10/25/2022 – BuiltOnAir Live Podcast Full Show – S12-E07

Duration: 49 minutes

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The BuiltOnAir Podcast is Sponsored by On2Air – Integrations and App extensions to run your business operations in Airtable.

In This Episode

Welcome to the BuiltOnAir Podcast, the live show.  The BuiltOnAir Podcast is a live weekly show highlighting everything happening in the Airtable world.

Check us out at BuiltOnAir.com. Join our community, join our Slack Channel, and meet your fellow Airtable fans.

Todays Hosts

Kamille Parks – I am an Airtable Community Forums Leader and the developer behind the custom Airtable app “Scheduler”, one of the winning projects in the Airtable Custom Blocks Contest now widely available on the Marketplace. I focus on building simple scripts, automations, and custom apps for Airtable that streamline data entry and everyday workflows.

Dan Fellars – I am the Founder of Openside, On2Air, and BuiltOnAir. I love automation and software. When not coding the next feature of On2Air, I love spending time with my wife and kids and golfing.

Show Segments

Round The Bases – 00:04:04 –

Following Articles Used in this Segment:

[Web] AirOps Masters Training

Air Chefs – 00:36:21 –

Watch as Scott Rose (Make.com) takes on Ben Green (Zapier.com) to improve the base Invoice Generation from the Airtable Universe, and make it even better with automations, different field types, and apps from the marketplace.

Automate Create – 00:50:03 –

Watch as we review and work through automations. Kamille Parks will demonstrate how to auto assign tasks to the collaborator who created a record

Full Segment Details

Segment: Round The Bases

Start Time: 00:04:04

Roundup of what’s happening in the Airtable communities – Airtable, BuiltOnAir, Reddit, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.

Following Articles Used in this Segment:

[Web] AirOps Masters Training

Segment: Air Chefs

Start Time: 00:36:21

Scott Rose (Make.com) vs Ben Green (Zapier.com) improve the Airtable base, Invoice Generation

Watch as Scott Rose (Make.com) takes on Ben Green (Zapier.com) to improve the base Invoice Generation from the Airtable Universe, and make it even better with automations, different field types, and apps from the marketplace.

Segment: Automate Create

Start Time: 00:50:03

Airtable Automations – Auto Assign Tasks

Watch as we review and work through automations. Kamille Parks will demonstrate how to auto assign tasks to the collaborator who created a record

Full Transcription

The full transcription for the show can be found here:

