Top 10
New Followers
The creators with most new followers in this month

WeWork UX
User experience design @ WeWork. We create and inspire compelling and effective experiences through deep data-driven human understanding.
Total Followers: 227

David Peterson
Growth @ Airtable. Organizing the world one base at a time.
Total Followers: 195

Alison Eldridge
Digital content manager for
Total Followers: 25

Steve's Seaside Allotment
I've tried lots of ways to manage my allotment. This collection of simple databases has proved to be the best so far. I particularly like the fact that I can access them from my tablet, phone and PC
Total Followers: 43

Howie Liu
Cofounder of Airtable.
Total Followers: 100

Getting started templates
Total Followers: 5

Sai Warang
Trying to live by the mantra of reducing complexity in the world through a combination of technology and communication. Helping build and grow Shopify Capital during the day. @cyprusad on Twitter ??
Total Followers: 64

W. Vann Hall
Short version: Consultant, developer, and author with extensive data and telecommunications experience. | Long version: | Fun version:
Total Followers: 77
Gareth Pronovost
Gareth builds professional solutions for his clients using Airtable. He records videos on his personal creations and showcases them on his blog. Learn more:
Total Followers: 9

We're creating the highest-quality content on the internet for SaaS businesses.
Total Followers: 39
Top 10
New Copies
The bases with the most new copies this month
Development & pre-production
Every creative pursuit starts with an idea—even those iconic pieces of entertainment that have defined popular culture. But how does an idea for a film or TV show turn into its final product, and how can you easily track its development along the way? This development and pre-production template allows you to do just that for any forthcoming video production, while also helping you scout potential talent and pitch to possible distribution partners. Much like the creative process itself, this template begins with the idea development stage in a table that features all essential information about a film or TV show. Assign producers, keep track of scripts and contracts, and oversee each potential title’s evolution through different views such as the development pipeline. Once an idea is greenlit, use the Pitches table to plan meetings and log networks’ feedback. If you meet a television executive looking for a new fall sitcom, add their contact information to the distribution partners table and try pitching them something that their competitor rejected. And in the Talent table, maintain a list of the actors you’ve worked with on particular projects, as well as their agents.
Total Copies: 80
Content studio
As the internet has expanded, so have the possibilities for today’s digital media companies, whose websites and social accounts often blur the line between a newspaper, a lifestyle magazine, and a television network. With so many pieces and types of content to publish and promote daily, how can a virtual “content studio” stay organized and efficient without sacrificing creativity? This template makes it easy to track the production of everything from articles to GIFs, while also managing the team that creates it all. The first two tables contain the themes and content verticals that define a digital media brand, and the individual pieces of content, or assets, that make them up. Set production schedules and publishing dates in the publishing calendar, and stay on top of production with the content status board. When you have a new content idea, the asset tracker lets you quickly determine its format and channel, as well as the producers, writers, and editors who will create it. Keep a directory of your studio’s content creators in the production team table, which shows their work history and current availability. If your studio is seeking to create a piece of content with a high production value, develop a detailed plan using the last table, which is designed for long-form projects like documentary videos and editorial features.
Total Copies: 51
Marketing content promotion tracker
Although commercial advertisements are still essential in entertainment marketing, many of today’s film and TV campaigns go above and beyond with promotional assets like parties and social-media buzz. Whether you’re spreading the word about a new documentary, a TV show’s season premiere, or a film’s online streaming launch, this content promotion template is designed with all forms of marketing in mind—from the traditional on-air video clip to event planning and web advertising—to ensure that people will hear about it. Add your campaigns to the first table and view them all at a glance in the gallery or calendar. You can also easily manage and assign campaign leads, who may then use built-in personalized views to see only the projects they own, allowing for a more focused workflow. The second table lets you create detailed campaign plans, each with several promotional assets. Brainstorm events, draft social-media copy, and schedule due dates in the grid view—and look at the status board to make sure everything’s on track for launch. Finally, use the third table to quickly access basic information about the films and TV shows at the center of your marketing campaigns, such as their producers and plot summaries.
Total Copies: 41
Content programming & promotions tracker
