8/6/2024 – BuiltOnAir Live Podcast Full Show – S19-E05

Duration: 0 minutes

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The BuiltOnAir Podcast is Sponsored by On2Air – Integrations and App extensions to run your business operations in Airtable.

In This Episode

Welcome to the BuiltOnAir Podcast, the live show.  The BuiltOnAir Podcast is a live weekly show highlighting everything happening in the Airtable world.

Check us out at BuiltOnAir.com. Join our community, join our Slack Channel, and meet your fellow Airtable fans.

Todays Hosts

Alli Alosa – Hi there! I’m Alli 🙂 I’m a fine artist turned “techie” with a passion for organization and automation. I’m also proud to be a Community Leader in the Airtable forum, and a co-host of the BuiltOnAir podcast. My favorite part about being an Airtable consultant and developer is that I get to talk with people from all sorts of industries, and each project is an opportunity to learn how a business works.

Dan Fellars – I am the Founder of Openside, On2Air, and BuiltOnAir. I love automation and software. When not coding the next feature of On2Air, I love spending time with my wife and kids and golfing.

Show Segments

Round The Bases – 00:01:40 –

Following Articles Used in this Segment:

[] noloco launch week – barcodes

[] Airtable acquired Dopt

[] How we built it: Airtable Cobuilder | Airtable

[] Airtable CoBuilder Launch

[] DataFetcher now lets you extract data from PDF or Image attachments

[] "sort" list action now gives input field for each

[] Automation version history is now active

[] 📣 Launching Today: Linked Records in Synced Table… – Airtable Community

[] Airtable CEO, Howie Lui, shares thoughts on future of no code

[] Howie Lui chats with NoPriors pod about Cobuilder

[] Lutra.ai – automation plform for AI workflows with Airtable

[Web] CrowdStrike failure: What you need to know | CIO

[] InAir Named Gold Airtable Services Partner, Enhancing Enterprise Business Optimization Solutions

[] Perfect Timing as an International Luxury Watch Brand Transforms Retail Openings with InAir and Airtable

[] InAir Studio -National Restaurant Retail Chain Accelerates Store Launches Using Advanced Staffing Solutions with Airtable and InAir

[] builtonair podcast – max bernstein and music industry

[] Farmblox puts the control into farmers' hands with its AI-powered sensor-reading platform | TechCrunch

[] Terradepth wants to map the rest of the ocean floor | TechCrunch

[] Wiz walks away from Google’s $23B acquisition offer: Read the CEO's note to employees | TechCrunch

[] OpenAI unveils GPT-4o mini, a smaller and cheaper AI model | TechCrunch

Meet the Creators – 00:01:41 –

Meet Jun Shen.

Jun is a five-year experienced professional software developer(three years in Amazon transportation department). Now working for himself as startup founder.

Visit them online

An App a Day – 00:01:41 –

Watch as we install, explore, and showcase the Airtable iOS Shortcuts App from the Airtable Marketplace. The app is described as “Skipping all manual work for clipping website, text, image to your database with our Airtable iOS Shortcuts”.

View App

A Case for Interface – 00:01:43 –

Explore Interfaces with “Calculating NPS Score Filtering”.

Alli will share a hack for interface filtering involving calculating an NPS Score.

Full Segment Details

Segment: Round The Bases

Start Time: 00:01:40

Roundup of what’s happening in the Airtable communities – Airtable, BuiltOnAir, Reddit, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.

Following Articles Used in this Segment:

[] noloco launch week – barcodes

[] Airtable acquired Dopt

[] How we built it: Airtable Cobuilder | Airtable

[] Airtable CoBuilder Launch

[] DataFetcher now lets you extract data from PDF or Image attachments

[] "sort" list action now gives input field for each

[] Automation version history is now active

[] 📣 Launching Today: Linked Records in Synced Table… – Airtable Community

[] Airtable CEO, Howie Lui, shares thoughts on future of no code

[] Howie Lui chats with NoPriors pod about Cobuilder

[] Lutra.ai – automation plform for AI workflows with Airtable

[Web] CrowdStrike failure: What you need to know | CIO

[] InAir Named Gold Airtable Services Partner, Enhancing Enterprise Business Optimization Solutions

[] Perfect Timing as an International Luxury Watch Brand Transforms Retail Openings with InAir and Airtable

[] InAir Studio -National Restaurant Retail Chain Accelerates Store Launches Using Advanced Staffing Solutions with Airtable and InAir

[] builtonair podcast – max bernstein and music industry

[] Farmblox puts the control into farmers' hands with its AI-powered sensor-reading platform | TechCrunch

[] Terradepth wants to map the rest of the ocean floor | TechCrunch

[] Wiz walks away from Google’s $23B acquisition offer: Read the CEO's note to employees | TechCrunch

[] OpenAI unveils GPT-4o mini, a smaller and cheaper AI model | TechCrunch

Segment: Meet the Creators

Start Time: 00:01:41

Jun Shen –

Meet Jun Shen.

Jun is a five-year experienced professional software developer(three years in Amazon transportation department). Now working for himself as startup founder.