[00:01:41] Welcome to the BuiltOnAir podcast.
[00:01:44] Season 12, episode seven.
[00:01:46] Good to be back with you
[00:01:48] as always live every Tuesday
[00:01:50] at 11 a.m. Eastern.
[00:01:51] We've got a full house with us.
[00:01:54] Kamille welcome back as always.
[00:01:56] Good to have you.
[00:01:57] We have Alli is was supposed to be
[00:02:00] back but apparently
[00:02:02] she is stuck in Italy I
[00:02:03] believe and her flight got delayed
[00:02:06] home from Italy,
[00:02:07] so she should be back with
[00:02:09] us next week,
[00:02:10] but we do have two
[00:02:12] experts with us, familiar faces.
[00:02:14] Ben Green and Scott Rose.
[00:02:16] Welcome, Thank you so much
[00:02:19] thanks for having me,
[00:02:20] always good to have you back
[00:02:21] and we're gonna have a friendly
[00:02:22] competition between Ben and Scott
[00:02:25] coming up in the show, excited for that.
[00:02:27] So that will be fun.
[00:02:29] They're both kind enough
[00:02:31] to join and take on a little
[00:02:33] competition. So I'll walk through
[00:02:35] what we are going to be doing today.
[00:02:37] It's always roughly a one hour show.
[00:02:40] We do a few segments,
[00:02:41] learning about Airtable
[00:02:43] how we can use it
[00:02:44] in our businesses and personal life.
[00:02:46] We will start off talking about
[00:02:48] what's going on,
[00:02:49] keep you up to date in any news
[00:02:51] and topics and gossip
[00:02:52] of what's going on in
[00:02:54] the Airtable communities.
[00:02:56] And then we will introduce our challenge,
[00:02:59] We call this our air chefs, Scott Rose
[00:03:02] will be representing team make
[00:03:05] and Ben Green representing
[00:03:07] team Zapier and we
[00:03:08] will give them a challenge.
[00:03:10] They don't know the challenge yet.
[00:03:11] So they will,
[00:03:12] we'll tell it to them
[00:03:14] when we introduce it and then they'll get
[00:03:16] busy going to work and building out
[00:03:19] an automation in those two platforms and
[00:03:22] we'll see how they build it live
[00:03:23] and then see what
[00:03:24] they've built at the end of
[00:03:25] the show and compare and contrast.
[00:03:28] Maybe Kamille will be
[00:03:29] our judge to determine
[00:03:30] a winner.
[00:03:33] And then after that
[00:03:34] we'll do a spotlight
[00:03:36] while Scott and Ben are working,
[00:03:38] we'll talk about our primary sponsor
[00:03:40] On2Air and then Kamille will go through
[00:03:42] an automation of
[00:03:44] auto assigning tasks
[00:03:47] to collaborators and then we will
[00:03:51] spotlight our community
[00:03:52] and then we'll come back
[00:03:54] to Scott and Ben on what
[00:03:55] they've built. So
[00:03:57] with that we will start with our
[00:03:59] Round the Bases,
[00:04:00] see what is going on in the
[00:04:02] Airtable world.
[00:04:04] As far as Airtable announcements
[00:04:09] I
[00:04:09] lost my link
[00:04:15] go real quick,
[00:04:17] lost my link to the first one.
[00:04:22] Here we go.
[00:04:23] So there was only really one
[00:04:25] announcement from Airtable this week
[00:04:28] was about updates to the rest api
[00:04:30] so for the developers out there,
[00:04:32] they added a new feature,
[00:04:34] Kamille or Scott, I think Scott
[00:04:36] you commented on this
[00:04:38] thread, you want to explain
[00:04:39] what's going on here?
[00:04:40] Yeah, it gives you the ability to
[00:04:44] to what they call up cert to record what
[00:04:47] that means is that if it finds
[00:04:49] the matching record
[00:04:50] based on the criteria that
[00:04:52] you specify,
[00:04:53] it will update that record
[00:04:55] that records fields that you specify.
[00:04:58] However, if it can't find
[00:05:00] a matching record,
[00:05:02] then it will create a new record.
[00:05:04] So it's either update
[00:05:05] an existing record
[00:05:07] or create a new record based on the
[00:05:09] criteria that you're searching for.
[00:05:12] Right right so basically
[00:05:15] handle all in one before
[00:05:17] you had to query to see if it
[00:05:20] existed. If it did then update
[00:05:23] otherwise create.
[00:05:24] So this saves a query to do
[00:05:27] it all in one. So any unless
[00:05:31] unless you use Integromat.
[00:05:33] Of course Scott.
[00:05:35] Yes.
[00:05:37] Yeah so. Exactly yeah.
[00:05:38] So now what's interesting,
[00:05:40] it's funny you bring that up
[00:05:41] because there are some distinctions.
[00:05:43] The Airtable version of absurd is pretty
[00:05:45] basic. And make had built
[00:05:48] their own Integromat
[00:05:50] now known as make they
[00:05:52] have built their own up cert command
[00:05:55] like a couple of years ago and it's
[00:05:57] actually more powerful than the Airtable
[00:06:01] up cert because what it can do is
[00:06:03] it can up cert many,
[00:06:05] it can update many many
[00:06:07] records at a time.
[00:06:08] And there's some
[00:06:09] other distinctions as well.
[00:06:11] I think I might have covered
[00:06:13] them in that thread there
[00:06:15] but I'm pretty sure
[00:06:17] did you tell I'm pretty sure
[00:06:20] you can update multiple
[00:06:21] at the same time with this.
[00:06:23] It seems like based on what
[00:06:25] that Airtable employee said
[00:06:28] that it will only
[00:06:29] update one.
[00:06:31] Oh it will it will find one match.
[00:06:34] It'll only find one match
[00:06:35] and it will update
[00:06:36] one but I don't know what
[00:06:38] but I guess if it finds multiple matches,
[00:06:42] I don't know how it responds.
[00:06:43] I think it would only
[00:06:44] maybe update the first one
[00:06:45] whatever it considers
[00:06:47] to be the first one that
[00:06:50] Yeah so this so per per record
[00:06:52] that you're updating here.
[00:06:55] So this is matching on
[00:06:56] the name. So each of these
[00:06:58] will update where it finds
[00:07:01] one record that matches
[00:07:02] this name. If there is a match
[00:07:05] otherwise it'll create. So you can update
[00:07:07] multiple records just not with the same
[00:07:12] Entry here. So each one of these
[00:07:15] records that you pass will update one.
[00:07:18] Right, exactly.
[00:07:19] And so let's just say hypothetically
[00:07:21] in that example there if
[00:07:23] you had two records
[00:07:24] that were labeled kickoff design
[00:07:27] working in progress then
[00:07:30] Airtable is only going to update
[00:07:31] one of them with the up cert.
[00:07:33] Right. Right. Yeah. So your
[00:07:35] your fields to emerge on
[00:07:37] should be considered a
[00:07:39] unique field. Right
[00:07:42] yeah.
[00:07:43] For it to work or and that's why
[00:07:45] they give the option.
[00:07:46] You can actually match on
[00:07:47] multiple. Up to three I believe.
[00:07:50] So you can use a combination
[00:07:52] of three different fields
[00:07:54] to find a match.
[00:07:56] Yeah.
[00:07:57] So that is cool
[00:07:59] We also in On2Air we have this
[00:08:02] for the Zapier community
[00:08:05] with the On2Air plug in
[00:08:07] for Zapier you can do
[00:08:09] but and I and our as I imagine
[00:08:11] is the same as as make
[00:08:13] is we're essentially
[00:08:15] behind the scenes doing the look up
[00:08:17] and then and then matching
[00:08:19] and then updating
[00:08:20] or creating depending on
[00:08:22] if a match is found.
[00:08:23] So basically what what they're
[00:08:25] able to do now with one step so
[00:08:30] yeah so I am familiar with this,
[00:08:32] I wrote our own version of it.
[00:08:34] So that is good that save some time,
[00:08:38] save some resources on their API
[00:08:41] for I wonder if make will
[00:08:44] rewrite their version or not.
[00:08:46] There are some things that you can
[00:08:48] still do better by doing the double.
[00:08:50] Like our matching algorithm is
[00:08:53] is more robust
[00:08:55] you can match on partial match or
[00:08:58] or other things
[00:08:59] to determine what's a match.
[00:09:01] So there are some
[00:09:02] still some benefits to maybe
[00:09:04] using these other approaches.
[00:09:07] Yeah. You really added a lot
[00:09:09] of advanced functionality
[00:09:10] long before everyone else
[00:09:11] was doing it.
[00:09:12] Yeah. Yeah we were Zapier
[00:09:15] Zapier plug in was this
[00:09:17] functionality was up cert
[00:09:19] was like our first
[00:09:20] product that we released.
[00:09:22] Also do you also have
[00:09:23] the ability to monitor for
[00:09:24] deleted records or
[00:09:26] that's not possible?
[00:09:27] Only we have like a pseudo delete like
[00:09:30] you have to check a box saying
[00:09:32] I want this record deleted
[00:09:33] and then when you
[00:09:34] check that box we will delete it
[00:09:36] for you and then pass on the information.
[00:09:38] So it's a pseudo delete
[00:09:42] but that's coming with their web hooks API
[00:09:45] they do have the ability to get
[00:09:47] notified via web hook
[00:09:49] when a record is deleted so
[00:09:51] that is coming
[00:09:53] hopefully by the end of the year.
[00:09:55] That's awesome.
[00:09:57] So that's out there.
[00:09:59] Alright. That was really the
[00:10:01] only big you know I think I
[00:10:04] don't know
[00:10:04] oh they did talk about,
[00:10:06] I didn't mention this,
[00:10:07] I didn't see it in the community
[00:10:10] but there are emails
[00:10:11] going out of oh wait never
[00:10:12] mind, we've got that,
[00:10:15] we'll come back to another announcement.
[00:10:18] There was some things posted that
[00:10:20] people in the BuiltOnAir community
[00:10:23] brought up that they didn't post about in
[00:10:25] the community. But this seems to be
[00:10:30] a new this is the step by step guide
[00:10:34] to what create a new view?
[00:10:38] Yeah
[00:10:40] I don't know if I've seen this.
[00:10:41] Are you seeing this in your bases?
[00:10:43] I haven't seen it yet.
[00:10:45] I think this was for bases
[00:10:47] that either had a lot of
[00:10:49] fields or a lot of records.
[00:10:54] And I you know the idea is to
[00:10:56] sort of make it load faster
[00:10:58] once it's in there.
[00:11:01] So you're before you,
[00:11:04] the original sort of functionality
[00:11:06] is you just create a button or you click a
[00:11:08] button that says create a new view
[00:11:10] of whatever type
[00:11:11] and then the view is created
[00:11:12] with no configuration in there,
[00:11:14] you give it a name,
[00:11:15] you start adding filters
[00:11:16] etcetera. This you click the button
[00:11:18] to create a new view. This model comes up
[00:11:21] and the view is not created until
[00:11:24] you hide certain fields and filter.
[00:11:28] Yeah I've noticed this when I go
[00:11:30] into existing views
[00:11:32] that have a lot of records
[00:11:34] and I have noticed myself getting