Television networks, streaming services, and other popular entertainment platforms typically have dozens of programs on their roster at any given time. This template is designed to make it easy for such platforms to plan and promote their programming, from managing season premiere dates to scheduling commercials. The first table in this template is a programming calendar, where you can view and edit fundamental info about your platform’s series and their seasons. Assign creative directors with a click in the two grid views, schedule new season launches in the premiere calendar, and view each show at a glance in the archive gallery. Get into more detail in the episode schedule table by brainstorming plots and planning airdates. In the weeks leading up to a season premiere, develop a successful marketing campaign with the promotional assets table. Use the asset launch calendar and status board to manage the production of on-air teasers, topicals, and spots, and let your team members submit ideas for additional assets via the request form.
Total Copies: 26
The Writer's Dashboard.
A workflow base for freelancer writers. From pitches to invoices - manage your creative life and stay on top of deadlines. From the founders of KINDRD, an interactive, multi-service creative company. Order a digital copy of _First Draft_, our 48-page guidebook for aspiring freelance writers. Sign up for our newsletter for $5 off your purchase:
Total Copies: 9
Swipe File
Hey ? I'm Morgan, a content creator at Crash, a startup that helps people launch their careers. I Googled quite a lot recently, trying to find a good swipe file template (an idea I'll always credit to Dave Gerhardt at Drift). But there wasn't a good one out there. So I made one. My team and I are dedicated to helping people discover and do what makes them come alive–which means we try extra hard to discover and do what makes us come alive, too. This project was born out of a challenge to create a cool new tool daily–and I could've really used this base a few weeks ago when I was Googling for something like it. You can copy this base and use it however you'd like. Thanks for stopping by–and have fun swiping stuff!
Total Copies: 9
SeekAssist Base
SeekAssist is a chrome extension that will take your research on Google to the next level! SeekAssist effortlessly puts your search results in an Airtable database, de-duplicates the results, and even helps you find new keywords to search! This is the base Airtable for Seek Assist's search chrome extension. For the chrome extension see: [](
Total Copies: 5
Course Instructional Design Template
I developed this base to better aid instructional designers and faculty in visualizing and planning out course goals, objectives, tasks, and assessments. Because of the nature of Airtable, the base is completely scalable and adaptable no matter what type of pedagogy or learning theories are adopted. While it is currently set up as a demo course that is self-paced with flexible, student-chosen assessments, you could also plug in dates and use it with blocks to create timelines for your course. The org chart and gantt blocks can be useful in giving faculty a better understanding of the scaffolded approach to teaching, building upon content and assessments to reach the desired level of mastery. It contains three tables: one for modules (or time periods) with tasks and assessments, one for goals, and one for objectives. Starting with developing goals and objectives, the designer/faculty are able to move from abstract to concrete representations of what is being learned and how. Additionally, because the module view asked for linked goals and objectives for each task and assessment, designers can ensure alignment between all aspect of the course. Fields for criteria ensure that assessments contain clear, specific requirements for students to prove mastery of a subject. I'm continually making improvements and designing this table so if you have suggestions or improvements you'd like to share, please let me know - I love connecting with others, learning from them, and continually innovating our own approaches.
Total Copies: 3
Social Services Directory v.2.0
This is an implementation of the Human Services Data Specification (HSDS), modified slightly to better work with Airtable. HSDS is designed to support the publication of open, interoperable community resource directory data. The documentation [here]( describes the structure of HSDS data, and provides the authoritative definition of the fields used in HSDS and HSDA. Once your data is organized in this template, you can deploy our open source, mobile-friendly directory application to make that information accessible to the public. Directory Demo: Directory Code: Learn More: Funding for the latest update to this project came from a grant from Georgia's Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Office of Children, Youth and Families Previous funding and support has come from [Sahana Software Foundation](, [Sarapis]( and [Open Referral](
Total Copies: 2
Rock Paper Airtable
