Top 10
New Followers
The creators with most new followers in this month

Steve's Seaside Allotment
I've tried lots of ways to manage my allotment. This collection of simple databases has proved to be the best so far. I particularly like the fact that I can access them from my tablet, phone and PC
Total Followers: 38

WeWork UX
User experience design @ WeWork. We create and inspire compelling and effective experiences through deep data-driven human understanding.
Total Followers: 215

David Peterson
Growth @ Airtable. Organizing the world one base at a time.
Total Followers: 188

W. Vann Hall
Short version: Consultant, developer, and author with extensive data and telecommunications experience. | Long version: | Fun version:
Total Followers: 74

Katherine Duh
Marketing at Airtable. And a whole lot of Universe stuff ??? Twitter: @katherineduh
Total Followers: 89

Howie Liu
Cofounder of Airtable.
Total Followers: 95
Filipa Didier
I'm the manager of a beautiful bookstore, an avid reader, an art-doll maker and an organic skincare formulation student. And I use Airtable for EVERYTHING.
Total Followers: 3
Brandon Abbott
Brandon is a minister and writer in Nashville, TN, where he lives with his wife and three kids. Read Brandon's work on Medium:
Total Followers: 4

Tony Mataya
I work on Lifecycle marketing at Twilio. Home is Dallas, TX.
Total Followers: 62
Gareth Pronovost
Gareth builds professional solutions for his clients using Airtable. He records videos on his personal creations and showcases them on his blog. Learn more:
Total Followers: 6
Top 10
New Likes
The bases with the most new likes this month
? Blackjack
Blackjack (Air)table This is fully playable game of black jack using Airtable. Directions for play as well as general blackjack rules are included in the base. This supports multiple players, so feel free to invite your entire workplace. Why did someone use Airtable for this? Because I wasn't sure I could. Randomness is difficult when you can't just call a function for it. I ended up shuffling the deck using the Airtable recordID. Feel free to look under the hood at how everything works or.. _Just enjoy a game of cards._
Total Likes: 2
Packing List
After taking a few trips recently and discovering too late that I'd forgotten to pack some things, I decided to build a packing list. However, I didn't just want it to be a simple single-table, single-view checklist. I wanted some encouragement to think more carefully about each trip _before_ I actually began to pack for it, and wanted some more advanced features to make the list more flexible and streamlined. Oddly enough, I took the time to build most of this on the day that I needed to pack for another trip. ? NOTE: Even though the term "trip" appears a lot in the description below, this base can be used for more than just out-of-town trips. Use it for any situation where you're hauling stuff around and want to make sure you have it all before you head out: presenting at a meeting, delivering a keynote speech, running a booth at a convention, taking/teaching a class, etc. Plan Before You Pack The problem that I often run into is that I'm trying to figure out what I need to pack at the very moment I need to pack it. If I'm in a hurry, this sometimes means that things get overlooked. That's one of the reasons that I made this a two-step process. The first step is planning, which occurs in the Plan view of the _Items to Pack_ table. Add items you'll need for your next trip as they come to mind, and begin doing this as far in advance as possible. This will minimize the likelihood of forgetting something. This master list is meant to be used for multiple trips, so don't think that you have to delete everything once the trip ends. Just leave it there and use it for any other trip that you plan. Once you have your list build, there are two ways to use it when it comes to packing: 1: Item-by-Item Selection Do you pack different things for each trip? Check the "Do/Pack?" field next to each item as needed for the next trip. Switch to the Pack view when you're ready to begin packing, and only those checked items will appear. 2: Packing Presets Do you make the same kind of trip frequently? Skip the manual checking of items and consider using the Presets feature. Mark certain items with a preset tag of your choosing in the "Preset" field, then use the filter in the Preset view to only show those tagged items when packing. Item Quantity If you need to pack a specific number of a certain item, check the " ?" field for that item. By default, the base will assume that you need to pack one for each day of your trip, with the trip length being set in the "Notes" field of the "Trip Duration (days)" record at the very top of the list. You can override this one-per-day assumption for each record in two ways: 1. Use the " Total" field to enter an exact count needed for that item, which ignores the trip length. 2. Use the " Per Day" field to set a custom per-day multiplier value. The final total will appear in the "" field for each record where " ?" has been checked. Clear The Clear view allows you to quickly reset between trips. Select the three field headers, press the Delete/Backspace key to remove all the field data, and you're ready to plan the next trip. Locations Customize the records in the _Locations_ table, then keep track of where you're packing things by setting the value of the Location field for each item on either the Pack or Preset view. Attachments Want to have a photo backup of certain documents? Or perhaps store a photo of your luggage in case it goes missing? Both the _Items to Pack_ and _Locations_ tables have Attachments fields for just such purposes.
