beauty of Airtable is the ability to organize this cumbersome list of to-do’s in different ways for different uses or members of your team. We especially love the month-by-month Kanban. It shows what’s due each month, ranked in order of the difficulty/reward rating we just described. We’re passing along this skeleton Airtable in the hopes that it helps organizations who are going through this “closet-cleaning” process that is so worth it in the end. Thanks for reading, from your friends at Timeshare CMO.
Total Copies: 3
Group Voting / Ranking Tool
We needed a quick ranking tool to evaluate artists for a music festival. In previous years we sifted through emails or attempted to use spreadsheets. Airtable made the process easy and almost fun. Web form collects applicant data, reviewers use Kanban cards to rank their choices. We used a comment field instead of Airtable's comments so that the comments would show on the cards and also would not be mixed with airtable's editing and revision comments. Points were created for each ranking and then a column for total score is used for sorting real time. The cream rises to the top!
Total Copies: 3
New Bases
Bases added to the universe this month
Editorial Calendar & the Content Strategy behind it
For organizations going through the arduous but revitalizing process of a Content Strategy, this Airtable base provides the infrastructure to support loads of information while giving options for different ways of consuming that information. At Timeshare CMO, we’ve found that a good Content Strategy starts with a Content Audit, then Strategy is built using pertinent data, and when approved, gives life to a handy, helpful Editorial Calendar—all organized here. This Airtable is particularly useful for a mid-sized company with several products/topics, annual events, and a robust marketing and approval process in place—and one with the desire to stop reacting to content requests and start operating around a broader content strategy. Step 1: Closet Cleaning (Audit) Our team Timeshare CMO likens this process to cleaning out your closet. It’s best to start with a Content Audit—the process of taking everything out of your closet and dumping it on the bed so you can see what you have. We use the first table in this base to pick through the piles, determining what’s worth keeping, what’s worth “mending” and reusing, and what can be thrown out. In the Content Audit table, we’ve used labels to sort existing content by step in the funnel and by topic, which makes it easy to see where your content gaps are. Step 2: Content Strategy The second step is the Content Strategy. Informed by extensive data (hopefully) and tough conversations with the client or key players (ideally), the content strategy is the view forward. Organized into buckets of content by theme, you can take a bird’s-eye view of the coming content year. Where do you need to add outreach? What steps in the sales process need attention? What content will support your product launch, annual event, or suite of offerings? In the Content Strategy table, you’ll notice a column for marking a project’s level of difficulty and level of reward. Picture a matrix with four quadrants, representing whether something is high difficulty/high reward, low difficulty/high reward, etc. This forces a team to rank the efficacy of the tasks that eat up the most time. Anything high difficulty/low reward? You may want to consider scrapping it. Step 3: Editorial Calendar The third step is creating the Editorial Calendar. This is the meat of the process and the table you’ll visit nearly every day. Informed by the previous tab (Content Strategy), the Editorial Calendar breaks out the many content pieces and deliverables that it takes to make your organization go through the content year with confidence. Using Views There are many ways to split this out and many ways different people will think about a year’s worth of content. Some people think month-by-month. Some people think in terms of sales opportunities. Some are focused on the promotion of a particular product or event. The beauty of Airtable is the ability to organize this cumbersome list of to-do’s in different ways for different uses or members of your team. We especially love the month-by-month Kanban. It shows what’s due each month, ranked in order of the difficulty/reward rating we just described. We’re passing along this skeleton Airtable in the hopes that it helps organizations who are going through this “closet-cleaning” process that is so worth it in the end. Thanks for reading, from your friends at Timeshare CMO.
0 Likes | 3 Copies
Higher Than Hope Master Base
This is a work in progress that was born from needing one place to do and access everything. I recently went on a full fledged redesign of a lot of things including my site and keeping track of everything has been tough. So Master Base was born. From a blog calendar to asset management, simplicity is the motive.
0 Likes | 0 Copies
Beautiful Music You Never Heard Before
Lots of all kinds of music that I find beautiful and think you might too.
0 Likes | 1 Copies
RPG Campaign Organizer
This base allows a game master to organize their role-playing game campaign and share it with their players. It is built to allow for content to be shared with just a couple clicks, so even during a game you can update the player's view and allow them to read descriptions or view images on their phones in the kanban view. Share only what you want and keep the rest ready for when the players find it! This base is for my Forbidden Lands campaign. []( Enjoy!
1 Likes | 4 Copies
> Airtable ist ein Programm, das die Arbeit mit Kalkulationstabellen und Datenbanken erleichtert. Zudem verfügt die Anwendung über einige Kollaborationsfunktionen, die das Zusammenarbeiten im Team ermöglicht.
0 Likes | 0 Copies
Seed funded startups list (July-18 to Dec-18)
Seed funded startups list (July-18 to Dec-18). Find Angel, Seed, Series A funded startups contacts at Also check funded 2018 CEO's contact list
0 Likes | 5 Copies
Personal Garden Almanac
Manage your flower and vegetable gardens and monitor progress year after year while saving and benefiting from your historical notes. Keep track of harvests, what you plant where, pests, and wildlife. There is a field that creates a link to Weather Undergrounds historical records so you can always see what the weather was like when you picked those strawberries. I created this database for my personal use and paired it with a Google map of my property. On the map our family identified 17 distinct garden areas and recorded the diversity in each one with notes on when blooms occurred and when fruits were observed and harvests conducted. This was one of my first bases so it had some design issues, most of which I ironed out before publishing. We also slacked on our garden upkeep for the past few years as I took on directing a nonprofit and my wife is slightly less database/track-everything conscious, but it's already proven quite handy many times regardless. I hope someone else gets some enjoyment out of it.