Visit them online

Segment: An App a Day

Start Time: 00:01:41

Airtable App Showcase – Airtable iOS Shortcuts – Skipping all manual work for clipping website, text, image to your database with our Airtable iOS Shortcuts

Watch as we install, explore, and showcase the Airtable iOS Shortcuts App from the Airtable Marketplace. The app is described as “Skipping all manual work for clipping website, text, image to your database with our Airtable iOS Shortcuts”.

View App

Segment: A Case for Interface

Start Time: 00:01:43

Calculating NPS Score Filtering

Explore Interfaces with “Calculating NPS Score Filtering”.

Alli will share a hack for interface filtering involving calculating an NPS Score.

Full Transcription

The full transcription for the show can be found here:

[00:00:00] intro: Welcome to the Built On Air Podcast, the variety show for all things Airtable. In each episode, we cover four different segments. It's always fresh and different, and lots of fun. While you get the insider info on all things Airtable, our hosts and guests are some of the most senior experts in the Airtable community.

[00:00:26] Join us live each week on our YouTube channel every Tuesday at 11:00 AM Eastern and join our active [email protected]. Before we begin, a word from our sponsor on. On2Air Backups provides automated Airtable backups to your cloud storage for secure and reliable data protection. Prevent data loss and set up a secure Airtable backup system with On2Air Backups at on2air.

[00:00:49] com. As one customer, Sarah, said, Having automated Airtable backups has freed up hours of my time every other week. And the fear of losing anything. Long time customer [00:01:00] David states, On2Wear backups might be the most critical piece of the puzzle to guard against unforeseeable disaster. It's easy to set up, and it just works.

[00:01:08] Join Sarah, David, and hundreds more Airtable users like you to protect your Airtable data with On2Wear backups. Sign up today with promo code built on air for a 10 percent discount. Check them out at onto air. com. And now let's check out today's episode and see what we built on air.

[00:01:37] Dan Fellars: Welcome back to the built on air podcast. I hope you missed us. We were off for a week, but we are back to continue season 19. We are in the second half of the season, starting with episode five today. Good to be with you. Good to see Ali and Camille as always. And welcome, June, our guest for today. Hi, [00:02:00] June.

[00:02:00] Hi. Good to have you on. We'll learn more about June and, and his background and story and what he's got going on later in the show. First, I'll walk us through what we're going to be doing today. It's always four segments highlighting starting with around the bases. To keep you up to date on all the latest news and features with Airtable, then sponsorship onto where talk about them, and then we'll learn about Jun Shin and his background and what, what what brought him into this, ecosystem.

[00:02:32] And then he will share his application called Airtable shortcuts, and then talk about how to join our community. And then finally, Ali is going to walk us through. Filtering within interfaces by calculating NPS scores. So that will round out today's show excited. Okay. So we've been off for a couple of weeks.

[00:02:56] ROUND THE BASES - 00:03:03

[00:02:57] A few things have happened. First [00:03:00] one was an acquisition, dopped. I had never heard of this company, but it looks like it's a onboarding tool to kind of walk company, walk customers through how to use your, your product it was. Driven through like AI functionality and it looks like Airtable has acquired them.

[00:03:22] So they may be enhancing their onboarding. The TechCrunch article says it's an acqui hire, so it doesn't look like they, they will, you know, necessarily take the product per se, but we'll be bringing that talent into the Airtable team. So, Another acquisition by air table 

[00:03:44] Kamille Parks: makes a little bit more sense to me than some of the previous acquisitions.

[00:03:51] Over the years, they've been boning up their onboarding, which I, of course, don't see because I've already been onboarded. I think five years ago, [00:04:00] so I just sort of trust that things work the way that they should. 

[00:04:03] Dan Fellars: Yeah. Yeah. I know. I noticed. Yeah. Whenever I sign up like a new client or something like there's, they definitely put a lot of attention to that onboarding.

[00:04:13] And if you already know it, it's kind of annoying. I'm sure if you've never used air table. Yeah. So we'll see, but it looks like they have some AI talent, so they're definitely beefing up on their AI. Which is actually another big thing they pushed. I believe we talked about this before, but co builders, the name of their AI base generator, which is now live and I've used it.

[00:04:44] It's pretty cool. It'll build interfaces and, automations. I don't does it do automations? I don't know. 

[00:04:55] intro: I 

[00:04:56] Dan Fellars: don't think it does automations. If it does, you [00:05:00] can't, I know I tried testing it and telling it like specifically to build automations and it wouldn't. But it might, it might behind the scenes. I don't, I don't think it actually does automations.

[00:05:14] I know it does interfaces and obviously the base and it does populate it with, with data. So it's kind of cool to get you started. It's really kind of like a prototype. Solution just give you an idea of what you could get started with. I don't see it as a full blown and also once it's once you use it once you can't like update an existing base by using the co builder.

[00:05:44] It's only for new bases, at least for now, 

[00:05:47] Alli Alosa: that was kind of my question was like, I could see it being useful if you're like on a team and you're like, Oh, we really need this tool to add to our database. Like, can we do it? [00:06:00] I haven't played with it yet. I'm interested. I've heard really good things. I've heard that people are pretty impressed with the results of it.

[00:06:07] So that's exciting. 