Rock Paper Airtable This formula was the Airtable [contest winner]( for April. For a video demo and some information about myself check out my interview with [Built on Air]( overview: This is a playable "Rock Paper Scissors" game against Airtable. The game play is best using a public form view which allows anyone to play regardless if they have an Airtable account. game definition: Rock–paper–scissors (also known as scissors–rock–paper or other variants) is a hand game usually played between two people, in which each player simultaneously forms one of three shapes with an outstretched hand. These shapes are "rock" (a closed fist), "paper" (a flat hand), and "scissors" (a fist with the index finger and middle finger extended, forming a V). "Scissors" is identical to the two-fingered V sign (also indicating "victory" or "peace") except that it is pointed horizontally instead of being held upright in the air. A simultaneous, zero-sum game, it has only two possible outcomes: a draw, or a win for one player and a loss for the other. Credit: [Wiki Article](–paper–scissors) "AI" design: Airtable's choice is based on a sudo random number generator: ``` IF({Human_Choice}, SWITCH( MOD( VALUE( DATETIME_FORMAT(CREATED_TIME(),'s') ),3 ), 0,'?', 1,'?', 2,'✂️' ) ) ``` apologies markdown is not agreeing with indentations What it's doing is choosing based on the time of record creation. It's clock just happens to only have a seconds hand there is only three. Instead of the clock having numbers they are "Rock, Paper, scissors". This formula was the Airtable [contest winner]( for April. interface design: A Public Form View: this is a single entry form where the player chooses their move A Public Block View: this is a page designer block that always shows the most recent result of a match. It is expected that there is only one human player at a time. bonus: Also included is a separate table ["Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock"]( which is a game created within the show "The Big Bang Theory".
Total Copies: 2
New Bases
Bases added to the universe this month
Course Instructional Design Template
I developed this base to better aid instructional designers and faculty in visualizing and planning out course goals, objectives, tasks, and assessments. Because of the nature of Airtable, the base is completely scalable and adaptable no matter what type of pedagogy or learning theories are adopted. While it is currently set up as a demo course that is self-paced with flexible, student-chosen assessments, you could also plug in dates and use it with blocks to create timelines for your course. The org chart and gantt blocks can be useful in giving faculty a better understanding of the scaffolded approach to teaching, building upon content and assessments to reach the desired level of mastery. It contains three tables: one for modules (or time periods) with tasks and assessments, one for goals, and one for objectives. Starting with developing goals and objectives, the designer/faculty are able to move from abstract to concrete representations of what is being learned and how. Additionally, because the module view asked for linked goals and objectives for each task and assessment, designers can ensure alignment between all aspect of the course. Fields for criteria ensure that assessments contain clear, specific requirements for students to prove mastery of a subject. I'm continually making improvements and designing this table so if you have suggestions or improvements you'd like to share, please let me know - I love connecting with others, learning from them, and continually innovating our own approaches.
0 Likes | 3 Copies
Social Services Directory v.2.0
This is an implementation of the Human Services Data Specification (HSDS), modified slightly to better work with Airtable. HSDS is designed to support the publication of open, interoperable community resource directory data. The documentation [here]( describes the structure of HSDS data, and provides the authoritative definition of the fields used in HSDS and HSDA. Once your data is organized in this template, you can deploy our open source, mobile-friendly directory application to make that information accessible to the public. Directory Demo: Directory Code: Learn More: Funding for the latest update to this project came from a grant from Georgia's Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Office of Children, Youth and Families Previous funding and support has come from [Sahana Software Foundation](, [Sarapis]( and [Open Referral](
0 Likes | 2 Copies
CaracasFutura CARACASFutura es un concepto que espera resemantizar la idea de los homenajes a la ciudad y abandonar la retórica de la nostalgia, transformándola en un insumo testimonial, para ahora abordar la idea de una capital en proyección real, tangible y futura. Será necesario prestar atención a que los lenguajes utópicos no se apoderen de las actividades y que cada una de las acciones que se lleven a cabo arroje algún insumo con rédito político, con la meta de que active políticas públicas y pueda incorporarse como una idea factible y viva. Con esta intención se han articulado cinco marcos conceptuales que pueden guiar a cada organización que forme parte de la celebración, siendo lo ideal que cada una logre al menos una actividad de cada tipo.
0 Likes | 0 Copies
SeekAssist Base
SeekAssist is a chrome extension that will take your research on Google to the next level! SeekAssist effortlessly puts your search results in an Airtable database, de-duplicates the results, and even helps you find new keywords to search! This is the base Airtable for Seek Assist's search chrome extension. For the chrome extension see: [](
0 Likes | 5 Copies
Development & pre-production