Total Likes: 1
How Kiwi uses Airtable
Kiwi has fulfilled over 38'000 orders, built over 150 robots, and now has robots rolling around in over 12 cities.
Total Likes: 1
Archaeology Excavation Database
This serves as a great base to create a database for an archaeological excavation. This is based on research I conducted for my dissertation, with the data scrubbed. This will allow management of digital images, qualitative, and quantitative recordings. Additionally, it can be used in the field, using the Airtable app, as well as in lab research, managing data such as archaebotanical results. For the many excavations using Excel, your data can be easily imported and cleaned up to match this format. With data in this Airtable base, you are able to easily look up relevant info and, compared to more advanced and expensive databases, quickly add new categories. Use your own recording system, but this is based on a system recording contexts as Site-Locus-Lot, with multiple possible bags from each context. Happy researching.
Total Likes: 1
21 Unique Honeymoon Hotels
Looking for somewhere a little different to go on your honeymoon? Check out these 21 unique hotels and experiences to make your honeymoon an adventure worth having.
Total Likes: 1
Self-Build or Renovation Project Management Toolkit
Designed for self-builders building or renovating a home with an architect or architectural designer or technician. This toolkit will help the self-builder through the building process and keep track of every task and every person involved. It makes assigning responsibility easy and allows self builders to break down the process by room, by task, by responsibility, by consultant or by time frame. Each detail of the project from finding land, through foundations to fitting pictures is listed and sorted so deadlines, budgets and tasks can be tracked. Users have found it saves them lots of time on the often overlooked administration element of the project allowing them to keep projects running smoothly and the momentum up. [](
Total Likes: 1
A Scheduling Framework
As is the case with many of my bases, this originated as the answer to a question on Airtable Community and was first published in the 'Show and Tell' section of that forum. However, the base is more than just a demonstration of scheduling routines: It also functions as a standalone app for template-driven scheduling of recurring and one-off tasks. A detailed Users Guide is provided as a PDF attachment in the base's [Documentation] table, offering step-by-step instructions on building and instancing process templates, defining tasks, modifying them through drag-and-drop in a calendar view, and automating parts of the process through Zapier. There is also an animated GIF in [Documentation] that illustrates some features and actions. From the introduction to the Users Guide: > Process templates add additional power to Airtable’s already impressive calendaring support by allowing recurring activities to be defined as a series of interrelated tasks. Instances of these predefined processes can then be scheduled, with each component task assigned the appropriate date. > > For instance, imagine you are responsible for publishing a monthly newsletter. For each issue, there are a number of tasks that have to be performed: Write the newsletter, proof the copy, find photos to illustrate the articles, get managerial sign-off on content, and the like. The steps are the same for each month, and each month the tasks fall on the same days in relation to the publication date: Sign-off 3 days before publication, layout completed 5 days before publication, and so on. > > Using this framework, you would first create a ‘Publish Newsletter’ process template in the [Templates] table, with ‘Publish’ defined as the MasterTask and each process step – ‘Write’, ‘Proofread’, ‘Sign-off’, etc. – as Subtasks. Then, each month you would create new task in the scheduling table (‘June newsletter’, for instance) and assign it a [Task] type of ‘Publish’. This in turn causes the framework to generate and schedule each of the component Subtasks. > > The framework uses Airtable Calendar views for adjusting and displaying finalized schedules. Calendars can contain a mixture of template-driven (‘Publish newsletter’) and ad hoc (‘Dentist appointment’) tasks and events. The framework allows for dates and date ranges to be configured as workday-only, automatically adjusting dates that fall on a weekend or holiday to the nearest preceding or following workday, as desired. > > Both 1-Day and Multi-Day events and tasks are supported, with Multi-Day events configured by specifying either start and end dates or start date and duration in days or workdays. The framework allows both types of Multi-Day event to be adjusted using drag-and-drop in a Calendar view, even those configured using a duration – and, thus, having a calculated end date – which Airtable otherwise will not allow. > > Finally, the framework leverages the power of Airtable’s Organization Chart Block to provide graphical representations of template and scheduling task hierarchies.