[00:06:10] Kamille Parks: Yeah, it'd be nice for existing bases. If you could say, build me a new interface based on these tables that includes these 10 fields or something on it. But yeah, what the co builder does today, it always starts from scratch, which is good if you're starting new, but it'd be nice if you could add on to something that already existed.

[00:06:34] Dan Fellars: Yeah, I'd be curious if they, if they implement that might be in the roadmap. If you'd like to know more about how the code builder was built, they've got some videos kind of explaining the behind the scenes and summary about it, with some more videos talking about it in case studies, and so there's some more depth [00:07:00] to that.

[00:07:02] Okay. A couple other new features. Here's one that Camille found. Tell us about this one, Camille. 

[00:07:09] Kamille Parks: So earlier, I want to say last month, or perhaps the month before, they released a new action type in automations where you could take the output of a find record step and sort the results. But at the time, you could only have one sort setting that was global.

[00:07:28] So if you wanted to sort by three different fields, you would only be able to say, sort all three of these fields by either ascending to descending or the other way around. Which was not how views worked because you could control individual fields. Sort the first one ascending and then the second one descending, et cetera.

[00:07:49] But this month they released the ability to do that within the, sort list action in automations. So [00:08:00] that's it. That was I think one of the only little, little gotchas about that action type. You still can't quite do, give me the top five results. But you know, it's nice. It's, it's much more useful if you want to like put that output inside an email or something, or if you want to keep your linked records all night, nice and orderly.

[00:08:26] This is pretty useful to do that. That's cool. 

[00:08:30] Alli Alosa: Actually, you do. Could you have a view? Because, you know, when you find records, you can do it based on a condition or based on a view. If you have a view that's sorted with like your top, like by the field, you want to get the top, like five customers or something.

[00:08:46] If you sort that view and then you. Find the records based on that view. Can you limit that to just five? I think, 

[00:08:52] Kamille Parks: I think you can. So that, that I think is the only way to do it. But you require a view. So if you needed to [00:09:00] find records based on some variable condition, then you're kind of stuck. But if you have like standard conditions, like if the filter was just going to be this week or something that could be a view, and then you could do top five.

[00:09:12] Alli Alosa: Absolutely. I like that. I just. I try to avoid searching based on a view just because it's so much more fallible. That's a way to do it. That's cool. 

[00:09:26] Dan Fellars: Very true. Cool. That's a, that's a nice one. That one did not show up in their, in their list of what's new. This one did, but Ben was the, the first to, to call it out.

[00:09:37] Automation version and editing history. I'll show you, there's a good thread there. Let's jump to this right here. I love that. 

[00:09:51] Alli Alosa: This is great. 

[00:09:53] Kamille Parks: It captures almost everything that you would need to know about a specific iteration of your [00:10:00] automation. The few things that it doesn't capture or that I don't know where you'd be able to see it is like if you renamed the automation or something or change the description.

[00:10:10] I don't see that being visible as part of the, history, but other than that, it gives you it looks exactly like it looks when you edit an automation. So you could click into each individual step and see its configuration settings. You can see when it was modified and who did it, which is great if you want to start pointing fingers.

[00:10:32] The history includes when an automation is turned on or off. That counts as an edit, although it's not entirely clear. That that was the edit, if that makes sense. It's not like get where it'll highlight what changed. It's just like a snapshot of each one. Still very useful. The one thing is like, Dan, if you go back a screenshot, if you were, not the best [00:11:00] example, but if you were looking at the history and then you had like a dynamic condition or something that you were like, insert this value from the trigger record that comes in like a little pill, You can't hover over that pill to see more text out of it.

[00:11:17] Like if the name of the field was really long and you had two very similarly named fields, it might be a little unclear which field was being referenced, but I think all they have to do to update that is to add that to the little pop up that comes up right now. If you hover over the pill, it'll tell you what step it came from, but not like the full name of the pill.

[00:11:37] Whatever it's trying to say, that's a very minor, I think UI thing, but this is like so useful if you manage large complex systems as part of a team. 

[00:11:47] Alli Alosa: Yeah, absolutely. Like the other day, I actually used it the other day. Cause I found an automation in a very large base and it was just called automation too.

[00:11:57] And I was like, it's like, who did this? And then I [00:12:00] looked at it, I did it to you. Oh, I guess I can shut this off and get rid of it. 

[00:12:06] Dan Fellars: Okay. So, so a revision is basically once, once you make any change that will automatically turn, disable that automation. And then once you enable it, that's the end of, of a revision.

[00:12:24] Alli Alosa: When you click that update button. Yes. 

[00:12:28] Dan Fellars: Yeah. And I always knew that they were keeping track of revisions. You know that because. If, if if automation fails and you're like, oh, there's a bug in it and you make a change. My assumption would be that if you reran it, it would use the latest version of the automation, but it uses the version that it was, that it originally ran with, which means we're storing that information.

[00:12:56] And that's what I wish there was a way to rerun it with the latest [00:13:00] iteration. 

[00:13:00] Kamille Parks: I wish that as well, but yeah, this launched it became End of July, but it had history from, for the ones I was looking at through early July, like July 1st, so it wasn't like they turned it on and that was the only history you had that day going forward.

[00:13:18] You, at least in my experience, had a month worth of history, which is also nice because, you know, What if the mistake happened last week? 