0 Likes | 17 Copies
Family Tax Write-off & Volunteer Hour Log
Simultaneously track mileage and expenses for volunteer & business purposes as well as volunteer hours for your whole family. This is a pretty early version so updates are likely to follow, but it's a good, simple start.
0 Likes | 0 Copies
CiTR & Discorder
CiTR 101.9 FM is the broadcasting voice of UBC Vancouver, situated on the unceded, traditional Coast Salish territory of the Hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ speaking Musqueam people. CiTR began as a student club in 1937, gaining not-for-profit status and a place on the FM dial in 1982. Managed by the Student Radio Society of UBC, CiTR is a student-driven, campus-based radio station that works to serve the broader Lower Mainland community. Since 1983, CiTR has also published Discorder, a locally-focused magazine that covers arts, culture and current affairs. Discorder shares the mandate of CiTR, to create alternative media, empower students and community through training, and to provide a platform for underrepresented voices. Discorder publishes 10 issues annually, with a distribution of 8,000 copies across the Lower Mainland.
0 Likes | 0 Copies
The Basic Flow: Recondition yourself out of stressed states and trip into flow states with this simple process
This tool is the core of The Basics of Flow - immediately reduce your time in stressed states and start getting into flow states by taking this mini-course. _This course is free because chronic stress is a global epidemic which I am passionate about solving._ In my opinion, you and I should have been taught this stuff at school. You will: - Understand (i) what stress is, (ii) what influences state and (iii) what you can/can’t control. - Find your internal reset buttons to alter state and get into flow. - Create a powerful habit with my custom tool and data-driven awareness. - Become addicted to flow. It makes you more present and more effective at everything. Take the course now at
0 Likes | 6 Copies
Group Voting / Ranking Tool
We needed a quick ranking tool to evaluate artists for a music festival. In previous years we sifted through emails or attempted to use spreadsheets. Airtable made the process easy and almost fun. Web form collects applicant data, reviewers use Kanban cards to rank their choices. We used a comment field instead of Airtable's comments so that the comments would show on the cards and also would not be mixed with airtable's editing and revision comments. Points were created for each ranking and then a column for total score is used for sorting real time. The cream rises to the top!
0 Likes | 3 Copies
Mastery Checklist - April 2019
You can do your week to week check list on the last couple of pages of the Mastery Workbook OR you can use THIS. Either way is great, but I would choose one or the other.
0 Likes | 1 Copies
School Report Cards from 50 States
A collection of school report cards from 50 states. Be able to see all the states publish their school data and inform the public. A reflection on the missing link here is, with the informed data, how can educators take actions based on these data, what are the opportunities here? Icons by Karen Guan: [](
0 Likes | 0 Copies
Sailboat Maintenance and Equipment
Cool Change is the name of my Beneteau 411 Sailboat. I created this database to get to know my sailboat and help manage every aspect of it's maintenance and equipment. I use it to keep track of all the elements, equipment, routine maintenance and every moving part to an engine log. Useful for every time you sail or motor out. This database will keep track of your sail hours and when to clean your bilge. It will also allow to see your to do's and what you need to purchase for any repair or improvement.
0 Likes | 2 Copies
Client & Lesson Management for Dog Training
Pair this base with a free Google site with embedded forms and you'll have an entirely free, sleek & powerful, self-contained management system for your animal training business. Track clients, animals, lessons, orders, & payments.
0 Likes | 1 Copies
Cap Table Logbook
You can use this Base to maintain a log of the Cap table of your portfolio companies. The logic of the Cap table terminology is adapted to companies incorporated in Spain The Cap Table can keep track of normal rounds between investors as well as secondary transactions and issuance of Phantom Stock Options to Employees. Proceed as follows: 1- Register your shareholders. Employees that receive PSO are to be registered as well as shareholders. 2- For every Round you will define, Premoney Valuation, Total Money of the Round and Price per Share. None of l this values will have to be re-entered in the "Rounds & Transaction" table by having them as reference will help you make sure you do not make mistakes in data entry. 3- Enter the Cap Table transactions in GRID VIEW of the "Rounds and Transactions " table. You will identify all the transactions as "AUX" so that the table keeps track of totals. Use the "Summary by..." views to be able to look at totals by each category
0 Likes | 2 Copies
A social beer rating/tracking database. This base is an expansion of Andrew Ledford's excellent and popular "Beginner's Guide to Craft Beer" base: It adds on it to allow you to track the brews you and your friends have tried, allowing you to rate them and rank them, and compare what you like vs what your friends like... because beer is more fun with friends!
1 Likes | 0 Copies
Reshaping Houston
As a residential developer/constructor, it is essential to have data about your projects at the tip of your fingers. This base allows us to keep track of our expenditures. It also serves as the repository of Contractor Data, Materials, Issues, and countless other items for projects we build around the metropolitan area of Houston Texas.
0 Likes | 1 Copies
Personal Twitter Archive