Every creative pursuit starts with an idea—even those iconic pieces of entertainment that have defined popular culture. But how does an idea for a film or TV show turn into its final product, and how can you easily track its development along the way? This development and pre-production template allows you to do just that for any forthcoming video production, while also helping you scout potential talent and pitch to possible distribution partners. Much like the creative process itself, this template begins with the idea development stage in a table that features all essential information about a film or TV show. Assign producers, keep track of scripts and contracts, and oversee each potential title’s evolution through different views such as the development pipeline. Once an idea is greenlit, use the Pitches table to plan meetings and log networks’ feedback. If you meet a television executive looking for a new fall sitcom, add their contact information to the distribution partners table and try pitching them something that their competitor rejected. And in the Talent table, maintain a list of the actors you’ve worked with on particular projects, as well as their agents.
0 Likes | 80 Copies
Outlining a Big Fat Epic Fantasy with Airtable
Multiple timelines, hundreds of characters, locations all over the known world. How do you keep track of them--and strengthen your book? Award-winning mystery/SF/fantasy writer Sarah Smith, who can't plot to save her life, shows her method. Here's the article about using it: The art comes from a wonderful article on io9 by Lauren Panepinto.
0 Likes | 0 Copies
Product Testimonials
Testimonials are crucial to any business as they provide social proof. The very presence of social proof makes a business more trustworthy because social proof, by definition, comes from customers, not the business itself. Many founders are afraid to ask their customers for feedback and reviews. Your customers want to help you! We created this Airtable base to help companies automate the collecting and organizing of testimonials from their customers. See it in action: [](
0 Likes | 1 Copies
Content programming & promotions tracker
Television networks, streaming services, and other popular entertainment platforms typically have dozens of programs on their roster at any given time. This template is designed to make it easy for such platforms to plan and promote their programming, from managing season premiere dates to scheduling commercials. The first table in this template is a programming calendar, where you can view and edit fundamental info about your platform’s series and their seasons. Assign creative directors with a click in the two grid views, schedule new season launches in the premiere calendar, and view each show at a glance in the archive gallery. Get into more detail in the episode schedule table by brainstorming plots and planning airdates. In the weeks leading up to a season premiere, develop a successful marketing campaign with the promotional assets table. Use the asset launch calendar and status board to manage the production of on-air teasers, topicals, and spots, and let your team members submit ideas for additional assets via the request form.
0 Likes | 26 Copies
The Writer's Dashboard.
A workflow base for freelancer writers. From pitches to invoices - manage your creative life and stay on top of deadlines. From the founders of KINDRD, an interactive, multi-service creative company. Order a digital copy of _First Draft_, our 48-page guidebook for aspiring freelance writers. Sign up for our newsletter for $5 off your purchase:
0 Likes | 9 Copies
Swipe File
Hey ? I'm Morgan, a content creator at Crash, a startup that helps people launch their careers. I Googled quite a lot recently, trying to find a good swipe file template (an idea I'll always credit to Dave Gerhardt at Drift). But there wasn't a good one out there. So I made one. My team and I are dedicated to helping people discover and do what makes them come alive–which means we try extra hard to discover and do what makes us come alive, too. This project was born out of a challenge to create a cool new tool daily–and I could've really used this base a few weeks ago when I was Googling for something like it. You can copy this base and use it however you'd like. Thanks for stopping by–and have fun swiping stuff!
1 Likes | 9 Copies
Campaign Manager for Game/Dungeon Masters
This base was created for the tracking and organizing of a campaign with different linking and views set up. It is completely customizable and can be used for D&D 5e or any other tabletop roleplaying game. There is also a task/to-do list in order to keep track of what you are working on what needs to be done as well.
0 Likes | 0 Copies
Organic Farm
Organic farms are required to maintain extensive records to maintain certification. This database allows tracking of all soil inputs, seed sources, plant starts grown in a greenhouse, history of what was planted or transplanted in each bed in each field location, history of harvests and history of sales. Records are linked allowing each item sold to be tracked back to a particular harvest, from a particular bed. Url fields are included - this be used to link to images of seed packages and soil input packages stored in Google Photos. Using the iPhone or Android Airtable app will allow you to record your field work directly from the field.
0 Likes | 0 Copies
Marketing content promotion tracker
Although commercial advertisements are still essential in entertainment marketing, many of today’s film and TV campaigns go above and beyond with promotional assets like parties and social-media buzz. Whether you’re spreading the word about a new documentary, a TV show’s season premiere, or a film’s online streaming launch, this content promotion template is designed with all forms of marketing in mind—from the traditional on-air video clip to event planning and web advertising—to ensure that people will hear about it. Add your campaigns to the first table and view them all at a glance in the gallery or calendar. You can also easily manage and assign campaign leads, who may then use built-in personalized views to see only the projects they own, allowing for a more focused workflow. The second table lets you create detailed campaign plans, each with several promotional assets. Brainstorm events, draft social-media copy, and schedule due dates in the grid view—and look at the status board to make sure everything’s on track for launch. Finally, use the third table to quickly access basic information about the films and TV shows at the center of your marketing campaigns, such as their producers and plot summaries.