Total Likes: 1
Top 10
New Copies
The bases with the most new copies this month
Packing List
After taking a few trips recently and discovering too late that I'd forgotten to pack some things, I decided to build a packing list. However, I didn't just want it to be a simple single-table, single-view checklist. I wanted some encouragement to think more carefully about each trip _before_ I actually began to pack for it, and wanted some more advanced features to make the list more flexible and streamlined. Oddly enough, I took the time to build most of this on the day that I needed to pack for another trip. ? NOTE: Even though the term "trip" appears a lot in the description below, this base can be used for more than just out-of-town trips. Use it for any situation where you're hauling stuff around and want to make sure you have it all before you head out: presenting at a meeting, delivering a keynote speech, running a booth at a convention, taking/teaching a class, etc. Plan Before You Pack The problem that I often run into is that I'm trying to figure out what I need to pack at the very moment I need to pack it. If I'm in a hurry, this sometimes means that things get overlooked. That's one of the reasons that I made this a two-step process. The first step is planning, which occurs in the Plan view of the _Items to Pack_ table. Add items you'll need for your next trip as they come to mind, and begin doing this as far in advance as possible. This will minimize the likelihood of forgetting something. This master list is meant to be used for multiple trips, so don't think that you have to delete everything once the trip ends. Just leave it there and use it for any other trip that you plan. Once you have your list build, there are two ways to use it when it comes to packing: 1: Item-by-Item Selection Do you pack different things for each trip? Check the "Do/Pack?" field next to each item as needed for the next trip. Switch to the Pack view when you're ready to begin packing, and only those checked items will appear. 2: Packing Presets Do you make the same kind of trip frequently? Skip the manual checking of items and consider using the Presets feature. Mark certain items with a preset tag of your choosing in the "Preset" field, then use the filter in the Preset view to only show those tagged items when packing. Item Quantity If you need to pack a specific number of a certain item, check the " ?" field for that item. By default, the base will assume that you need to pack one for each day of your trip, with the trip length being set in the "Notes" field of the "Trip Duration (days)" record at the very top of the list. You can override this one-per-day assumption for each record in two ways: 1. Use the " Total" field to enter an exact count needed for that item, which ignores the trip length. 2. Use the " Per Day" field to set a custom per-day multiplier value. The final total will appear in the "" field for each record where " ?" has been checked. Clear The Clear view allows you to quickly reset between trips. Select the three field headers, press the Delete/Backspace key to remove all the field data, and you're ready to plan the next trip. Locations Customize the records in the _Locations_ table, then keep track of where you're packing things by setting the value of the Location field for each item on either the Pack or Preset view. Attachments Want to have a photo backup of certain documents? Or perhaps store a photo of your luggage in case it goes missing? Both the _Items to Pack_ and _Locations_ tables have Attachments fields for just such purposes.
Total Copies: 26
? Blackjack
Blackjack (Air)table This is fully playable game of black jack using Airtable. Directions for play as well as general blackjack rules are included in the base. This supports multiple players, so feel free to invite your entire workplace. Why did someone use Airtable for this? Because I wasn't sure I could. Randomness is difficult when you can't just call a function for it. I ended up shuffling the deck using the Airtable recordID. Feel free to look under the hood at how everything works or.. _Just enjoy a game of cards._
Total Copies: 17
Translation Management System for Translators
Project Management solution created to help translators manage clients, projects, files, generate estimates and invoices with ease. In order to use all features in this base, you will need to have a premium account or be on a premium trial, as we used the blocks feature to automatically generate estimates and invoices.