What is this? This is a simple, personal Twitter archive for searching your Tweets. Once you setup the connection between If That Then This (IFTTT) and Airtable, it will auto-create new records in this Airtable base every time you tweet. Then, using this base, you can search your personal Twitter archive as needed! Each record created gets a link to each tweet as well. How does it work? Follow the steps and refer to the screenshots provided in the Setup table to get this up and running. Once the IFTTT applet is working, tweet something and a new record will be created in the Airtable base. Note, IFTTT is a free service, so the speed at which tweets are added to Airtable can vary. Cheers, Alex Photo by [Benoit Gauzere]( on [Unsplash]( For a more detailed IFTTT & Airtable integration walk-through, you can find Airtable's support article on it here: [](
0 Likes | 0 Copies
Urban Beekeeping Hive Monitoring App
This AirTable base is configured for monitoring 8 frame Langstroth hives. I have added, and 'hidden' two additional frame-record-columns so that traditional 10 frame Langstroth hive data records can be incorporated as well. This AirTable base has two tabs (tables). - Describing your hives. Information like location, video, number frames, and brood boxes. You can add multiple hives and descriptions. (I have one hive and am expanding to two this year), - A corresponding hive frame record table. The table records are linked to the hive information through the hive number column. The Frame table records are each uniquely identified by the date of your inspection. Each inspection provides opportunity to confirm if you saw your queen, as well as recording what you observe on each frame: drawn comb, eggs, larva, capped brood, pollen, nectar, capped honey etc. I invite contributors to further develop this AirTable base. Would love to be able to visually report changes in the hive over time. Enjoy MK
0 Likes | 3 Copies
Temperatures at my desk.
0 Likes | 0 Copies
Series A funded startups lists Jul-2018 to Dec-2018
You can find more lists like "Series A funded startups lists Jul-2018 to Dec-2018" at Also check funded 2018 CEO's contact list
0 Likes | 1 Copies
Complaint Log
Modify to suit your particular needs.
0 Likes | 3 Copies
Audiobooks Template
An updated version of the base I use to track my Audiobook Narration work. Please feel free to suggest changes or additions you think would make it more useful.
0 Likes | 6 Copies
Atairian News
This is a test for INTL 4265
0 Likes | 0 Copies
Personal Project Tracker
Overview This is a version of a personal Airtable base of mine which I use to track personal goals, projects, and tasks. It also includes a bare-bones way of tracking fun things like books and movies to watch. How-To Write down your goals. Use these Goals to come up with more specific Projects, and link them using Airtable's linked record fields in this base. Once your Projects are squared away, link even more specific Tasks to each Project. The base is built to track your percent complete on Projects and Goals as you mark your Tasks and Projects 'complete,' respectively. It also includes a handy dashboard for Weekly Reviews to keep yourself motivated. The idea of this base is to build on the Action -> Inspiration -> Motivation concept from The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fck book, and the original tenants of Getting Things Done. Since it is an Airtable base, I encourage you to make it your own and reach out to me with any feedback/questions! Cheers, Alex for feedback/questions! Photo by [Stefan Cosma]( on [Unsplash](
0 Likes | 0 Copies
SE Courses at IUE
This template is for students who study software engineering at the Izmir University of Economics. With this table, you could track your quizzes, projects, homeworks, etc. Courses that you are taking are added. If any changes will happen in the curriculum let me know and I will change the base immediately. Loves, Hüseyin.
1 Likes | 0 Copies
Debatabase: All Episodes of Kinda Funny's Debatable
The complete list of Kinda Funny's Debatable episodes, including all Top 10 lists created and a tally of wins by contestant. Thanks to Reddit user OMGLX for the infographics! [](
0 Likes | 0 Copies
Freelance Writer Template
Hi, I started freelancing a little over a year ago, and I wanted to share the spreadsheets I use to keep track of everything from writing assignments to pitches to finances. Hope this helps! -B.
0 Likes | 27 Copies
Healthy Colony Checklist v2019.04
This is a template of a base for Healthy Colony Checklist (HCC) data. The latest version of the hardcopy HCC form can be found at []( ). This base also includes tables for recording Varroa drop and wash counts, hive scale weight data, scale inventory and allocation, hive tracking (movement), and queen tracking. Comments and suggestions to [email protected].
0 Likes | 0 Copies
Martin Strid Super Project Template
A base for projects of every kind. Collaborate or work alone. Improving all the time.
0 Likes | 1 Copies
App/Website Events Tracking Plan
As a business owner, while working on any product or service, you have to constantly ask yourself: in order to improve my business, what do I need to measure and how am I going to do that? After all, you can’t manage what you don’t measure…let alone hoping to improve it. I recently found myself going through this process of trying to define key events that I should track within my mobile app while also having to explain what sort of data need to be passed with these events. This is important because it reduces errors that could happen when developers try to implement these tracking points. I started doing this on a Google sheet but quickly found out that using Airtable for this might be more intuitive and user-friendly in addition to being able to group, sort, filter as needed. Therefore, I created a simple analytics events tracking Airtable sheet that may help you define & document the various events that you may wish to track.
0 Likes | 10 Copies
2019 Word Count Tracking Template
Track your word counts, build and maintain the habit of consistent writing. If you use Scrivener, for example, it offers a strong Project Targets with word count and writing history. However, if you are like me and write at crossover times like 11pm-1am, the writing history does not take this into account to track accordingly. And so I prefer having my own simple, one-input tracker. For those seeking more advanced features, you would likely require Blocks and can try messing with that if you are paying for Airtable, but I am a free-tier user. Also, I have implemented a lot of attempts at additional tables that provide reports and so forth, but ultimately, I found that keeping it simple is best. The most complexity I allowed was a Notes column, where I would put something like "Joe and Donny scene at restaurant" to give a tiny history of what I worked on that day (but this is optional). Remember, just right-click the column header for a project and Duplicate to add more projects to track. I figured 3 is enough for most of us. Enjoy! ?