[00:11:37] very frustrated
[00:11:38] with the process of backing
[00:11:40] out of not trying to create filters.
[00:11:43] Because I try to click through the
[00:11:45] buttons really fast,
[00:11:46] but if I go to an existing view,
[00:11:48] a similar view pops up to
[00:11:49] this. It's like,
[00:11:50] Hey, there's a lot of records
[00:11:51] in this view. Maybe you want to filter it.
[00:11:53] And I'm like, no,
[00:11:54] not right now personally.
[00:11:56] And then it like takes me 15
[00:11:58] seconds to get their little pop up
[00:12:01] to go away.
[00:12:01] Do we know what the threshold is
[00:12:03] for a lot of records?
[00:12:07] That one 25,000
[00:12:10] yeah, this one has 2000.
[00:12:13] Well it has 2000 now.
[00:12:16] It's already been filtered.
[00:12:18] You know, it might have had, you know,
[00:12:19] who knows how many
[00:12:21] sometimes views don't need a filter
[00:12:23] at all and it's just now
[00:12:24] hiding certain fields.
[00:12:27] I think every view probably has certain
[00:12:30] field hidden or arranged a certain way
[00:12:33] or perhaps even grouped,
[00:12:34] but not every view
[00:12:36] is going to need to be filtered.
[00:12:39] I think it's funny how it tells you
[00:12:41] how many cells are hidden.
[00:12:43] Like, I don't know if that's relevant
[00:12:46] to know the cells that's a
[00:12:49] that's a multiplication
[00:12:50] of the columns times the rows. Right.
[00:12:53] Right.
[00:12:54] Yeah. I think it probably is
[00:12:55] relevant for Airtable
[00:12:56] when they're thinking
[00:12:57] through this and
[00:12:58] you give us on this and it's like
[00:13:00] that's how many cells they have to load.
[00:13:02] So that's their kind of limitation
[00:13:05] with the records on the table.
[00:13:07] So that's probably why they think
[00:13:09] that would be really useful to show them.
[00:13:10] Like that's why it's so slow. Yeah.
[00:13:15] Yeah, I mean, I mean, I think yeah,
[00:13:18] rows or columns or fields hidden would
[00:13:21] probably be more relevant to the user.
[00:13:24] Well, you already see how many fields are
[00:13:26] hidden. 130.
[00:13:29] Right, that's true. That's true,
[00:13:33] Jen just said in the comments,
[00:13:34] it's just another way to
[00:13:36] overwhelm new users.
[00:13:36] It's, it's, they're really going off
[00:13:39] in my personal opinion in the wrong
[00:13:41] direction. Like if you create a,
[00:13:42] let's see, your brand new Airtable user,
[00:13:44] you create a brand new email account
[00:13:46] you never use with an Airtable account
[00:13:47] before and you sign up for Airtable,
[00:13:50] you can't even get to the creation of a
[00:13:53] new base without going through
[00:13:55] a little sample training
[00:13:56] that they force you to
[00:13:57] go through of creating what
[00:13:59] they want you to create
[00:14:01] with their own base.
[00:14:02] And now they're doing it with this
[00:14:04] when you create new views.
[00:14:05] I've seen it in other areas too.
[00:14:07] I can't think of any of the top of my head
[00:14:08] right now, but it's like
[00:14:10] there's a lot of interference now
[00:14:13] with, with just people
[00:14:14] getting work done. I've noticed.
[00:14:17] Yeah, yeah,
[00:14:19] yeah, it is good.
[00:14:21] It's kind of different user.
[00:14:23] I think if you are just
[00:14:25] getting started out.
[00:14:26] There's benefits to going through that,
[00:14:28] but it should be an
[00:14:29] easy way to opt out of that.
[00:14:32] Yeah,
[00:14:33] Jim mentions create a video,
[00:14:35] how to set up a new workspace
[00:14:37] because someone was
[00:14:39] overwhelmed a lot of friction.
[00:14:42] Yeah, so good feedback for them.
[00:14:45] Yeah, hopefully it doesn't become so
[00:14:48] overbearing, there's too much going on.
[00:14:51] All right, let's move on.
[00:14:53] Another one from the
[00:14:54] BuiltOnAir community.
[00:14:55] Ben Bailey mentions this,
[00:14:57] This came out kind of competitive.
[00:15:00] we'll see Ben, the Zaper expert.
[00:15:04] So Zapier is, I don't,
[00:15:06] I wouldn't say
[00:15:07] they're going after Airtable,
[00:15:08] but there's definitely some
[00:15:09] overlap with this where you could
[00:15:12] potentially just use Zapier tables for
[00:15:16] simple use cases
[00:15:17] to store your data,
[00:15:18] especially if you're already
[00:15:20] in the Zapier world.
[00:15:22] I don't know if anybody has
[00:15:24] looked more into this,
[00:15:26] I didn't look into it at
[00:15:27] all, but I saw that this came out
[00:15:33] around the same time,
[00:15:35] this past weekend. I met Gareth
[00:15:37] for the first time
[00:15:38] and I was just checking
[00:15:40] my phone and I was like,
[00:15:41] oh my God, Zapier has its own
[00:15:42] tables now and like everyone around,
[00:15:44] it was just a bunch
[00:15:45] of Airtable it's being like,
[00:15:47] another one
[00:15:49] is pretty funny.
[00:15:52] Yeah, there's a lot of them. I saw,
[00:15:56] yeah, I mean, jot form has a tables,
[00:15:58] I don't, I don't think it's getting much
[00:16:01] traction, but we'll see, I mean,
[00:16:04] I don't think, I don't know, Ben,
[00:16:06] your big Zapier, is this something you see
[00:16:08] using a lot?
[00:16:10] Not, not personally, no.
[00:16:14] To me jot form it made sense
[00:16:16] to create their own
[00:16:18] version because they're
[00:16:19] already storing a bunch of data
[00:16:22] because they are a form
[00:16:23] collector and okay,
[00:16:24] I give you another way
[00:16:26] to display and connect your data.
[00:16:27] That makes sense.
[00:16:28] Zapier is they do what they
[00:16:30] they're they're like
[00:16:32] the name or one of the names
[00:16:34] in
[00:16:35] connecting all of these different apps
[00:16:38] together and not a name at all in my
[00:16:40] opinion, in collecting data per se,
[00:16:42] it's about sending data from one place to
[00:16:45] another and this just seems like,
[00:16:48] you know, fine.
[00:16:49] I'll make I'll make my own
[00:16:51] is how it feels. Yeah.
[00:16:52] Yeah, Jen mentioned
[00:16:54] she's used jot form
[00:16:56] and says it's terrible loads half the
[00:16:58] time.
[00:17:00] The other thing about Zapier
[00:17:03] was they also introduced a
[00:17:05] full on ui visual,
[00:17:06] basically like an interface designer.
[00:17:09] So they're definitely going more front end
[00:17:12] trying to be the full platform.
[00:17:15] Jen also mentions that Zapier
[00:17:18] already had data
[00:17:19] stores, and this is sort of just
[00:17:22] putting like an interface
[00:17:24] on top of data stores
[00:17:25] and make also has data stores,
[00:17:27] but it's, you know,
[00:17:29] it's behind the scenes,
[00:17:30] you can see it but it's sort of like
[00:17:32] it's not a beautiful user interface.
[00:17:36] Yeah.
[00:17:37] Yeah. So it's interesting Zapier
[00:17:39] I think with their interface designer and
[00:17:41] these tables like, you know,
[00:17:43] they'll have the automation the front end,
[00:17:46] the data storage. So they're trying to,
[00:17:50] you know, be an alternative
[00:17:52] approach to to Airtable,
[00:17:54] interesting. Yeah.
[00:17:56] Then I saw there was a TechCrunch article.
[00:17:59] I didn't list it here, but the note the
[00:18:03] the open source version
[00:18:07] no loco
[00:18:08] noloco.io raised like $10 million and
[00:18:13] trying to be the open
[00:18:15] source version of Airtable.
[00:18:17] So lots of different approaches to take.
[00:18:21] It's getting heated.
[00:18:24] People are really paying attention
[00:18:26] to Airtables growing success.
[00:18:28] Yeah, yeah, for sure.
[00:18:30] Yeah, we'll see with the new
[00:18:33] connected app platform if
[00:18:35] that becomes kind of the
[00:18:37] it will be interesting.
[00:18:38] I mentioned this when they came
[00:18:40] out with it
[00:18:41] if that becomes sort of the name
[00:18:44] with
[00:18:45] you know how things
[00:18:47] how to describe this, these markets.
[00:18:53] Amir says with a name like no loco,
[00:18:55] I can never take it seriously.
[00:18:57] No loco in spanish means like
[00:19:00] not crazy. Oh, that's so funny.
[00:19:03] Loco means crazy. Right.
[00:19:05] Right. I think people also
[00:19:07] underestimate that Airtable
[00:19:09] chose the letter A
[00:19:10] to start their name,
[00:19:11] so they're always at the top of every
[00:19:13] alphabetical list.
[00:19:15] That was why Steve Jobs
[00:19:16] chose Apple, it put him ahead
[00:19:18] of Atari in the phone book.
[00:19:20] Yeah. I don't know if that matters
[00:19:23] as much without phone books
[00:19:24] but well you know,
[00:19:25] it's sort of like when you're
[00:19:27] scrolling through like Zapier's list of
[00:19:28] supported,
[00:19:29] you know, it will always appear
[00:19:31] on everybody's first page
[00:19:34] of apps. Zapier will
[00:19:35] be last.
[00:19:36] Maybe that's why
[00:19:37] they have the underscoring.
[00:19:40] Yeah so interesting.
[00:19:42] We'll definitely keep an eye
[00:19:44] on alternative platforms.
[00:19:48] Okay moving on.
[00:19:51] Oh yeah this was brought up by Kuovonne
[00:19:55] and then Hannah posted so this was what
[00:19:57] I was thinking of.
[00:19:59] The attachment changes
[00:20:02] are happening November 2nd? Eighth,
[00:20:05] November 8th
[00:20:06] but now you can opt out of them.
[00:20:09] So this was the they're moving to
[00:20:12] where expiring URLs for your attachments
[00:20:16] is coming as the default
[00:20:18] and if you don't want that
[00:20:20] if you were using them
[00:20:22] I know Kamille you you were
[00:20:24] using them for your website
[00:20:26] and I think you already
[00:20:27] came up with a workaround.
[00:20:28] You should have waited,
[00:20:30] you should have procrastinated
[00:20:32] because then it never
[00:20:33] would have gotten done. Yeah
[00:20:36] that's right. So good things
[00:20:38] to those who waited.
[00:20:39] So now you can just opt out
[00:20:41] and keep your un expiring URLs at least
[00:20:45] until February of next year.
[00:20:49] And so maybe I don't know
[00:20:51] if they'll if they'll continue
[00:20:54] to allow you to opt out
[00:20:55] or if they will force at that point
[00:20:57] but they are giving a window to not
[00:21:00] change the behavior
[00:21:03] so that's good
[00:21:05] Scott says smart of them
[00:21:07] in the comments there.
[00:21:09] Alright. One more from the
[00:21:12] BuiltOnAir community. So this was just an
[00:21:15] article from fast company talking about
[00:21:18] the connected apps and and kind of the
[00:21:21] roadmap and Jan, databaser says that
[00:21:25] means are quoted from there that it
[00:21:28] means Airtable and its competitors