Total Copies: 16
Self-Build or Renovation Project Management Toolkit
Designed for self-builders building or renovating a home with an architect or architectural designer or technician. This toolkit will help the self-builder through the building process and keep track of every task and every person involved. It makes assigning responsibility easy and allows self builders to break down the process by room, by task, by responsibility, by consultant or by time frame. Each detail of the project from finding land, through foundations to fitting pictures is listed and sorted so deadlines, budgets and tasks can be tracked. Users have found it saves them lots of time on the often overlooked administration element of the project allowing them to keep projects running smoothly and the momentum up. [](
Total Copies: 10
A Scheduling Framework
As is the case with many of my bases, this originated as the answer to a question on Airtable Community and was first published in the 'Show and Tell' section of that forum. However, the base is more than just a demonstration of scheduling routines: It also functions as a standalone app for template-driven scheduling of recurring and one-off tasks. A detailed Users Guide is provided as a PDF attachment in the base's [Documentation] table, offering step-by-step instructions on building and instancing process templates, defining tasks, modifying them through drag-and-drop in a calendar view, and automating parts of the process through Zapier. There is also an animated GIF in [Documentation] that illustrates some features and actions. From the introduction to the Users Guide: > Process templates add additional power to Airtable’s already impressive calendaring support by allowing recurring activities to be defined as a series of interrelated tasks. Instances of these predefined processes can then be scheduled, with each component task assigned the appropriate date. > > For instance, imagine you are responsible for publishing a monthly newsletter. For each issue, there are a number of tasks that have to be performed: Write the newsletter, proof the copy, find photos to illustrate the articles, get managerial sign-off on content, and the like. The steps are the same for each month, and each month the tasks fall on the same days in relation to the publication date: Sign-off 3 days before publication, layout completed 5 days before publication, and so on. > > Using this framework, you would first create a ‘Publish Newsletter’ process template in the [Templates] table, with ‘Publish’ defined as the MasterTask and each process step – ‘Write’, ‘Proofread’, ‘Sign-off’, etc. – as Subtasks. Then, each month you would create new task in the scheduling table (‘June newsletter’, for instance) and assign it a [Task] type of ‘Publish’. This in turn causes the framework to generate and schedule each of the component Subtasks. > > The framework uses Airtable Calendar views for adjusting and displaying finalized schedules. Calendars can contain a mixture of template-driven (‘Publish newsletter’) and ad hoc (‘Dentist appointment’) tasks and events. The framework allows for dates and date ranges to be configured as workday-only, automatically adjusting dates that fall on a weekend or holiday to the nearest preceding or following workday, as desired. > > Both 1-Day and Multi-Day events and tasks are supported, with Multi-Day events configured by specifying either start and end dates or start date and duration in days or workdays. The framework allows both types of Multi-Day event to be adjusted using drag-and-drop in a Calendar view, even those configured using a duration – and, thus, having a calculated end date – which Airtable otherwise will not allow. > > Finally, the framework leverages the power of Airtable’s Organization Chart Block to provide graphical representations of template and scheduling task hierarchies.
Total Copies: 8
How Kiwi uses Airtable
Kiwi has fulfilled over 38'000 orders, built over 150 robots, and now has robots rolling around in over 12 cities.
Total Copies: 6
100 Cannabis Strains You Must Try Before You Die
This base was inspired by Leafly's "The 100 Cannabis Strains You Must Try Before You Die"-- []( It's pretty much a book club for cannabis. The base was designed to be used both privately or socially with a group of friends. It allows you to track your cannabis consumption while learning more about strains you may already be familiar with. This base allows you to discover new strains while comparing your consumption with your homies. If you copy the base and invite your friends to collaborate, you can then use it in a book club style way. Pick a strain that sounds good, or start from the top. If you prefer to keep your consumption to yourself, then you can also use it as a personal cannabis strain tracker. All of the information, including pictures, are from [](, "the world’s largest cannabis information resource." Learn more about []( here: []( I am in no way affiliated with [](
Total Copies: 3
Golf Handicap Calculator
A simple base to track golf scores and calculate your handicap.