[00:13:27] Alli Alosa: Gotta 

[00:13:29] Kamille Parks: redo that. 

[00:13:30] Alli Alosa: I think it went back. Like I said, like that one I looked at the other day, it went back two years. 

[00:13:35] Kamille Parks: Oh Jesus. All right. Nevermind. So that automation was just new.

[00:13:38] The one I was looking at, but yeah, it's, it's really nice that the data that they have. Is made available rather than starting August 1st. Here's all your history, 

[00:13:49] Alli Alosa: right? Yeah, absolutely. I'm sure it depends on what plan you're on to like all your revision history. This automation was on an enterprise plan and they have [00:14:00] 3 years, I think.

[00:14:00] So that's why so far. 

[00:14:04] Dan Fellars: Yeah, this doesn't say. How long it will be there. All right. One more big one finally came out last week. Linked records and sync tables. 

[00:14:17] Alli Alosa: I haven't played with it yet. I'm like, I'm so excited about it, but I'm also scared of it because it's gonna, I'm gonna have to put in so much work to like work out all my old stuff and replace it with this new stuff.

[00:14:28] And I'm like, Oh no, but 

[00:14:30] Kamille Parks: yes. So I was doing some speculating. They sort of announced that this was going to happen via email to, I believe, anyone who had a linked, had a synced view that was made as at least partially editable in the downstream basis. And I was speculating as how exactly they would allow you to edit linked records.

[00:14:56] And then the, the answer is they would. [00:15:00] Now, when you sync a view that includes a linked record field, it's going to give you an option to also sync whatever that table is that it's linking to as well. So there, I think it's called, synced, you know, linked tables or something like that as, as another option that you'll see under the share menu when you start sharing a different view.

[00:15:26] And I believe in the documentation, it says that you can convert existing link records. So you don't necessarily have to start from scratch. I haven't played with that yet to see how well that works. But yeah, like Ali, there are a lot of bases that were done without this in place. That would require a little bit of rework if we wanted to make use of this feature, but on a go forward basis, this should make a lot of builds a lot easier to maintain that relationship across different [00:16:00] syncs.

[00:16:01] Dan Fellars: Yeah, absolutely. All right, there's a support article continue next few weeks. So you may not have it yet. Yeah, maybe next maybe next week's show we'll do we'll do a segment on this Yeah, this is this is very much a game changer 

[00:16:23] Alli Alosa: All right 

[00:16:28] Dan Fellars: There was, let's see, this one we have already talked quite a bit about.

[00:16:32] They finally, I think, got finally updated the what's new section. Mm hmm. Just multiple fields in the charts. So, yeah, we we actually did a segment on this as well. So check out previous episodes on that. I think that's all of them. Co builder. Yep. These are all older ones. So no, yeah, that's all they got there.[00:17:00] 

[00:17:01] Okay. So yeah, that's an exciting one. More, and if you want to get deeper into the, the AI, how we, how we Lou talked on a podcast and also on this webinar about the new features in particular, the co builder. Not sure if they highlighted this, the distinct linked records on this one, but you can dive deeper into that.

[00:17:28] And then Howie was also on a podcast talking about kind of the future of, Very table and how it's using AI and the future of AI and things like that. Good to get that. Then one more. We're always like products that are tangential to, to air table. No locos, a popular portal builder app app builder on top of air table.

[00:17:56] And it looks like this week they're having their launch week. So [00:18:00] new features released every day, which seems to be a popular, thing to do for, for products. So today's or yesterday's ability to scan QR codes and codes and things like that on the mobile. So if you like, no loco, check that out.

[00:18:20] Alli Alosa: This morning, they released pivot tables. 

[00:18:24] Dan Fellars: Okay. All right. So pivot tables. Very good. Yeah, I think that rounds up around the bases and with that, let's move on 

[00:18:38] ON2AIR BACKUPS - 00:18:44

[00:18:39] onto our backups. If you are using your air table for, for critical data, you want to make sure that your data is backed up outside of air table.

[00:18:48] That's where onto where it comes in. Has the ability to back up your data to Google Drive box and Dropbox includes data base schema and all your attachment [00:19:00] files as well. So check out onto where. com use promo code built on there for a discount and start backing up and have peace of mind that your data is secure outside of air table.


[00:19:15] That June's learn more about June. 

[00:19:20] Jun: Yeah. Let me turn on my microphone. Yeah. Nice to meet you all. 

[00:19:25] Kamille Parks: Hey, how's it going? 

[00:19:26] Jun: Yeah, it's great. And yeah, having joined this community at, about four months ago, and it's my first time that I could join a lead podcast and talk with the. Great air table experts in these communities.

[00:19:45] Yes, because we're building a product that is related to air tables. And I have a lot, a lot of conversations with my, our users, but most of them, they they don't have a very, very strong background of air tables. So I always spend a long time explaining to them [00:20:00] that what is air tables, but it's the first time that I can, I could directly talk to the experts in this domains.

[00:20:05] So this means that I can just. Skip many background introductions and directly talk with you to the crew. Yeah. It's just super cool. I believe 

[00:20:15] Kamille Parks: that's, that's kind of funny because a lot of times one of the hardest questions to answer when you're just sort of getting started being an expert in Airtable is trying to explain to other people.