[00:21:30] will need to be even more focused on where
[00:21:32] they can differentiate themselves
[00:21:34] something. Howie the ceo seems
[00:21:36] to acknowledge in describing the company
[00:21:38] increased focus on larger companies
[00:21:41] and so quoting Howie says
[00:21:43] I've I think we have tried
[00:21:45] to be everything to
[00:21:46] everyone from a product
[00:21:47] roadmap standpoint.
[00:21:48] It's really hard to support both the
[00:21:50] tiny small business use cases
[00:21:52] while also trying to serve
[00:21:53] these larger customers.
[00:21:54] We're building out
[00:21:55] multi department workflows.
[00:21:57] This is the first time where
[00:21:59] we're really acknowledging
[00:22:00] hey we have to go all in
[00:22:02] on this north star building
[00:22:03] connected apps for the enterprise.
[00:22:06] So a little bit of a tip
[00:22:08] of the hat of where Airtable is headed
[00:22:10] thoughts?
[00:22:14] I'm not 100% sure I understand
[00:22:16] what he's saying
[00:22:18] to me, it sounds like a lot of
[00:22:20] marketing speak
[00:22:21] because they already creating
[00:22:22] aren't we all creating connected
[00:22:24] apps for businesses already?
[00:22:26] I think they're going larger upstream and
[00:22:30] trying to solve
[00:22:31] the small business use case.
[00:22:33] He doesn't say for business he says
[00:22:35] for the enterprise
[00:22:36] or the enterprise
[00:22:37] but what does that, how does that differ
[00:22:39] from where we are now?
[00:22:41] I mean what I'm hoping is
[00:22:42] maybe more record limits,
[00:22:43] maybe better speed maybe more
[00:22:46] there was the other big one.
[00:22:48] Automation runs maybe
[00:22:50] thinking a little bit more for the
[00:22:52] enterprise use cases
[00:22:54] like some of the stuff
[00:22:55] that's on the roadmap
[00:22:57] is like what they labeled as
[00:22:59] verified data and connected
[00:23:00] apps as multiple bases,
[00:23:02] multiple interfaces,
[00:23:03] working together with shared sets
[00:23:05] of data.
[00:23:06] So for enterprises having
[00:23:08] multiple workspaces,
[00:23:10] having like one source of truth,
[00:23:12] one source of verified data
[00:23:13] for certain things,
[00:23:14] like maybe it's a list of
[00:23:15] customers or like different employees,
[00:23:19] different tables that are verified.
[00:23:23] I think that's where they're kind of
[00:23:26] going with this and just the idea of
[00:23:28] needing to connect these
[00:23:29] different departments
[00:23:31] with
[00:23:33] kind of sources of truth.
[00:23:35] Yeah,
[00:23:36] ironically, I think it's
[00:23:37] by going on an enterprise level
[00:23:40] as your focus
[00:23:42] like the the first part of that quote
[00:23:44] was like, we can't be everything to
[00:23:46] everybody, but by going to
[00:23:48] enterprise it's sort of acknowledging
[00:23:51] that you're now
[00:23:53] ideal user,
[00:23:54] Someone at the enterprise level
[00:23:57] is going to have even more stuff
[00:24:00] stored in Airtable
[00:24:01] because a small business
[00:24:03] might only need Airtable to manage
[00:24:04] their inventory
[00:24:05] when they're like in the
[00:24:06] warehouse or something.
[00:24:07] But netflix and Disney
[00:24:09] and whoever else
[00:24:11] is on their enterprise list,
[00:24:13] they're gonna have
[00:24:14] people from the marketing team
[00:24:16] and they're gonna have people
[00:24:17] from their warehouse
[00:24:18] and they're gonna have,
[00:24:19] they're gonna have so many
[00:24:19] departments that are all going to
[00:24:21] have a little piece
[00:24:22] that could be done in Airtable
[00:24:24] and all of that needs to speak to
[00:24:26] each other and that's kind of feeding
[00:24:28] into the whole connected apps
[00:24:29] portion. It becomes more important
[00:24:32] that that data be accessible
[00:24:34] from the various
[00:24:35] different
[00:24:36] pieces of Airtable that one company
[00:24:39] is stringing together.
[00:24:41] I also think that this is going to
[00:24:44] have impact on pricing model I think,
[00:24:47] you know, maybe freemium goes away
[00:24:50] at some point which would be sad I think,
[00:24:53] you know, I imagine all of us
[00:24:55] on this call and listening
[00:24:57] use Airtable in our
[00:24:58] personal lives to do something
[00:25:00] and that use case might go away,
[00:25:03] which would be unfortunate.
[00:25:05] But you know, that's where it's like, like
[00:25:09] I don't, I'm not familiar
[00:25:11] with smart sheets
[00:25:12] because they don't really have a
[00:25:13] freemium tier that I would use
[00:25:15] for personal stuff, you know,
[00:25:17] but google sheets and
[00:25:19] so like I hope that they don't
[00:25:21] lose sight of the advantages
[00:25:24] of having personal
[00:25:25] use of Airtable
[00:25:26] and how that really translates
[00:25:28] to a marketing channel for them
[00:25:30] to get people familiar with it.
[00:25:33] That's my fear of moving too much to the
[00:25:36] enterprise and
[00:25:37] making it more difficult
[00:25:39] for people to engage with it.
[00:25:41] I agree,
[00:25:42] I agree as well.
[00:25:43] Question about the verified data
[00:25:45] is that what do they mean?
[00:25:47] But I read the article
[00:25:48] on the verified data, I didn't understand.
[00:25:49] Is that the same thing
[00:25:51] as single source of truth or
[00:25:53] is it a whole new feature?
[00:25:54] I think and I could be wrong,
[00:25:56] but my interpretation is
[00:25:58] when you have something
[00:25:59] like sync and two way syncing,
[00:26:02] you know anybody who has access to
[00:26:04] edit can go in and change status from in
[00:26:07] progress to done
[00:26:09] and that's just data
[00:26:11] I think when they say verified data
[00:26:13] there's one
[00:26:16] table or base that's being synced to
[00:26:19] one or more other places
[00:26:21] and you have a more,
[00:26:23] there's some sort of control
[00:26:25] that's gonna go in there
[00:26:27] that says only certain
[00:26:28] people or something can edit that data to
[00:26:33] update that record.
[00:26:34] So it's gone through
[00:26:36] someone's looked at it and said
[00:26:38] yep that is the most accurate up to date
[00:26:40] something or other
[00:26:42] because once you add in two way syncing
[00:26:45] now it's you know
[00:26:46] data passing back and forth
[00:26:48] which is great.
[00:26:49] However how do you know whoever just
[00:26:51] updated it last has the right
[00:26:53] you know, knowledge to do so
[00:26:55] I don't know. That's very interesting.
[00:26:57] Yeah maybe like one or two people
[00:26:59] whoever you specify like they can check a
[00:27:01] check mark and then
[00:27:02] it says verify.
[00:27:03] Like they're a manager
[00:27:04] or something and you
[00:27:05] know that they were the last eyes on it,
[00:27:08] they approved that this is
[00:27:10] the accurate data. Yeah.
[00:27:13] Yeah. My my guess is it would
[00:27:16] kind of be like you would
[00:27:18] be able to create a field type
[00:27:20] of like verified data
[00:27:22] that almost is like a link
[00:27:23] record. But the table
[00:27:25] it doesn't show up in your base.
[00:27:27] The table is kind of more
[00:27:28] behind the scenes managed by an admin,
[00:27:32] you know in in like the sidebar tools
[00:27:36] And and it's globally available
[00:27:38] across multiple bases
[00:27:40] and then but then you interact with it
[00:27:43] like a drop down field or a linked record
[00:27:45] field but you don't have to then do
[00:27:47] a sync table to like
[00:27:49] get that table into the
[00:27:50] base to use.
[00:27:51] Yeah I think that's probably right
[00:27:53] and I mean or at least that
[00:27:54] would be the most convenient.
[00:27:56] Instead of having
[00:27:57] yet another table that is
[00:27:58] visible up at the top,
[00:28:00] it's just data that gets pulled in
[00:28:02] because I don't want to have
[00:28:04] a users table all the time.
[00:28:05] So I just want to use
[00:28:06] like a user field or formally known
[00:28:09] as collaborator field. And it'd be easier
[00:28:11] than having yet another table
[00:28:14] in your face,
[00:28:15] ideally I don't know how they would do it
[00:28:17] because not many apps are good at
[00:28:19] doing it but like the idea of having
[00:28:22] publishing data and then making
[00:28:25] an edit to it and that edit being a draft.
[00:28:28] So if you have a long text field
[00:28:31] and this is the description
[00:28:33] of the blog post or
[00:28:34] whatever and then
[00:28:37] I am an author and I have an editor.
[00:28:41] Author sends it off to the editor
[00:28:43] to review and make edits.
[00:28:45] But there's I wanna
[00:28:46] be able to see
[00:28:48] you know the revisions
[00:28:50] more closely aligned
[00:28:51] not looking at record history.
[00:28:53] I want like a better log of how
[00:28:55] data is being changed
[00:28:57] as it's getting passed
[00:28:59] from hand to hand
[00:29:00] and I don't know
[00:29:01] how or when or if or ever
[00:29:03] they're gonna
[00:29:04] figure something like that out
[00:29:06] but verify data to me
[00:29:08] sounds like that is a
[00:29:09] problem they run into eventually.
[00:29:14] So yeah. Anyways it definitely will be
[00:29:18] interesting to see as they move
[00:29:20] upstream and hopefully
[00:29:22] they don't forget their roots
[00:29:25] of how they got there.
[00:29:27] Then we then we have to
[00:29:29] start using C table
[00:29:31] and fire table and all the other
[00:29:33] nations of the avatar universe
[00:29:36] talking about three months ago.
[00:29:40] Yeah. Hopefully these features
[00:29:42] will trickle down
[00:29:42] to pro and they won't forget
[00:29:43] about the individuals
[00:29:45] in the small business.
[00:29:47] Yeah. Yeah, for sure.
[00:29:49] Alright moving on
[00:29:51] a couple of tweets
[00:29:53] this one I felt bad for Kimber but did
[00:29:57] chuckle a little bit.
[00:29:59] So Kimber streams
[00:30:00] who I believe is an editor,
[00:30:02] senior staff writer
[00:30:04] for magazine, wire cutter.
[00:30:06] Blue Check says banned from Airtable
[00:30:08] for making a base of all the weapons armor
[00:30:11] spells and Elden Ring.
[00:30:12] Did they do they have enough records?
[00:30:15] Seems like a lot.
[00:30:17] Well I'm assuming
[00:30:19] because it was like weapons
[00:30:21] like they got banned.
[00:30:22] I don't know what Airtable's terms
[00:30:25] of services around around
[00:30:28] I don't know what
[00:30:29] That was my guess is
[00:30:31] maybe this the I'm not an Elden
[00:30:34] Ring fan so I don't know if
[00:30:36] this is interesting
[00:30:38] from a conversation I had with Kuovonne
[00:30:40] about someone else who