Total Copies: 2
Por que las personas con las que colaboramos diariamente son MUCHO más que Nombres y de Teléfono, en LIFEPLANNER queremos compartirte nuestro CRM. La fortaleza de nuestro sistema radica en las 4 etiquetas para categorizar a cada colaborador. 1. Profesión. 2. Puesto. 3. Gustos. 4. Personalidad. Este CRM te va a ayudar a conocer mejor a tus colaboradores e irte ganando gradualmente su confianza y formar lazos de amistad verdaderos, al recordarte que tienen gustos personales, tales como el FOOTBALL o la MÚSICA y poder interesarte en su vida personal, no solo en la profesional. Encuentra más formas de planear y organizar tu vida en nuestro BLOG o en nuestro PODCAST en nuestra página.
Total Copies: 2
Bring Kids Inside You Out
These are my projects for Content Marketing with fun like kids when playing in the playground. For me selling is about educating people, and when educating people, fun is a great tool for educating. If selling is educating then marketing is schooling.
Total Copies: 2
New Bases
Bases added to the universe this month
Packing List
After taking a few trips recently and discovering too late that I'd forgotten to pack some things, I decided to build a packing list. However, I didn't just want it to be a simple single-table, single-view checklist. I wanted some encouragement to think more carefully about each trip _before_ I actually began to pack for it, and wanted some more advanced features to make the list more flexible and streamlined. Oddly enough, I took the time to build most of this on the day that I needed to pack for another trip. ? NOTE: Even though the term "trip" appears a lot in the description below, this base can be used for more than just out-of-town trips. Use it for any situation where you're hauling stuff around and want to make sure you have it all before you head out: presenting at a meeting, delivering a keynote speech, running a booth at a convention, taking/teaching a class, etc. Plan Before You Pack The problem that I often run into is that I'm trying to figure out what I need to pack at the very moment I need to pack it. If I'm in a hurry, this sometimes means that things get overlooked. That's one of the reasons that I made this a two-step process. The first step is planning, which occurs in the Plan view of the _Items to Pack_ table. Add items you'll need for your next trip as they come to mind, and begin doing this as far in advance as possible. This will minimize the likelihood of forgetting something. This master list is meant to be used for multiple trips, so don't think that you have to delete everything once the trip ends. Just leave it there and use it for any other trip that you plan. Once you have your list build, there are two ways to use it when it comes to packing: 1: Item-by-Item Selection Do you pack different things for each trip? Check the "Do/Pack?" field next to each item as needed for the next trip. Switch to the Pack view when you're ready to begin packing, and only those checked items will appear. 2: Packing Presets Do you make the same kind of trip frequently? Skip the manual checking of items and consider using the Presets feature. Mark certain items with a preset tag of your choosing in the "Preset" field, then use the filter in the Preset view to only show those tagged items when packing. Item Quantity If you need to pack a specific number of a certain item, check the " ?" field for that item. By default, the base will assume that you need to pack one for each day of your trip, with the trip length being set in the "Notes" field of the "Trip Duration (days)" record at the very top of the list. You can override this one-per-day assumption for each record in two ways: 1. Use the " Total" field to enter an exact count needed for that item, which ignores the trip length. 2. Use the " Per Day" field to set a custom per-day multiplier value. The final total will appear in the "" field for each record where " ?" has been checked. Clear The Clear view allows you to quickly reset between trips. Select the three field headers, press the Delete/Backspace key to remove all the field data, and you're ready to plan the next trip. Locations Customize the records in the _Locations_ table, then keep track of where you're packing things by setting the value of the Location field for each item on either the Pack or Preset view. Attachments Want to have a photo backup of certain documents? Or perhaps store a photo of your luggage in case it goes missing? Both the _Items to Pack_ and _Locations_ tables have Attachments fields for just such purposes.
1 Likes | 26 Copies
Golf Handicap Calculator
A simple base to track golf scores and calculate your handicap.