0 Likes | 1 Copies
Travel Blog Organzier
This base is all about blogging. Its geared toward a travel blog since that is what I personally use it for but it can easily be adjusted for any type of blog. This allows you to keep track of post ideas, drafts, images, social media, afflitate links and lead magnets. I hope this helps you as much as it helps me!
0 Likes | 1 Copies
Fun Stuff To Do In Accra
A collection of fun places and activities to do in Accra
0 Likes | 0 Copies
Rolodex for the 21st Century
This base should be used to collect information throughout the course of networking and meeting people. Business cards can be discarded now! Take a photograph of the card, and put the relevant information in the base. Other information, like followup date & method, as well as notes from conversations can be easily added. A benefit of Airtable is its relational tables. If used correctly, you can easily sort by the companies and cities your contacts work at or in. If there's something more specific to you industry, this base can accommodate that too. Happy networking.
0 Likes | 15 Copies
Timey Wimey Time Tracker with billable hours
An easy time tracker with a lot of features. POPULATING THE TIME TRACKER 1. Export your Google or Outlook calendar to a CSV format. There are several tools that’ll export a time-delimited calendar (GCal2Excel, CalendarLabs, CalendarHelp, GTimeReport). 2. Import your CSV file to this Airtable base. 3. The time fields will probably appear as "pasted fields." Change them, or move the information, so that you have a “start time” and “end time” fields, formatted to the minute. (In this base, I've done that.) 4. Add fields that categorize work time in any way that works for you. (I've put in some.) Use Airtable views to categorize types of work you're doing, break effort into pieces of work for a particular project, view work by type of effort, summarize how much time you spent on each piece of work...what you will. I've included a couple of views that you can play with. USING THE TIME TRACKER This time tracker is really easy to use. Enter your data in the "Notetaking" view. Keep the Time Tracker open in your browser. 1. Every time you finish working on something, simply go into Notetaking. Double-click "Today" in the “end time” field and it will put in the exact time you finished. 2. Then note the type of work you're starting and double-click "Today" in the “start time” field. BILLING The "Total billable" field in the Time table will track total billable hours against a project. Obviously there's lots more you can do with billing, project owners, and projects. GETTING SNARKY WITH TIME TRACKING You can track not only time, but utility. The "Full grid" view contains fields for "Impact" and "Effort." Each can be H, M, or L. (So, for instance, High impact, Low effort, is low-hanging fruit.) If you choose, you can enter values for impact and effort. The base will look on the Value table and come up with a calculated value for that work. Dare we say there some stuff not worth doing?
0 Likes | 0 Copies
Money Lending
This is a simple template for keeping track of money lent to people. \Note\ This comes set up so that you have to put in a negative number in the amount section to represent money owed being given back.
0 Likes | 0 Copies
Jewelry Sales Tracking
This base is designed to help with inventory, supplies, design, and sales tracking specifically for jewelry designers (although it could be customized for other types of products as well). You can track your supply orders and current stock of different supplies/pieces, create designs by combining supplies and price them accordingly, and list them in an online gallery, complete with links to pre-filled order forms. You can also track vendor events you sell your jewelry at to see what your most profitable shows are. I tried to set it up to be fairly intuitive to use.
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Fintech startups list funded in 2018
I make huge startups list by category, recent funding and location. Recently I started to turn those startups lists into CEO's contact lists. Currently I've complied two email lists. If you wanna have look 1. Angel, Seed, Series A funded startups CEO's contact list 2. Fintech startup's CEO's contact list Most importantly if you're a startups, I would suggest that you connect with me. I'm making some cool resources for startups and also trying to help startups reach a little more people. You can find my social accounts at Thank you
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GOYA - Cosmetic formulation app
GOYA is an app built for the cosmetic formulation student that needs to get things organized. It already has a lot of data, but it’s my work in progress and it’s up to you to decide if you want to keep it, change it or complete it. GOYA is a framework – you will build it and shape it. The more you work on it, the better it will be. GOYA has been designed to: - help you study; - allow you to effectively organize the knowledge you progressively acquire; - organize your ingredients, containers and equipment inventory; - contain your lab notebook with self-generated codes per batch; - make you save time and allow you to obtain information about your formulas – it gives you automatically generated reports on pretty much everything you input in the base (reports of all types: graphs, geotracking for your stock and for a particular formula, fatty acid % in a formula, properties of a formula based on its ingredients, and many others); - be fully customizable, meaning you can adapt it to your own needs. Follow the instructions - check the last table, ?TOOLS - GOYA. More details here: [](
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Fahrtenbuch mit umfangreichen Aufzeichnungsmöglichkeiten. Reiseaufzeichnungen mit projekt- und aktivitätsbezogenen Daten sind möglich. Tankaufzeichnungen mit Belegführung selbstredend. €/Liter, Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit werden berechnet.
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New Creators
People joining as creators this month
Timeshare CMO
Digital Marketing Intelligence, when you need it. At Timeshare CMO, we solve problems for marketers using data, customer empathy, and common sense, helping clients convince their teams to take action.