[00:30:42] they shared their base
[00:30:43] with Airtable
[00:30:44] and were doing illegal activities
[00:30:46] within their base. Like how did
[00:30:50] Kimber here, How did she,
[00:30:52] how did Airtable find out?
[00:30:54] Would be my question.
[00:30:55] How did they find out
[00:30:56] that she's doing activity with her base?
[00:30:58] Like is it just by a shared form
[00:31:00] that's out there,
[00:31:01] happens to have a bunch of
[00:31:02] guns on it in a linked record
[00:31:04] or what is the reason
[00:31:06] or they're being facetious,
[00:31:08] who knows
[00:31:10] yeah. There might be more
[00:31:12] to the story. Yeah.
[00:31:14] But yeah it is interesting.
[00:31:15] Yeah. I remember seeing that,
[00:31:17] I think that was on
[00:31:18] your facebook community
[00:31:20] of somebody getting banned
[00:31:22] after they asked Airtable
[00:31:24] for help with their base
[00:31:25] and they didn't feel like
[00:31:27] I think in their country it
[00:31:28] wasn't illegal,
[00:31:29] they were in a different country
[00:31:31] and but maybe in the US there
[00:31:32] was more gray area.
[00:31:36] So yeah, it's interesting to hear
[00:31:40] what Airtable will ban people for or
[00:31:43] not
[00:31:47] One more. Okay,
[00:31:48] so this is just talking about,
[00:31:51] I don't think they're
[00:31:53] complaining. But it says
[00:31:55] Thiago says we spend $10,000
[00:31:57] a year on Airtable
[00:31:59] enterprise. It is the second brain
[00:32:01] of the business piping in dozens of data
[00:32:03] sources into a single comprehensive view
[00:32:06] of our customers across all platforms.
[00:32:09] So I don't think they he's complaining.
[00:32:11] I think he's just stating we spend a lot
[00:32:13] of money on this,
[00:32:15] but it it basically runs their business
[00:32:18] and gives a screenshot
[00:32:20] of all the different bases they have.
[00:32:24] I just want to know
[00:32:25] how many users that is.
[00:32:27] Yeah. Yeah. I don't think I can it
[00:32:29] doesn't show
[00:32:30] looks like money users.
[00:32:32] So it makes me want to say
[00:32:34] they just needed more record
[00:32:35] limits
[00:32:37] for to get enterprise Yeah.
[00:32:39] Or maybe single sign on or something
[00:32:43] yeah, maybe they just wanted
[00:32:45] enterprise level,
[00:32:47] but this kind of speaks to
[00:32:48] that use case of the connected apps,
[00:32:52] you know, and and
[00:32:54] but it is interesting
[00:32:56] most I think as they move upstream,
[00:32:59] I also heard,
[00:32:59] I think an Airtable person said
[00:33:02] like the average number
[00:33:04] of bases per account
[00:33:05] is actually not that big.
[00:33:07] Most people, most companies
[00:33:10] are in one or two
[00:33:11] bases.
[00:33:13] Yeah,
[00:33:15] so it'll be interesting
[00:33:17] knowing that although
[00:33:18] that doesn't seem to ring true
[00:33:20] with most of the clients
[00:33:22] that we work with, usually there's,
[00:33:24] you know, they have a lot of bases,
[00:33:26] maybe they don't use all of them,
[00:33:28] but they definitely are trying
[00:33:30] out different ideas with bases.
[00:33:32] So
[00:33:35] anyway, it's interesting
[00:33:37] just to give you a sense
[00:33:39] because I don't think I
[00:33:40] actually went to his website
[00:33:42] I would be curious,
[00:33:44] I've never heard of this
[00:33:46] building second Brain, but
[00:33:50] it sounds like they use Airtable
[00:33:53] as kind of this framework for
[00:33:56] how to organize your your digital life
[00:33:59] and whatnot. So I think it's first like
[00:34:02] use like a notion Pioneer,
[00:34:04] so you built a second brain
[00:34:06] and notion first just the
[00:34:07] idea of relational data in general
[00:34:10] and kind of putting your whole every,
[00:34:12] all of your thoughts
[00:34:14] and all of your life
[00:34:15] into something that can be searched
[00:34:17] through and related to
[00:34:19] and then I think maybe
[00:34:21] then you went to Rome
[00:34:23] like notion roam and use his Airtable a
[00:34:26] table I think specifically
[00:34:28] for structured data.
[00:34:29] But the idea that that second
[00:34:31] brain thing, I don't think
[00:34:33] really fits with structured data in a
[00:34:35] table. Gotcha.
[00:34:36] So he's still big on notion
[00:34:39] that somebody asked him but he didn't
[00:34:41] answer
[00:34:42] still into notion.
[00:34:47] So anyways, yeah,
[00:34:49] that was worth pointing out.
[00:34:51] So that kind of wraps up any
[00:34:53] other news or highlights?
[00:34:55] Recent news?
[00:34:56] We we already went over the big
[00:34:58] announcements from Airtable
[00:35:01] last week or two weeks ago.
[00:35:05] Jen says it's like a deep wiki for you
[00:35:09] referring to that.
[00:35:11] So no other announcements I think
[00:35:14] is that
[00:35:15] people are commenting
[00:35:17] and they're rolling out a new homepage.
[00:35:20] Yeah,
[00:35:23] I haven't seen that yet.
[00:35:24] Have you guys seen that on your side?
[00:35:26] I haven't seen it yet,
[00:35:28] but it was mentioned as part
[00:35:31] of the interface mass update
[00:35:33] last week.
[00:35:36] But I think it's enterprise only right?
[00:35:38] I think it starts at enterprise and it
[00:35:40] filters its way down.
[00:35:41] I think eventually it's going to be
[00:35:43] the same home page for
[00:35:44] everyone. But most people
[00:35:46] I think right now don't have, it,
[00:35:49] Jen says they've used it.
[00:35:51] The initial feedback
[00:35:52] I've heard is that it's not great
[00:35:54] from a user standpoint,
[00:35:57] like I think it looks nicer
[00:35:59] but functionality wise, yeah.
[00:36:01] We ran on an early sneak
[00:36:03] preview of it and we gave them
[00:36:06] lot of good feedback
[00:36:08] but I don't think they
[00:36:10] took the feedback
[00:36:11] to heart yet at least. Yeah,
[00:36:13] yeah,
[00:36:14] yeah,
[00:36:15] so true.
[00:36:17] Alright, moving on,
[00:36:19] you guys ready? Scott, Ben.
[00:36:23] Alright, okay, so for this challenge
[00:36:27] I shared with them a base,
[00:36:30] I'll go through it here
[00:36:32] and it's an invoice base
[00:36:34] and the challenges is to use
[00:36:36] make or Zapier to generate an invoice.
[00:36:40] I'd like to see line items in the invoice
[00:36:44] and generate a pdf of that invoice,
[00:36:47] save the pdf back to Airtable
[00:36:50] and then send an email
[00:36:53] of the pdf to yourself or
[00:36:55] to me. So invoice with line items,
[00:37:00] pdf email,
[00:37:02] I will give a hint,
[00:37:04] I don't think this base has line items
[00:37:06] so you might have
[00:37:07] to add line items to the base.
[00:37:09] This seems unfair. It's not hard,
[00:37:12] you can add
[00:37:14] interesting,
[00:37:15] I noticed that after,
[00:37:20] but you can add it to the base,
[00:37:22] you can add a table,
[00:37:23] so they are going to any
[00:37:25] questions?
[00:37:27] Is there a time limit on this?
[00:37:29] Like five minutes? No, you've got,
[00:37:30] you'll have more
[00:37:31] so we're gonna do a couple of segments
[00:37:33] while you're working on
[00:37:34] it, we'll check in with you live
[00:37:36] to see like what you're working on.
[00:37:38] So I'll give you a couple of minutes.
[00:37:41] We'll check in with each of you live to
[00:37:44] show what you are doing
[00:37:46] and then we're going to do
[00:37:48] another segment.
[00:37:49] So you'll probably
[00:37:51] have a good 15, 20 minutes.
[00:37:53] Okay should we stop our cameras
[00:37:55] while we're doing this? You can,
[00:37:57] yeah,
[00:37:58] if you want to share your screen
[00:38:01] when we come to you
[00:38:02] so we'll see what you're working on so
[00:38:08] and Jen gives a hint,
[00:38:10] build the data structure then automate
[00:38:13] Oh, thank you Jen
[00:38:14] oh and Jen wants to see your face
[00:38:16] while you're building, wants to see your
[00:38:19] visual reaction
[00:38:21] and with the software
[00:38:22] development Lifecycle.
[00:38:25] Alright, Okay.
[00:38:27] So while Ben and Scott do that,
[00:38:30] remember your three tasks,
[00:38:33] line items pdf and email.
[00:38:35] Those are the things you got to hit.
[00:38:39] Okay while they are doing that,
[00:38:42] we will move on, talk about On2Air,
[00:38:45] our primary sponsor On2Air's an
[00:38:47] all in one toolkit to run your business on
[00:38:49] Airtable. It's a suite of apps
[00:38:51] that allow any business
[00:38:52] that is dependent on
[00:38:53] Airtable to take the next step
[00:38:56] in their Airtable usage as a business.
[00:38:58] And we will continue to
[00:39:03] focus on our forms product.
[00:39:06] We are in an active beta right now,
[00:39:09] we have quite a few customers
[00:39:11] using Airtable,
[00:39:13] we have some that are using it
[00:39:15] in production,
[00:39:16] so it's getting closer,
[00:39:18] it's not quite ready to release to the
[00:39:20] general public
[00:39:21] as we work out a few kinks
[00:39:24] but it is definitely getting
[00:39:26] usage and people
[00:39:28] the the initial feedback has been
[00:39:30] very positive,
[00:39:31] so very excited to see people
[00:39:33] using it. I thought I would show
[00:39:36] Jen says she's working on some now so
[00:39:39] she's one of our beta users
[00:39:42] appreciate that.
[00:39:43] And so I thought I would
[00:39:45] showcase how you can use it for a
[00:39:47] parent child relationship.
[00:39:50] So we have this form here that is cars.
[00:39:54] So think of your standard cars,
[00:39:56] you have makes and you have models.
[00:39:58] I'm gonna refresh this so we start new
[00:40:02] and this is our preview window
[00:40:07] so our make is linked to
[00:40:10] make table and so
[00:40:13] if you notice here our model
[00:40:15] you can't find any model.
[00:40:17] So this is dependent on
[00:40:18] the make of the car.
[00:40:20] And so this this button is
[00:40:22] disabled until you select some
[00:40:24] makes
[00:40:25] because we've set it up to be dependent
[00:40:29] so once you have some makes
[00:40:32] and this is kind of a small window,
[00:40:34] let me go full screen
[00:40:36] once you have some makes
[00:40:38] that you want to pick
[00:40:40] then now we have that.
[00:40:42] Now this button becomes enabled
[00:40:44] to allow you to select some models.
[00:40:46] And so these are models.
[00:40:48] Excuse me, Across both of those makes.
[00:40:51] So we have our ford and our
[00:40:55] Chevy models
[00:40:57] and you can display them
[00:40:59] in there so you see. So so this list only
[00:41:02] shows models from the makes
[00:41:05] that you selected.
[00:41:07] And so you can limit this to
[00:41:09] only be one if you only want one make
[00:41:12] and then multiple models.