0 Likes | 2 Copies
? Blackjack
Blackjack (Air)table This is fully playable game of black jack using Airtable. Directions for play as well as general blackjack rules are included in the base. This supports multiple players, so feel free to invite your entire workplace. Why did someone use Airtable for this? Because I wasn't sure I could. Randomness is difficult when you can't just call a function for it. I ended up shuffling the deck using the Airtable recordID. Feel free to look under the hood at how everything works or.. _Just enjoy a game of cards._
2 Likes | 17 Copies
100 Cannabis Strains You Must Try Before You Die
This base was inspired by Leafly's "The 100 Cannabis Strains You Must Try Before You Die"-- []( It's pretty much a book club for cannabis. The base was designed to be used both privately or socially with a group of friends. It allows you to track your cannabis consumption while learning more about strains you may already be familiar with. This base allows you to discover new strains while comparing your consumption with your homies. If you copy the base and invite your friends to collaborate, you can then use it in a book club style way. Pick a strain that sounds good, or start from the top. If you prefer to keep your consumption to yourself, then you can also use it as a personal cannabis strain tracker. All of the information, including pictures, are from [](, "the world’s largest cannabis information resource." Learn more about []( here: []( I am in no way affiliated with [](
0 Likes | 3 Copies
How Kiwi uses Airtable
Kiwi has fulfilled over 38'000 orders, built over 150 robots, and now has robots rolling around in over 12 cities.
1 Likes | 6 Copies
My Jokes Warehouse
Lorem ispum
0 Likes | 0 Copies
Por que las personas con las que colaboramos diariamente son MUCHO más que Nombres y de Teléfono, en LIFEPLANNER queremos compartirte nuestro CRM. La fortaleza de nuestro sistema radica en las 4 etiquetas para categorizar a cada colaborador. 1. Profesión. 2. Puesto. 3. Gustos. 4. Personalidad. Este CRM te va a ayudar a conocer mejor a tus colaboradores e irte ganando gradualmente su confianza y formar lazos de amistad verdaderos, al recordarte que tienen gustos personales, tales como el FOOTBALL o la MÚSICA y poder interesarte en su vida personal, no solo en la profesional. Encuentra más formas de planear y organizar tu vida en nuestro BLOG o en nuestro PODCAST en nuestra página.
0 Likes | 2 Copies
Translation Management System for Translators
Project Management solution created to help translators manage clients, projects, files, generate estimates and invoices with ease. In order to use all features in this base, you will need to have a premium account or be on a premium trial, as we used the blocks feature to automatically generate estimates and invoices.
0 Likes | 16 Copies
Archaeology Excavation Database
This serves as a great base to create a database for an archaeological excavation. This is based on research I conducted for my dissertation, with the data scrubbed. This will allow management of digital images, qualitative, and quantitative recordings. Additionally, it can be used in the field, using the Airtable app, as well as in lab research, managing data such as archaebotanical results. For the many excavations using Excel, your data can be easily imported and cleaned up to match this format. With data in this Airtable base, you are able to easily look up relevant info and, compared to more advanced and expensive databases, quickly add new categories. Use your own recording system, but this is based on a system recording contexts as Site-Locus-Lot, with multiple possible bags from each context. Happy researching.
1 Likes | 0 Copies
21 Unique Honeymoon Hotels
Looking for somewhere a little different to go on your honeymoon? Check out these 21 unique hotels and experiences to make your honeymoon an adventure worth having.
1 Likes | 1 Copies
Self-Build or Renovation Project Management Toolkit
Designed for self-builders building or renovating a home with an architect or architectural designer or technician. This toolkit will help the self-builder through the building process and keep track of every task and every person involved. It makes assigning responsibility easy and allows self builders to break down the process by room, by task, by responsibility, by consultant or by time frame. Each detail of the project from finding land, through foundations to fitting pictures is listed and sorted so deadlines, budgets and tasks can be tracked. Users have found it saves them lots of time on the often overlooked administration element of the project allowing them to keep projects running smoothly and the momentum up. [](
1 Likes | 10 Copies
Bring Kids Inside You Out
These are my projects for Content Marketing with fun like kids when playing in the playground. For me selling is about educating people, and when educating people, fun is a great tool for educating. If selling is educating then marketing is schooling.