[00:20:27] What is air table? Yeah, what 

[00:20:29] Jun: is air table? Yeah. And what does this, this, this app can do? And what can the answer is that only this is a very powerful applications or in one application. You can build any customer minds app that you wanted. And when the people heard or hear about this, they will ask, what do you mean?

[00:20:49] Yeah, yeah, that's absolutely right. 

[00:20:54] Kamille Parks: So when you first sort of started with air table. What kind of drew you to it? [00:21:00] 

[00:21:01] Jun: Oh my first time is about six years, six years ago in the 2018. At that, at that time, I was still a student and when I browser some films about the productivities, I found that there's frequently discussions about the air tables and at that time, People are talking about that.

[00:21:23] They use their tables to build their personal systems that for for the productivity issues. And there are students that use their table to build their to hold their lecture list and you know, use your table to track their habit. And so at that times, I know your tables and I use it and majorly for building.

[00:21:42] Some personal things and just then after that I graduated from school and I spent three years in Amazon as a software engineers. And I know that in the industry that, in the industries, we write code to build a large systems, but [00:22:00] I know that something has been changing outside. There are more and more companies.

[00:22:03] They're using local tours and a lot of people are using the air tables to build their applications. So It's a big change in the software industry. Also, the local tours, they have building large impact to the actually to the programmers. So when I leave Amazon and to start doing building a startup with my co founders, and we look into that, if there'll be some tours that we could build for the Airtable users.

[00:22:32] And at that times, and I have more background know, learned about the air tables and how large companies they are using air tables to build amazing systems that, and this largely expand my visions about what's the modern ways of building software. Yeah. It's a great lesson for a programmer.

[00:22:54] Yeah. That's so cool 

[00:22:55] Kamille Parks: that you have. Both of those backgrounds, both the more technical [00:23:00] software engineer side, but also, you know, 2018 is, it's not the earliest we've heard from, you know, Airtable experts, but it's pretty early. So you've been in the game for a while. So I guess, how, how do you think that might've affected how you worked with Airtable having such like a strong background in the more traditional Web technology kind of thing.

[00:23:26] Jun: Yeah. Yeah. Actually, I think that the biggest change that Airtable brought to me is that it, it affects how we build our products because we are a startup and we have multiple products. And in the beginning, when I came out of the company count off the Amazons, when we build our first product, we, everything was done by, by code.

[00:23:46] And then we use Amazon's cloud service. We write every code on our own. And, But after learning air tables that we know that for startup, especially in the early phases, you don't have a [00:24:00] very large number of users. So if you use use code, and which means that your development speed would be very, very low, but with the no code tools that you can, we can build same systems in, Mm, at least half of the times and even one third of the times to build same systems.

[00:24:19] And because Airtable is super flexible, so we can have further freedoms to adjust the fields and new tables. And so this is a, a great I think the biggest impact to me is that it changes the, the development process of of us and, before have deep understanding of the air tables.

[00:24:40] We want white code to do everything, but with the knowledge of air tables, we know that we could use. Many of the code process could be fully replaced by air tables. And when I'm sharing this this learning with my son colleagues that they are still working in Amazon and most of them, [00:25:00] they couldn't believe that.

[00:25:01] And I told them that well, now we didn't write much code and we actually heavily using local tours to do that. And Some of my friends, they will be very amazing, amazed. And so what is NoCodeTours? Why did, why did you don't write code? And yeah, so this is my biggest learning. 

[00:25:20] Kamille Parks: Yeah, I think, I think there's still a lot of overlap in terms of the skill set.

[00:25:27] Like building with NoCode stuff like Airtable does make a lot of things faster, but you still have to think very critically about your data schema. And, you know, you want to name things appropriately and add descriptions where you can and all of that sort of thinking, I think, does transfer over. But boy, does it save a lot of time?

[00:25:51] Jun: Yes. Yeah, actually, in the when we're in Amazons, we're developing a software. The process will be firstly, we have a design [00:26:00] doc, and then we'll have to implement that. And I think that when we are using your tables, the design phase is still same. We still need to propose a very well formatted database schemas.

[00:26:12] But in the implement phase that we could When we learned that many times, we don't need to use code. We can just use it implemented in the air tables. And potentially the the biggest limitations of current air table is that it has, very heavy rate limit, which means yeah. And every second at most 5 requests could be sent to the base.

[00:26:35] Yeah. But other than that, I think that is, is super flexible and Do can replace a lot of coding. 

[00:26:43] Kamille Parks: Have you personally run into a. The like record limits and automation limits

[00:26:54] Jun: for the record limits. And we didn't because we're currently in a team plans. [00:27:00] And so yeah, and all the limitations will occur. It's meant that user count has been has, has been increased. And then at that phase, we will meet this, those issues, but in the current phase, and I think the bottleneck of our company is It's a marketing because all the founders, yeah, we are both coders and my, and my co founders, and we will know about how to build our product, but we have we are very struggled in how to do the marketing and how we could actually, but we want to increase the user count of product that we use advertisement, we use social marketing, but that the growth is still slow.

[00:27:38] So at current phase, we didn't meet much. Bottleneck of the automations and the, base record. Yes. 