Hope Bennett
A foodie. A foul-mouthed delight. A writer. I get paid to write for international companies by day and get to create what I love at night.
Beautiful Music You Never Heard Before
This started as a Google Plus community. It's a very diverse collection of music which I find beautiful. Most of it will will be new to you. Hope you enjoy.

Sherman Sanders
Founding Member of the Gryphon Games & Comics Cooperative in Fort Collins. Love games! Love putting things together with Airtable.
Gert Köhler
Beratender Ingenieur · Bauvorlageberechtigt
CiTR Radio
CiTR 101.9 FM is the broadcasting voice of UBC Vancouver, situated on the unceded, traditional Coast Salish territory of the Hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ speaking Musqueam people.

Sukh Kalsi
Peak States Expert. I help people to eliminate chronic stress, perform better and play bigger through my online school and 1-to-1 sessions. Take my free mini-course at

Bryan Smith
Having fun with Airtable!
Roger Zhu
Product Designer @Panorama Education. @RISD alumni. Always reading and wondering.
The Sailing Pilot
A Commercial Pilot with a flair for sailing. Just moved into a Beneteau 411 Sailboat a year ago. Being my first experience at sea, had to rely on Airtable to manage everything in the boat.
Ignacio Fonts
Marco Echeverria
Project Manager: Process Controls and Simulation Systems, with key roles in Project Management, Business Development and Residential Construction Management.
Mark Karstad
I am a backyard bee keeper hobbyist, who wants to document all the actives within and around his hives. In my professional life, I am Manager of Academic Technologies in a Medical College.