0 Likes | 2 Copies
Transaction Portal
Transaction Portal
0 Likes | 0 Copies
Ghana Tech Ecosystem Database
A database of startups, tech companies, hubs and communities in Ghana
0 Likes | 0 Copies
Qualitative Research Tracker
Even the smallest comment from your users deserves to be shared. Collect and track qualitative research across a team of researchers. Integrate with Slack notifications to share your findings with the product team.
0 Likes | 1 Copies
Hillcreste at Thousand Oaks Capital Projects
_Welcome!_ This is the webpage for Hillcreste at Thousand Oaks capital projects!
0 Likes | 0 Copies
A Scheduling Framework
As is the case with many of my bases, this originated as the answer to a question on Airtable Community and was first published in the 'Show and Tell' section of that forum. However, the base is more than just a demonstration of scheduling routines: It also functions as a standalone app for template-driven scheduling of recurring and one-off tasks. A detailed Users Guide is provided as a PDF attachment in the base's [Documentation] table, offering step-by-step instructions on building and instancing process templates, defining tasks, modifying them through drag-and-drop in a calendar view, and automating parts of the process through Zapier. There is also an animated GIF in [Documentation] that illustrates some features and actions. From the introduction to the Users Guide: > Process templates add additional power to Airtable’s already impressive calendaring support by allowing recurring activities to be defined as a series of interrelated tasks. Instances of these predefined processes can then be scheduled, with each component task assigned the appropriate date. > > For instance, imagine you are responsible for publishing a monthly newsletter. For each issue, there are a number of tasks that have to be performed: Write the newsletter, proof the copy, find photos to illustrate the articles, get managerial sign-off on content, and the like. The steps are the same for each month, and each month the tasks fall on the same days in relation to the publication date: Sign-off 3 days before publication, layout completed 5 days before publication, and so on. > > Using this framework, you would first create a ‘Publish Newsletter’ process template in the [Templates] table, with ‘Publish’ defined as the MasterTask and each process step – ‘Write’, ‘Proofread’, ‘Sign-off’, etc. – as Subtasks. Then, each month you would create new task in the scheduling table (‘June newsletter’, for instance) and assign it a [Task] type of ‘Publish’. This in turn causes the framework to generate and schedule each of the component Subtasks. > > The framework uses Airtable Calendar views for adjusting and displaying finalized schedules. Calendars can contain a mixture of template-driven (‘Publish newsletter’) and ad hoc (‘Dentist appointment’) tasks and events. The framework allows for dates and date ranges to be configured as workday-only, automatically adjusting dates that fall on a weekend or holiday to the nearest preceding or following workday, as desired. > > Both 1-Day and Multi-Day events and tasks are supported, with Multi-Day events configured by specifying either start and end dates or start date and duration in days or workdays. The framework allows both types of Multi-Day event to be adjusted using drag-and-drop in a Calendar view, even those configured using a duration – and, thus, having a calculated end date – which Airtable otherwise will not allow. > > Finally, the framework leverages the power of Airtable’s Organization Chart Block to provide graphical representations of template and scheduling task hierarchies.
1 Likes | 8 Copies
New Creators
People joining as creators this month
Justin Barrett
Tech/creative dabbler since the age of 10. Originally an animator/TD, now a teacher of animators and a freelance sports marketing consultant. Lives near Fort Worth, TX.
Andrew Bartholomew
AC Dye
Social Media Strategist & Antiques Dealer | Twitter: acdyee |

Sasha Iatsenia
Sasha is passionate about building products users love by day, making art by night. He's a child of the world currently living in SF.
Quote Translations
Quote Translations is a Language Service Provider (LSP) offering translation, localization and multilingual content management to international brands worldwide.

Anna Swierenga
Designer, obsessive organizer, traveler and wannabe event planner.
Millar Howard Workshop
Award-winning UK architects. We work closely and collaboratively with clients to understand their requirements and then meet these in exciting, beautiful and imaginative ways.

DiSPlay Project
This is my Playground. Welcome to all who going to play in here with me.

Vincent Dapiton
Peter Jones
UX Designer and Product Strategist.

Acumen Investment Group, LLC
A Veteran owned and operated multi-family construction management firm.