[00:41:13] So just quickly how that works
[00:41:16] if we look at our model
[00:41:18] which is our child field,
[00:41:19] we set up some filters on our look up.
[00:41:23] So we're basically saying
[00:41:25] so we if we wanted we could filter it by
[00:41:28] a view but we're saying we want a
[00:41:30] dependent on another field.
[00:41:33] And so we're picking
[00:41:35] the field that will be filtered
[00:41:37] from our selection.
[00:41:39] So that's our make field
[00:41:41] in our linked table.
[00:41:43] And then when we click on this we
[00:41:46] we pick the field
[00:41:47] that from our form that we
[00:41:49] use to filter
[00:41:51] those records. So the make name is
[00:41:55] is the field in the form.
[00:41:57] And then we're using contained
[00:42:00] within which is how it works
[00:42:02] with linked
[00:42:02] relationships.
[00:42:04] And so actually sorry,
[00:42:05] here's the form,
[00:42:06] the make and then the make name,
[00:42:08] is that matching field in
[00:42:10] in the linked record
[00:42:12] that we're using to map it.
[00:42:14] So once that mapping is in place
[00:42:17] then it will limit it based off of your
[00:42:21] selections here and it will require
[00:42:24] that field um to be selected.
[00:42:26] So your make field has to be selected.
[00:42:29] We could also set up some URL filters
[00:42:32] where you could pass in filters in the
[00:42:34] URL parameters that would limit
[00:42:37] what is available to select as well.
[00:42:39] So lots of functionality on how
[00:42:42] you filter out your selections
[00:42:44] either based off
[00:42:44] of other fields or URL parameters.
[00:42:49] So I thought I would showcase.
[00:42:51] So that's a very common use case,
[00:42:52] parent child.
[00:42:53] There's another way you could take that
[00:42:57] kind of to the next
[00:42:58] level. A common use case
[00:43:01] is just showing a listing
[00:43:03] of records and with that
[00:43:05] functionality of
[00:43:08] of
[00:43:10] of filtering what displays
[00:43:13] in a table in a linked record table.
[00:43:17] What we're doing here is
[00:43:18] this is actually gonna create new record.
[00:43:21] But what we're doing is
[00:43:23] we're using our pre fills
[00:43:25] and we're actually specifying
[00:43:27] a state that we want to pre fill
[00:43:30] our list of cities.
[00:43:31] So this is a base that has
[00:43:33] a table for cities
[00:43:35] and a table for states
[00:43:37] and the cities are linked to a state.
[00:43:39] And so what we're doing here is
[00:43:42] we're pre filling the table
[00:43:44] listing the link
[00:43:45] table listing with cities
[00:43:48] where the state is Texas.
[00:43:51] And so that you see here
[00:43:53] will generate a table listing
[00:43:56] of cities within Texas.
[00:43:58] So even though our city
[00:43:59] table had multiple listings
[00:44:02] from other states,
[00:44:04] it's only showing the ones and
[00:44:06] you could use this
[00:44:07] just as a standard listing table.
[00:44:09] And this button works to send them
[00:44:12] to a different, it could send them to
[00:44:14] another form or this one sends them
[00:44:17] to a wiki page for that city.
[00:44:19] And then the other thing
[00:44:21] that we did here is
[00:44:22] we actually turned off the
[00:44:23] submission button
[00:44:25] so that this actually doesn't work
[00:44:27] as a form even though it's
[00:44:28] a form, we remove the submission button
[00:44:31] so it's just treated as a as a just a
[00:44:34] listing page or a landing page
[00:44:36] that doesn't have a submit button.
[00:44:39] So a way to just list records
[00:44:42] within a view
[00:44:43] or within a table so long as
[00:44:46] they are linked to another table.
[00:44:48] So you have to think about it a little bit
[00:44:50] reverse. In the future
[00:44:52] we will have on the road map
[00:44:53] the ability to just do this
[00:44:55] without needing a linked table.
[00:44:57] But for now it does
[00:44:59] require having a
[00:45:00] linked relationship
[00:45:02] to another table
[00:45:03] that you can use as your starting table.
[00:45:05] So
[00:45:06] just gives you a sense of
[00:45:08] some of the ways
[00:45:09] that you can use On2Air forms to
[00:45:12] build out some pretty advanced
[00:45:14] form functionality
[00:45:15] or listing page functionality
[00:45:17] within your use cases
[00:45:19] and access your data outside of Airtable.
[00:45:24] So with that
[00:45:25] let's do a check in
[00:45:26] Ben or Scott
[00:45:28] who wants to show us what you're
[00:45:30] working on?
[00:45:31] Either of you want to go first?
[00:45:35] I could sure.
[00:45:37] Then you don't need to be done.
[00:45:40] Just let us give us a glimpse into
[00:45:43] what you're thinking.
[00:45:44] All right
[00:45:45] if you want to share your screen.
[00:45:47] So because of the time limit. Wait.
[00:45:52] Present. Okay.
[00:45:55] big okay
[00:45:57] because of the time limit,
[00:45:59] I'm trying to find built tools
[00:46:01] that can easily create
[00:46:02] pdfs. And so I was gonna use google sheets
[00:46:06] to create an invoice and then save
[00:46:08] it as a pdf.
[00:46:09] Normally I might use like an
[00:46:12] actual oops normally use.
[00:46:14] Okay wait, should I share
[00:46:16] my screen again? No no no.
[00:46:18] Ok, cool. So normally
[00:46:19] I'd probably use like a service like
[00:46:21] Docupilot, documint,
[00:46:23] you know any of the services
[00:46:25] that are really designed to
[00:46:26] create like beautiful invoices
[00:46:28] and create pdfs
[00:46:29] but because we're on a limited
[00:46:31] time, I was gonna do it in google sheets
[00:46:33] and then just save it out as a pdf.
[00:46:35] And then to trigger the whole
[00:46:37] automation normally
[00:46:39] I would actually write a
[00:46:40] little javascript.
[00:46:42] It's I only know this much
[00:46:44] javascript and it's to
[00:46:46] actually enable
[00:46:48] triggering an automation
[00:46:49] in the background
[00:46:50] so you don't actually have to see
[00:46:52] anything change
[00:46:53] but for right now,
[00:46:54] because of the time constraints,
[00:46:55] I just created a button here
[00:46:57] that we just trigger
[00:46:59] the web hook in make but it
[00:47:00] does open up this other window
[00:47:02] that says accepted.
[00:47:04] So that's what I'm working
[00:47:05] on. Awesome. Thank you. Okay. Ben.
[00:47:12] Okay, so so I am stuck a little bit
[00:47:15] trying to get the pdf of the document
[00:47:18] because I am working
[00:47:20] with the URL currently.
[00:47:23] But part of using Zapier
[00:47:25] effectively
[00:47:26] is knowing when to use Zapier
[00:47:27] and when to not use Zapier.
[00:47:28] And if you're an Airtable knowing
[00:47:30] what to do with Airtable what not to
[00:47:32] do with Airtable. So Airtable has
[00:47:34] 100% of the functionality required by this
[00:47:38] con this challenge inside of it.
[00:47:41] So I'll probably leave
[00:47:43] the last step for Zapier
[00:47:44] to do because Airtable does it
[00:47:47] better and easier to generate the
[00:47:49] requirements needed by Dan.
[00:47:52] So I have a check box
[00:47:53] with Airtable with the create right here
[00:47:57] and then it goes and finds
[00:47:59] the line items
[00:48:00] where the it says an error right here.
[00:48:02] I don't know why, it works fine
[00:48:05] and then it goes and creates a google doc
[00:48:07] with a grid of the records or what you
[00:48:08] would call line items
[00:48:10] It updates.
[00:48:11] And this is what I'm working with the URLs
[00:48:14] I tried updating it with just
[00:48:16] straight into it attachment field.
[00:48:17] And Airtable could actually just
[00:48:19] send this email out
[00:48:21] once I have the attachment.
[00:48:22] But yeah so far
[00:48:23] it's not super pretty yet.
[00:48:25] I'll worry about the design
[00:48:28] kind of like in one of those
[00:48:30] baking championships,
[00:48:31] they wait till the last
[00:48:33] minute to do the design.
[00:48:34] You have to you have to
[00:48:36] make your ice cream right now.
[00:48:37] Yeah.
[00:48:47] Well you know what you could do,
[00:48:50] you could use use Airtable to create the
[00:48:54] google doc and then
[00:48:56] use Zapier to some of the problems
[00:48:59] with Airtables automations that you can't
[00:49:02] have the folder in which
[00:49:05] the google doc is created
[00:49:07] be dynamic so you have to
[00:49:08] specify create any and all,
[00:49:11] you know, google docs
[00:49:13] from this automation in this folder.
[00:49:15] You can't do it by
[00:49:16] put it in this project folder,
[00:49:18] this project folder
[00:49:19] but in Zapier, what you could
[00:49:20] probably do
[00:49:21] is say all right now take this file
[00:49:24] once it's been made and move it
[00:49:26] to the right folder.
[00:49:27] Maybe. I don't know
[00:49:28] I made that up. I could be wrong.
[00:49:31] I don't want to spoil everything.
[00:49:32] There is one part that I think I will show
[00:49:33] in Zapier and why I might do
[00:49:35] it in Zapier instead
[00:49:36] of Airtable regarding the
[00:49:37] email portion of it
[00:49:39] but I'll leave that for the end.
[00:49:41] Okay I'll stop talking.
[00:49:43] Very good thank you.
[00:49:44] We will look forward to seeing
[00:49:47] the final product and see
[00:49:49] how it goes.
[00:49:50] We'll see if the judges will
[00:49:53] will dock Ben for his loophole there
[00:49:59] we shall see.
[00:50:01] Alright, we'll move on
[00:50:02] while they continue working.
[00:50:04] Kamille is going to show us
[00:50:05] some automations within Airtable,
[00:50:09] Kamille, let me share your screen.
[00:50:11] There you go.
[00:50:11] Okay so this one
[00:50:14] is
[00:50:15] I don't even know how to describe it
[00:50:19] normally when I'm sort of debuting a use
[00:50:22] case that someone has asked of me,
[00:50:23] it's normally it's come through on the
[00:50:25] community forums
[00:50:26] and it's just complicated enough
[00:50:28] where I feel like a video
[00:50:30] format is best fit.
[00:50:31] This was actually someone
[00:50:33] was using my extension junction
[00:50:36] assistant
[00:50:36] and had a very particular problem.
[00:50:39] They were running into
[00:50:41] where the app sort of
[00:50:42] worked for them
[00:50:43] and what they wanted to do.
[00:50:45] Junction Assistant allows you to
[00:50:47] sort of bulk create records
[00:50:49] that are linked to one
[00:50:51] or more other records,
[00:50:53] but what they also had,
[00:50:55] they had linked field relationship
[00:50:58] to a people table or
[00:50:59] a sign table or something like that.
[00:51:02] And what was happening was
[00:51:04] I have in this demo base