Chad Altemose

Paul Heitsch
I'm a full-time audiobook narrator and producer, and previously worked as a pianist, composer, and sound designer.
Thanh Nguyen
UGA student
Hüseyin İyibaş
Software Engineer who is graduated from the Izmir University of Economics.

Baylea Jones
Baylea Jones is a freelance writer and high school teacher living in Houston with her wife. She holds an MFA in creative writing from WNEU. Also, she really likes spreadsheets.
Abdulrahman Hariri
Founder of, a tech communication platform connecting experts with mentees in the MENA region. Teaching entrepreneurship in Arabic through my educational platform

Always interested in improving, a large part of which is helping others to improve!

Life Beyond Zebra/TNT Creates
My name is Taci, I am the main author and photographer at Life Beyond Zebra and a Photographer and Creator behind TNT Creates. I am also a DIY lover!
Joseph-Albert Kuuire
UX Designer/User Research based in Accra Ghana. Editor at

Marshall Schurtz
Archaeology PhD Student at the University of Pennsylvania. My dissertation involves fieldwork conducted in Iraq over the last five years.

Sarah Smith
Writer; hybrid-publishing my own and others' work. Rabid fan of making data lovely.

Sebastian Dziedzic
Filipa Didier
I'm the manager of a beautiful bookstore, an avid reader, an art-doll maker and an organic skincare formulation student. And I use Airtable for EVERYTHING.