[00:27:49] Kamille Parks: Okay. Well, I'm excited to see what you have to show us. 

[00:27:56] Jun: Yeah. Oh yeah. So yeah. Irritable the, [00:28:00] let me share my 

[00:28:01] Dan Fellars: screen. Yeah. If you wanna share your screen. 

[00:28:02] AN APP A DAY - AIRTABLE IOS SHORTCUTS - 00:28:02

[00:28:06] So you're gonna showcase the app that you've been working on last couple months called Airtable Shortcuts.

[00:28:12] Sure. Once you share your, I'm super excited. 

[00:28:14] Jun: Yeah.

[00:28:20] Dan Fellars: I'm excited as well. They're actually this week. We were talking about a need for for an iOS shortcut. So I'm excited to see you've got this working 

[00:28:34] Jun: on. Let me share my screen.

[00:28:39] So could you see the slides? 

[00:28:43] Dan Fellars: Yeah, just one second. There we go. Yep. Great. 

[00:28:46] Jun: Yeah, no air table series shortcuts. And this is our topic today. So the first slide is about a self introduction, but I think we have already done that in the previous sections. So let's [00:29:00] just jump over it. And I want to start with the program first.

[00:29:03] Why? Why we want to build a table? I was short cards. What's the program that drives it? Yeah. We are both, we are, we're both irritable users and we are using irritable every days. And we are, we are super heavy users of irritable. We use it to create journal, create tasks for time tracking, for for marketing.

[00:29:25] But there's the problems that, there are lots of, many steps to just create warm record in the Airtable mobile app. So. Imagine that when we take out our phone and we want to create a record in our into one of our tables in their tables, the process will be super Harry's. We need to firstly take out the phone and unlock it.

[00:29:47] And because air table is it's a database app. It has, data hierarchy. So we need to firstly find the base. And next we need to find the tables, then find the views. [00:30:00] And lastly, we want to click the add buttons. And we need to start the typing work. And only after this long process, and we could just create one record.

[00:30:12] And also, there's in the mobile app, there's a long loading of the air tables circle that be running running. So, we have some user surveys and the normal air table users, they will need to put people that they are using able to collect their daily informations. Usually, they need to create 7 to 8 times record in a days and but for, and if you were looking to this numbers, Eight times a day, and every time it takes them two minutes to create one record, and they will need to repeat the process every day in a year.

[00:30:50] So it's 300 days. And if you multiply both factors, there'll be a scale number displayed, which is 101 hours wasted every year [00:31:00] for just creating those record using the Airtable mobile app. So it's a very it's very large numbers. We have, we can do a lot of more things in this 100 hours.

[00:31:15] And another factor about this program is that this program exists on all the device. So no matter we are using the phones or the laptops, so, and, because even when we're on the, on our laptops, we still need to type in airtable. com, find our base, find our tables. Yeah, and another thing that is harms is the user experience.

[00:31:39] Because if people, when most people, when they found that one thing is very, tedious to do, it takes them long process to do the first decisions that most people will choose is it just, why not that? I just don't do it at all. So if I'm a user, I find it's very hard to create this one record in the air [00:32:00] table mobile app.

[00:32:01] So why not? I did. I just don't use the air table mobile app and I don't create those records, but actually it harms. the user experience a lot. And the last factor is that power users are suffering more. So, for heavy users of Airtables, they have more frequency usage than normal users, which means that there are more times that they need to create records in the Airtables in a day.

[00:32:31] So if a user uses the Airtable mobile apps 16 times a day, and the wasted time in a year would be 200 hours, and those time being wasted, they are just divided into every days into different period of the days. So the time lapse is, it's just accumulated. And in the end, it's become a large numbers.

[00:32:54] So this is the problems. And now let's talk about the [00:33:00] solutions.

[00:33:04] So, actually, if you're looking to this problems, when we find that every time we want to do a job with an app, and we need to manually process it. So this is a common problems and Apple knows about the issues. So they build a standard solutions to kill all the manual per steps when using apps, which is the series.

[00:33:25] So. Imagine that we could just we could just say, so, Hey Siri create task in Airts. And that is named for example, just prepare the webinars, prepare presentations, and then Siri will do all the rest of jobs for us so that yeah, so that it can help us to open the air table. Find the base and just directly create the record.

[00:33:51] So it's a great solutions. Right. If Apple is 10 years ago and Apple is putting a lot of resource to push the [00:34:00] app owners to press a part series, but the air table officials, they don't have a series apart. And potentially they will never have this support because it's not their current focus. The Airtable team, recent years, they are very busy and they are focusing on the AIs and focusing on finding new business users.

[00:34:20] So the mobile support for the series has been low priority for the Airtable teams. So I used to dig through the Airtable communities. Post, there is a feature request for supporting series and that got no responses, in the five years. And, and I just see that the view count of that post has been increased, but there's no response at all.

[00:34:42] Kamille Parks: Tail as old as time.

[00:34:49] Jun: So, but that's, that's not means that we cannot solve the issues. There is a built in app developed by apples. That has been pre installed on every Apple device. And the app's [00:35:00] name is Shortcuts. And this is icon of that app. And if you have iPhone or iPad on your hand, you can find this app. It's pre installed by Apple.