[00:51:07] an option for soon as it
[00:51:08] loads myself and test user.
[00:51:10] The problem they were
[00:51:12] running into is that they
[00:51:14] would be bulk creating records
[00:51:16] and then Kamille
[00:51:17] would be assigning test user as
[00:51:19] the person and
[00:51:21] my customer who is using the
[00:51:25] extension actually said
[00:51:28] I don't want them
[00:51:29] to be able to select anyone other
[00:51:32] than themselves. Well,
[00:51:34] Junction Assistant isn't really
[00:51:35] designed to have that
[00:51:36] sort of limitation on there,
[00:51:38] so to just walk through
[00:51:40] what would be happening as
[00:51:41] you would be going through,
[00:51:45] you'd be selecting
[00:51:47] a bunch of records
[00:51:50] that you want to link.
[00:51:55] I would be creating a new
[00:51:58] set of junction records in that case,
[00:52:01] that would be tasks
[00:52:02] linking all to the project
[00:52:04] Main Street. And I also want to
[00:52:05] link to, I'm going to select
[00:52:08] the wrong person
[00:52:09] test user, assuming my extension
[00:52:12] runs without issue. Let's hope it does.
[00:52:15] And it did
[00:52:16] so
[00:52:19] or did it?
[00:52:21] Oh,
[00:52:22] okay. Now it did.
[00:52:24] So all of my records
[00:52:27] have been created and
[00:52:29] actually did it twice because I
[00:52:32] double clicked, that was my bad.
[00:52:35] I had the automation
[00:52:36] turned on so I'm not sure
[00:52:38] if anyone saw what happened,
[00:52:41] but I had my extension come in
[00:52:44] and create the record linked to person.
[00:52:47] But I have an automation
[00:52:49] that's set up to go in
[00:52:51] and correct any linking that had
[00:52:54] been misplaced.
[00:52:55] So if I go and look at my created by
[00:52:59] field, it's gonna say
[00:53:02] all of these were made by me.
[00:53:04] Airtable recognizes
[00:53:06] the user who is using any
[00:53:08] extension and still attributes
[00:53:12] that to be created by field.
[00:53:14] And my automation is pretty simple.
[00:53:16] It's saying when a record is created,
[00:53:19] just copy the created by name
[00:53:22] into the person field
[00:53:25] and it will find a record in
[00:53:28] the people table
[00:53:29] that matches the assigned me.
[00:53:32] So you don't actually
[00:53:34] need this second field in
[00:53:35] here. I just did that
[00:53:37] for demonstration purposes,
[00:53:39] if you have your name spelt
[00:53:40] differently as a record versus how
[00:53:43] Airtable sees your account,
[00:53:44] this isn't gonna work.
[00:53:46] It's gonna create a different
[00:53:47] slightly
[00:53:48] spelled differently record in this table.
[00:53:51] But that sort of gets at the idea.
[00:53:53] So this was sort of a long way
[00:53:56] to explain how to get that
[00:53:59] one person's very
[00:54:00] specific use case in order to still use
[00:54:03] my extension, the way it was sort of
[00:54:05] designed
[00:54:07] gottcha
[00:54:09] Yeah, that's always
[00:54:11] tricky working with them
[00:54:14] collaborators and or users
[00:54:16] and
[00:54:18] also. Yeah because there's times
[00:54:20] when you want them in a table
[00:54:23] and yeah in times like when you
[00:54:26] want it in the table
[00:54:27] you want to add extra info
[00:54:30] like what their role is
[00:54:31] and then use that. If you
[00:54:33] just need somebody's name and
[00:54:35] email then a user field is great.
[00:54:38] But if you need something more than that,
[00:54:40] if you want to attach
[00:54:42] even just a phone number
[00:54:43] you would need it to be.
[00:54:44] And it's its own table.
[00:54:47] This is where verified data,
[00:54:50] I wonder if the user table will be like a
[00:54:53] predefined verified data source.
[00:54:57] Yeah because you want
[00:54:59] that's common in so many
[00:55:01] use cases people being
[00:55:04] a special type of data
[00:55:07] relating to the users and I wonder
[00:55:10] if they'll tackle that.
[00:55:12] Yeah it's pretty common for us.
[00:55:15] Especially like
[00:55:17] if we're doing slack integration
[00:55:19] and want to dm like it's common
[00:55:21] for us to store like the slack I.D.
[00:55:24] For each user.
[00:55:25] So that would be really useful
[00:55:28] if they pull that collaborate
[00:55:29] out and then you don't have to
[00:55:31] create a table or your own.
[00:55:33] You just have that
[00:55:34] would also incentivize people
[00:55:36] to use collaborators
[00:55:38] instead of just creating a
[00:55:39] user table.
[00:55:42] Yeah.
[00:55:44] Very cool. Thank you Kamille
[00:55:47] for showing that.
[00:55:48] And then also your link
[00:55:50] junction find it in the market place.
[00:55:53] What's the name of it? Junction
[00:55:55] Assistant
[00:55:56] Junction Assistant.
[00:55:57] It is sometimes useful and sometimes not.
[00:56:01] Yeah, yeah,
[00:56:02] but now I can definitely come in handy
[00:56:06] Alright, I'll do one more stall
[00:56:10] before we jump to
[00:56:12] Scott and Ben but just a quick
[00:56:16] shout out to our BuiltOnAir community.
[00:56:19] We have amazing people like those on
[00:56:22] this call and many others
[00:56:24] in the community
[00:56:25] very helpful helping each other out,
[00:56:27] learning how to use Airtable and
[00:56:31] growing your business
[00:56:32] and improving in your own
[00:56:34] business operations.
[00:56:34] We would love to have you join
[00:56:36] if you're not already in,
[00:56:38] please check us out at
[00:56:39] builtonair.com/join.
[00:56:40] We'll get you into
[00:56:42] the free slack community and
[00:56:44] sign up for our weekly newsletter.
[00:56:47] So with that,
[00:56:49] see Ben, Scott,
[00:56:50] are we done?
[00:56:52] Close enough
[00:56:53] enough to talk about?
[00:56:55] I'll hand the victory to Ben
[00:56:58] because
[00:57:00] because I'm still building,
[00:57:02] walk us through it, or Ben will come to
[00:57:05] you first
[00:57:06] last time your
[00:57:10] I may or may not still be
[00:57:12] having a little bit of fun with the
[00:57:15] the
[00:57:17] document as a pdf specifically
[00:57:20] and I think that's more of my,
[00:57:22] I can't remember exactly how to get it.
[00:57:24] I was trying to find so Dan sent this
[00:57:26] really helpful document
[00:57:27] plug for the BuiltOnAir community.
[00:57:29] It was like a web page
[00:57:30] with like all the ways
[00:57:32] you can modify a google doc's URL to
[00:57:33] get it to export as different things
[00:57:35] and I couldn't find that.
[00:57:36] So I was working through the
[00:57:39] basically just getting it to be a pdf.
[00:57:42] And I was testing it in Zapier to
[00:57:45] see what their URL looked like
[00:57:48] because it usually works through that
[00:57:51] one idea I had is
[00:57:53] you know, your google doc create
[00:57:56] is just doing that in Zapier
[00:57:59] because Zapier,
[00:58:00] with their google doc integration
[00:58:02] has that similar functionality
[00:58:04] and then it returns the pdf version
[00:58:07] of the google doc.
[00:58:09] Yeah, so the only thing
[00:58:11] that I typically do not do
[00:58:13] with google docs and Zapier
[00:58:15] is insert a grid of records.
[00:58:18] I don't even know if it's possible.
[00:58:22] I haven't tried to do it.
[00:58:23] I wouldn't also typically
[00:58:24] do this kind of system from
[00:58:25] Airtable. Typically
[00:58:27] that most of my customers
[00:58:29] do something like Stripe
[00:58:31] where it would have a pdf
[00:58:32] or they don't,
[00:58:33] this isn't like a typical thing
[00:58:35] I would do, but it's a fun
[00:58:36] challenge, definitely. So I
[00:58:40] Yeah, Yeah, that's true.
[00:58:42] You would have to,
[00:58:44] it does support html.
[00:58:46] I think you can
[00:58:47] you can save html. So if you did like a
[00:58:51] roll up of your html of your line items,
[00:58:54] you could then insert those into the
[00:58:57] google doc through Zapier.
[00:58:59] What I've done with line items
[00:59:01] before is concatenate
[00:59:03] it a few different things
[00:59:04] and just had an array join
[00:59:06] with a line break
[00:59:07] and having those on different
[00:59:09] lines that way.
[00:59:10] It doesn't look really like a grid
[00:59:12] but it works for things like
[00:59:14] activity itineraries or travel itineraries
[00:59:17] where like I can work with the
[00:59:19] spacing on times
[00:59:20] and then have six spaces
[00:59:22] and then it's the what is happening at
[00:59:25] that time on an itinerary. But
[00:59:27] with this I got it,
[00:59:29] it creates a document updates
[00:59:32] with a link that I was trying
[00:59:35] to figure out how to make it
[00:59:37] export as a pdf.
[00:59:38] Trying to make that link then.
[00:59:40] And I don't maybe it's because
[00:59:42] my next test
[00:59:42] was gonna see if I make that field a URL
[00:59:44] that would make it any different.
[00:59:47] So you you can directly do,
[00:59:50] I don't know the exact
[00:59:52] syntax but you can in an
[00:59:54] attachment field just go
[00:59:56] directly to whatever the google docs
[00:59:58] URL is slash export whatever whatever.
[01:00:01] I don't know the exact syntax.
[01:00:02] So if you do get it wrong,
[01:00:05] the attachment will just be nothing.
[01:00:07] Yeah. Yeah, so that's what
[01:00:10] the attachment and Airtable is nothing.
[01:00:14] The google doc is a google doc.
[01:00:16] So that's the only piece where I kind of
[01:00:19] was getting stuck.
[01:00:21] Yeah and then I started on a view.
[01:00:25] So one thing,
[01:00:26] a lot of times out of my
[01:00:27] clients that I work with,
[01:00:29] they don't necessarily want
[01:00:30] to send that email right away
[01:00:32] to a customer.
[01:00:33] A lot of times they want to review
[01:00:35] it just because they don't
[01:00:37] necessarily always trust an automation.
[01:00:39] They're slowly building that trust.
[01:00:41] So rather than use
[01:00:42] Airtable to just send an
[01:00:43] email, which is your only option,
[01:00:45] a lot of times what I would use
[01:00:47] is Zapier to create a draft of the email
[01:00:49] instead of actually send that email.
[01:00:52] So that's what I was gonna
[01:00:54] use Zapier for
[01:00:54] specifically is creating a draft
[01:00:57] in my email with the pdf attached.
[01:00:58] And the pdf is the only thing
[01:01:00] I couldn't really get to work out there.
[01:01:02] That's a good idea.
[01:01:04] I haven't used that trick,
[01:01:06] I like that and it just shows up
[01:01:08] in your draft folder?
[01:01:09] Yep. Yeah, I can go test this, but yeah,
[01:01:12] I use the drafts a lot to get people
[01:01:18] I think that's
[01:01:20] what I use, yeah,
[01:01:21] that's what you had, yeah,