0 Likes | 41 Copies
Rock Paper Airtable
Rock Paper Airtable This formula was the Airtable [contest winner]( for April. For a video demo and some information about myself check out my interview with [Built on Air]( overview: This is a playable "Rock Paper Scissors" game against Airtable. The game play is best using a public form view which allows anyone to play regardless if they have an Airtable account. game definition: Rock–paper–scissors (also known as scissors–rock–paper or other variants) is a hand game usually played between two people, in which each player simultaneously forms one of three shapes with an outstretched hand. These shapes are "rock" (a closed fist), "paper" (a flat hand), and "scissors" (a fist with the index finger and middle finger extended, forming a V). "Scissors" is identical to the two-fingered V sign (also indicating "victory" or "peace") except that it is pointed horizontally instead of being held upright in the air. A simultaneous, zero-sum game, it has only two possible outcomes: a draw, or a win for one player and a loss for the other. Credit: [Wiki Article](–paper–scissors) "AI" design: Airtable's choice is based on a sudo random number generator: ``` IF({Human_Choice}, SWITCH( MOD( VALUE( DATETIME_FORMAT(CREATED_TIME(),'s') ),3 ), 0,'?', 1,'?', 2,'✂️' ) ) ``` apologies markdown is not agreeing with indentations What it's doing is choosing based on the time of record creation. It's clock just happens to only have a seconds hand there is only three. Instead of the clock having numbers they are "Rock, Paper, scissors". This formula was the Airtable [contest winner]( for April. interface design: A Public Form View: this is a single entry form where the player chooses their move A Public Block View: this is a page designer block that always shows the most recent result of a match. It is expected that there is only one human player at a time. bonus: Also included is a separate table ["Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock"]( which is a game created within the show "The Big Bang Theory".
0 Likes | 2 Copies
Content studio
As the internet has expanded, so have the possibilities for today’s digital media companies, whose websites and social accounts often blur the line between a newspaper, a lifestyle magazine, and a television network. With so many pieces and types of content to publish and promote daily, how can a virtual “content studio” stay organized and efficient without sacrificing creativity? This template makes it easy to track the production of everything from articles to GIFs, while also managing the team that creates it all. The first two tables contain the themes and content verticals that define a digital media brand, and the individual pieces of content, or assets, that make them up. Set production schedules and publishing dates in the publishing calendar, and stay on top of production with the content status board. When you have a new content idea, the asset tracker lets you quickly determine its format and channel, as well as the producers, writers, and editors who will create it. Keep a directory of your studio’s content creators in the production team table, which shows their work history and current availability. If your studio is seeking to create a piece of content with a high production value, develop a detailed plan using the last table, which is designed for long-form projects like documentary videos and editorial features.
0 Likes | 51 Copies
IStructE CM Exam Questions
IStructE Past papers and their respective reports. The base if not fully complete as it needs to be populated with the exam questions' building types but at least it provides the links in a way that is easy to navigate.
0 Likes | 2 Copies
Movie Collection
Track your movie collection discs and digital
0 Likes | 0 Copies
Stephen King: Books and Adaptations
This is a database with all books written by Stephen King and their adaptations, such as movies, TV shows, audiobooks, etc. It also contains all short stories published in his collections and a few connections among books, such as characters, prequels, and sequels.
0 Likes | 1 Copies
New Creators
People joining as creators this month
Patrick Ford
My name is Patrick Ford and I am the primary user of Airtable for the CIDL at Anderson University. We are instructional designers, media specialists, and technologists.

Jesus Vasquez

Charles Fayal

Getting started templates

Sarah Smith
Mystery and fantasy/SF novelist, database geek. for a selection of bestselling, award-winning novels. "Smart people save themselves by saving each other."
Ryan Hickman
Partner EPIC.Ai
Ashley Simpo
I'm a freelance writer and the Co-Founder of KINDRD - an interactive, multi-service creative company.
Morgan Von Gunten
content creator and community manager @Crash. turning systems into stories. in Him, all things are held together.
Michael Codis

Tim Lai
Chartered Engineer, digital entrepreneur, CEO of The Structural Exam®

Steve Buberl
I do stuff