[00:35:11] So Shortcuts is a way that allows users to extend the device abilities. So just like Wear AirTable users, we can install extensions to extend the ability of AirTables doesn't provide. And iPhone users, they can install Shortcuts. to extend Siri, to extend the ability of their phones. So every shortcut that has been installed on the iPhone, iPad, will extend the ability of the iPhone and telling Siri how it can control the AirTables.

[00:35:46] So by installing shortcuts and the users, they can use Siri. With air tables. So here is a demo that for the shortcuts that we build and to help users serious [00:36:00] to control air tables.

[00:36:11] Let me find the video.

[00:36:33] Okay, here comes

[00:36:38] Dan Fellars: the share again. 

[00:36:40] Jun: I

[00:36:58] Dan Fellars: think, [00:37:00] Allie, you've got an iPhone, right? Camille and I are still holding out. 

[00:37:10] Kamille Parks: The irony of it all is I do not have an iPhone.

[00:37:16] I would think that'd be a requirement. You know, they, it's been over a year. They haven't kicked me out yet.

[00:37:25] I love it. 

[00:37:27] Dan Fellars: I did finally switch to a Mac book, but 

[00:37:30] Kamille Parks: I do have a Mac book. 

[00:37:33] Alli Alosa: I love my Apple products. I don't think I could go back. 

[00:37:40] Kamille Parks: I just, I'm, I don't know. I've, I've had a Mac for my personal computer for since probably college. I think I had one in undergrad, so it's been over a decade for me, but I've always had an Android.

[00:37:57] Jun: Yeah. 

[00:37:58] Dan Fellars: Did you find it, Jim?[00:38:00] 

[00:38:12] Any luck? 

[00:38:13] Jun: Okay. Yeah. 

[00:38:15] Dan Fellars: Okay.

[00:38:25] Jun: Yes. So this is the solutions. So 

[00:38:29] Dan Fellars: you, yeah, you'll need to share again.

[00:38:36] Jun: Okay. Could you see the slides? 

[00:38:39] Dan Fellars: You need to click the present button again. 

[00:38:42] Jun: Yeah, seems after that YouTube has been got the first screen that, it will just stop the screen sharing. Yeah, no, it's done. There we go. Yeah, well, let's have a quick recap of the [00:39:00] solutions. So firstly, and we provide shortcuts for Airtable users.

[00:39:05] Airtable users install the shortcuts on their device. And by installing the shortcuts on the device, the iPhone's ability has been extended, so they can use Siri to control Airtables. So next time, then, when users, they want to just create one gray card in the Airtable base, they just need to use Siri.

[00:39:24] And so that the 100 hour wasted times is reduced. And we can just use series to help us to do all of the rest of the work. So the last question is where to get the shortcuts. And this is the product that we're building the Airtable shortcuts libraries. So by the minute at the library. So we have 15 shortcuts in in the libraries and the create record with Siri.

[00:39:50] It's just one of the shortcuts we firstly built. And after that, we built the first shortcut and we talked to the users and got feedback from them. [00:40:00] And we're adding more and the following 14 shortcuts into the libraries.

[00:40:09] And so we build shortcuts for Airtable users. And we also have provide we used to provide paid shortcuts customization service. And because when we firstly launched the first shortcuts in the libraries and follow up, there are some users that reach out to us that if we could use some customized shortcuts, that's just for their business.

[00:40:32] So when we, so we made, we provide such service for them. And after that, and, when we have built a customized shortcuts for them, and some users will ask for them that if we could just add your shortcuts. To back into the libraries and they are very generous and with their with their help. And we are gradually adding more and more shortcuts into the library.

[00:40:59] [00:41:00] So, here is a go through of the current shortcuts that is in the library. The first one is create record with series. And this is our first shortcut. And of course, if you don't like you serious, you can just use typing to create record and but also you still don't need to open the air table app. And the next popular shortcut is that air table has a very useful chrome extensions, the web clippers, which allows the users to just pick up on the web page and directly save them into the base.

[00:41:32] But that Chrome extension doesn't work in the iPhone, in the mobile device. So we we just simulate a similar function shortcuts, and it's just made for iPhone and iPad. So people can just open their safaris. And when we, they brought some website, they are interested in, and you can use the mobile web clipper to save the web page into their air table base and the next shortcuts.

[00:41:57] And they are similar to the web clippers. The web [00:42:00] clipper help the users to save web page into error tables. So the next shortcut help users to save photos into the error tables. So for example, some when someone sent you an image important image in the in the WhatsApp, in the, in the email that you can just directly save the photos into the error table base and you don't need to open the error table app.

[00:42:25] And this will works for any arbitrary file types. So photos. Email attachment, text files, they can all be used the shortcut to quickly saved into the air table base. And another very popular shortcut is pin table on home screen. And, this shortcut will help you to just add your favorite table base.

[00:42:50] directly put it on your iPhone home screens. And I mentioned in the Slack channel that we will give all the attendees these shortcuts for free and as a [00:43:00] gift. So let's talk about it a bit later. And there are also 11 more shortcuts on AirtableShortcuts. com and you can view our homepage for more information.