[01:01:24] but yeah, it just shows up,
[01:01:25] I don't know what is
[01:01:26] it going to show up here?
[01:01:27] So there's the file
[01:01:29] there that has the export,
[01:01:33] but I was there. Let me see if I can
[01:01:42] Okay,
[01:01:43] I just don't want it to show
[01:01:45] all the emails in the inbox.
[01:01:47] Yeah, one second
[01:01:48] Jen mentions,
[01:01:50] it's html in google docs to create.
[01:01:55] So this was the final product,
[01:01:58] just very basic,
[01:01:59] nothing really spectacular in
[01:02:01] the email. And then this is what it
[01:02:06] it downloaded something here,
[01:02:07] if I open that,
[01:02:09] it is not what I was looking for.
[01:02:11] So that is a pdf.
[01:02:13] It's just doesn't have the
[01:02:14] right content type.
[01:02:16] So I got a pdf is what you're saying,
[01:02:19] it just, I think you're
[01:02:21] it's missing the extension or something.
[01:02:28] But yeah, so
[01:02:29] so that's really the key,
[01:02:31] pretty much everything I do is like what
[01:02:34] can Airtable do really well
[01:02:35] and then what can
[01:02:36] Zapier do really well?
[01:02:38] It's not always like in this case
[01:02:40] I could probably do
[01:02:42] everything in a tool
[01:02:43] that the customer doesn't have to pay for.
[01:02:45] An additional tool with like
[01:02:47] Integromat or Make.
[01:02:48] So I would try to do it all in Airtable.
[01:02:52] But I don't know how I can try
[01:02:55] to do this
[01:02:56] if it so in a different scenario,
[01:02:59] what I would have done
[01:03:00] as I would have used Panda docs
[01:03:02] if I had like a tool of
[01:03:03] choice to connect with Zapier
[01:03:04] which is where I see Zapier really like
[01:03:07] being magical, you could say. I would
[01:03:09] connect this invoice record
[01:03:10] with panda docs
[01:03:11] where you can feed in arrays of
[01:03:13] line items
[01:03:14] and it will create a whole
[01:03:17] pricing table with the
[01:03:19] like sub total total cost
[01:03:21] and it also gives you
[01:03:22] an export as pdf option from
[01:03:24] that. And Panda docs
[01:03:26] is just incredible with
[01:03:28] working with PDFs if
[01:03:30] if the google doc that I created
[01:03:32] is not sufficient for the client.
[01:03:36] Alright, very cool.
[01:03:37] Thank you. Ben,
[01:03:38] great to get insight into there. Scott.
[01:03:41] You want to share your screen?
[01:03:44] I do not have a finished product.
[01:03:47] However, and I did not do
[01:03:50] do any of this stuff in Airtable.
[01:03:52] But then I totally agree
[01:03:54] with Ben's philosophy, which is,
[01:03:56] we always try to,
[01:03:58] you know, in general,
[01:04:00] I think it's a good idea
[01:04:01] to try to stick in Airtable when
[01:04:03] you can, and then use
[01:04:04] the external tools
[01:04:06] when you've gone beyond Airtable's
[01:04:08] capabilities.
[01:04:09] Easier, simpler. It's already built in,
[01:04:11] you know, no, no need to go elsewhere.
[01:04:13] So basically,
[01:04:14] what I was working on building here
[01:04:17] was a scenario in Make
[01:04:19] where what happens is
[01:04:21] when you start here in Airtable,
[01:04:23] the person would click
[01:04:25] on this button called create
[01:04:27] invoice
[01:04:28] and when they do that, it would then
[01:04:30] trigger this here.
[01:04:31] Let me run this right here.
[01:04:33] You'll see it work. When I click
[01:04:34] on create invoice here,
[01:04:37] it will actually trigger the scenario.
[01:04:39] It already did it so quickly that we
[01:04:41] missed it,
[01:04:42] but basically it starts the scenario,
[01:04:46] it then gets the invoice record,
[01:04:48] which is from this table,
[01:04:49] it gets the invoice record
[01:04:51] that the person was
[01:04:51] clicking on
[01:04:52] and then
[01:04:53] it creates a brand new spreadsheet
[01:04:55] in google sheets and then it goes
[01:04:57] down this router path here
[01:04:59] over here, it'll search for all
[01:05:01] the line items that
[01:05:02] are associated with that invoice.
[01:05:05] So it's pulling from this table,
[01:05:07] I rename this table hours
[01:05:08] because that's actually
[01:05:09] what the columns were called
[01:05:10] already. So it will actually find
[01:05:13] all five of these line items
[01:05:15] and then it'll
[01:05:16] keep adding rows
[01:05:17] onto the google sheets document
[01:05:19] that it just created here.
[01:05:21] So if I go into my google sheets here,
[01:05:26] now there's no prettiness here yet,
[01:05:28] there's nothing pretty about this yet,
[01:05:31] but you can see that it created
[01:05:33] the invoice
[01:05:34] and it started creating the rows
[01:05:35] here, so that's about as far as I got.
[01:05:40] What you can do also is
[01:05:42] update individual cells,
[01:05:45] which is what I was
[01:05:47] working on here,
[01:05:48] where you can have like
[01:05:49] the invoice number,
[01:05:50] you know, just not anything
[01:05:52] that repeats from row to row to row,
[01:05:53] but just like an individual
[01:05:55] invoice number
[01:05:56] or a client name and address
[01:05:58] something like that.
[01:05:59] One other cool thing that you could do
[01:06:02] in Make for when I got to the
[01:06:04] email part of it is
[01:06:06] Make has this very cool tool,
[01:06:08] that's where do they have
[01:06:10] this? Here it is,
[01:06:11] called the text aggregator.
[01:06:13] They actually have a ton of
[01:06:15] different tools
[01:06:16] and they're spread out
[01:06:17] throughout these buttons here,
[01:06:19] but the text aggregator is very,
[01:06:21] very cool because
[01:06:23] what it does is it enables
[01:06:25] you to loop through records
[01:06:28] in Airtable and combine them
[01:06:31] all together in any
[01:06:32] way that you may want.
[01:06:35] For example, you may want to
[01:06:38] separate them by a new
[01:06:40] row. So putting a carriage return
[01:06:43] in between each record
[01:06:44] or you could put a tab in
[01:06:46] between each one
[01:06:47] or you can put whatever you want.
[01:06:49] So what you can do is you can
[01:06:51] actually take a bunch of records
[01:06:53] and separate them with html codes.
[01:06:56] So you could put like a line break,
[01:06:58] for example
[01:06:59] in between every single line item
[01:07:01] and then what you end up with
[01:07:03] is you end up
[01:07:03] with a block of text.
[01:07:05] That is html
[01:07:07] and then you can just take that body and
[01:07:10] just
[01:07:10] put it right into
[01:07:12] you take that text
[01:07:13] and put it right into the body of an
[01:07:16] email message
[01:07:17] and that's how you get line items
[01:07:19] in an email message simply from
[01:07:21] using this one tool
[01:07:23] called the text aggregator,
[01:07:25] very similar to what Ben was
[01:07:26] showing with the insert a grid,
[01:07:28] but your I should stop sharing my screen.
[01:07:31] But you're actually creating
[01:07:33] your own grid
[01:07:35] that you're inserting essentially.
[01:07:37] You could
[01:07:38] you could have used that
[01:07:40] to generate the html
[01:07:42] to insert into a google
[01:07:43] doc. I
[01:07:45] I was thinking of that also
[01:07:47] and that would've been
[01:07:48] the easier way to go because
[01:07:50] I would have only needed that one thing.
[01:07:52] But once I started going down that path
[01:07:54] of the google
[01:07:55] sheets, I was like, oh
[01:07:56] I want to keep going down this path.
[01:07:58] But but you are
[01:07:58] correct.
[01:07:59] That was my initial thought,
[01:08:01] you could use that, I could have used that
[01:08:02] text aggregator
[01:08:04] to spit out a google doc
[01:08:06] and spit out an email.
[01:08:08] And it would have been extremely
[01:08:10] simple. It would have been just
[01:08:12] those little bubbles and that's it.
[01:08:15] Maybe, maybe we'll do a redo
[01:08:18] in the future now you have a
[01:08:20] better grasp of it.
[01:08:21] So that's cool,
[01:08:23] awesome to show. I will say
[01:08:26] I'm definitely more have used Zapier
[01:08:29] more than make, but as far as a visual
[01:08:32] designer make wins hands down
[01:08:35] from their visual ui
[01:08:37] of the different steps,
[01:08:39] I definitely give the win
[01:08:42] to their most people
[01:08:44] probably say make is more
[01:08:46] advanced is more,
[01:08:48] but it's probably
[01:08:50] a steeper learning curve.
[01:08:52] than Zapier.
[01:08:53] Zapier is probably a little bit
[01:08:56] easier to to engage with and from that
[01:08:58] perspective, so
[01:09:00] those are probably the big trade offs,
[01:09:03] both of them are are,
[01:09:04] you know, very useful tools used,
[01:09:07] you know,
[01:09:08] widely throughout the software world,
[01:09:10] so good to get exposure to both
[01:09:13] if you haven't been exposed
[01:09:14] to one or the other.
[01:09:17] Yeah, what I find myself doing
[01:09:20] whenever I do build things
[01:09:22] in Zapier is similar
[01:09:23] to like the visual editor
[01:09:25] in Integromat is,
[01:09:27] I do all my kind of documentation,
[01:09:29] is what I would kind of describe it as,
[01:09:32] but mapping out the database schema in
[01:09:34] miro and then visually mapping out
[01:09:36] every different automation
[01:09:38] that I would want
[01:09:39] to do in miro
[01:09:40] because Zapier doesn't have
[01:09:42] that visual, I also like to plan it
[01:09:44] before I actually end up building it. So
[01:09:47] this kind of replaces any of my need
[01:09:50] for doing the visual part of it in the
[01:09:53] planning stages, but it is super nice.
[01:09:56] I enjoy the visual portion of Integromat
[01:09:58] because I have to recreate it
[01:10:01] in miro most of them. Yeah,
[01:10:04] well done.
[01:10:05] Well thank you Ben and Scott
[01:10:07] for coming on,
[01:10:08] showcasing your talents and friendly
[01:10:11] competition.
[01:10:12] I don't know, I don't know.
[01:10:13] We didn't we didn't get any across the
[01:10:15] finish line,
[01:10:16] so maybe this is to be continued.
[01:10:19] To be continued. We stumped the
[01:10:21] experts. I think it shows how much value
[01:10:24] you get out of paying for consultants
[01:10:26] because you can't whip it
[01:10:28] together in 10 minutes. That's
[01:10:29] true, that's true.
[01:10:30] So when a client says can't you
[01:10:32] just whip that together in 10
[01:10:33] minutes? Watch this episode.
[01:10:38] Very true.
[01:10:39] Thank you for coming on.
[01:10:40] Love to have you back on another time.
[01:10:42] Do another competition,
[01:10:44] Kamille. Thank you
[01:10:45] As always see everyone,
[01:10:47] this is what we've BuiltOnAir
[01:10:48] this week and look forward to next week.
[01:10:50] Take care.
[01:10:52] Bye.