[00:43:12] And after building this product and we have got some testimonials. So so far we have helped provide a customized and generic shortcut service to around 30 clients that from across the world. Majorly, they are from the United States and because most Airtable users are in the U. S., but there are also users from Dubai, Switzerland, and Australia.

[00:43:37] And I know that there's Airtable employees using our shortcuts also. I learned this from because they will left customer mail address in our systems. And I used to find that there's one, one address that is Airtable. com. So there's Airtable employees that is using the shortcuts. And also that when we are launching the launch [00:44:00] of the shortcut libraries on Twitters and it's got a like by the Airtable officials, it's a, it's a very it's a great surprise to us because we can just got a credit from the officials.

[00:44:12] There's a like that that directly from the Airtable official Twitter account. 

[00:44:20] Dan Fellars: Very cool. So 

[00:44:21] Jun: yeah, so let's move to the gift sections. I mentioned that there will be a free shortcut for everyone that joined that kindly joined the podcast, which is the pin table on home screen shortcut. So in brief, it had at your favorite tables to iPhone home screens for quick access and so that you don't need to wait the long loading circles of the air table app.

[00:44:46] You can directly open the app, the tables that you wanted. And there are unlimited numbers of tables can be added with beautiful icons made by Apple. So here's a demo, and this is this [00:45:00] is iPhone home screens. And we can see that in front of the second lines, they are all air table tables basis, and they are being pinned on the whole screens.

[00:45:09] And each of them, their icons, color and name can be specified By the users. Let's see if this go here and we touch the icons and it will directly open the favorite tables, which is the daily notes. So it opens the day notes. Let's choose another icons. And this is expense tracking tables. And so there's a green one green icon, open a green table.

[00:45:36] Then the project task tables. It's open the, for project tracker and the marketing tables, it just open for the marketing tables. So every tables we quickly access four tables and in just less than 15 seconds. So imagine that if we don't use this and if we use the irritable app, mobile app could wasted us at least five [00:46:00] times more time.

[00:46:01] We just navigating between different bases. Yes, and here is the I'm going to share it as a free giveaway to the communities because we learned really a lot from the good on air communities. Actually, many of our current users are from this channels. So you can just download the short card and using this link.

[00:46:24] You'll be dot S. H. and the pin table. This is a short link. And after you have Donald the short cards, there's a set up instruction videos that will tell you how to how you could set up the shortcut and in just less than one minute. Yeah, it's very it's very easy to set up and just about two weeks ago, and I have a helper, a gentleman and from Australia, who is about 20 years more older than me.

[00:46:53] And for the shortcut set up and he just very smoothly set up the, all those shortcuts. [00:47:00] Yeah. So you can so the giveaways it's in these two links and you can I will send the link to you post the meeting. So you can have a look of them. And, and one more thing is that there's for for this shortcut only, this has no copyright and you have for the freedoms to modify it to your own.

[00:47:19] And you can feel free to redistribute to any irritable users that you think that will be, it should benefit them for shortcut. And the point that I want to make this shortcut, no copyright and it can be redistributed that I know that many experts in our community, in the Yudong area communities.

[00:47:39] So if you are a consultant and you build a great base for a great solutions for your clients, and you can modify the pin table on home screen shortcut, you can judge, change the table table URL to the table that you have just built for your clients. And you can tell, we can send that link of the shortcut to your [00:48:00] clients and your clients can just be added your base that you have been built for them directly on their iPhone home screens.

[00:48:07] I think this would be greatly improved the user specification of your clients. Yes. Because you have built a great solutions and, and, and, and the, and the solutions. The solution is great, but the Airtable mobile app is very slow and the the slow mobile app will cause. Your user use less of your solutions.

[00:48:28] I think this is, it's not reasonable. I want that every consultants, they could have have best approach to deliver their, their solutions to their clients on the mobile device. Very cool. Yeah. And I'll just back to the Airtable Shortcast libraries. And the pin table on home screen is the it's a very easy to use and a very useful shortcuts, but noted we have 15 much more powerful shortcuts and in the shortcuts library for you to explore us and [00:49:00] never worry about the shortcuts setups, because every paid users will provide a free 30 minutes meetings with engineers for the shortcuts setup and most meeting it will be between you and me and sometimes be others.

[00:49:14] And of course, you can set up all the shortcuts on your own, because for every shortcuts, we have provided a full set up instruction videos. So, this can be self service set up or use the support meetings. If you're interested, please visit our homepage. Just add air table shortcuts. com. Yeah, 

[00:49:34] Dan Fellars: very cool.

[00:49:37] Yeah, no, that's awesome. That comes in handy. I'll actually be reaching out to you. We've got, we've got a use case of needing to get tick tock. I know you've got tick tock to aggregate the information we need. Yeah, 

[00:49:54] Jun: from Max. To be 

[00:49:56] Dan Fellars: able to extract the post and send the post. Oh, 

[00:49:59] Jun: [00:50:00] yeah, yeah, yeah. We use Prada customized shortcuts for Max Bernstein.

[00:50:04] And his mom, very early users. In current library, there is a shortcut for saving the TikTok influencer info into the Airtable base. 

[00:50:15] Dan Fellars: Yeah. Yeah. So we need a similar one. Not, not that exact use case, but something different. So I'll reach out to you. Sure. Great. I'll send you the link for my contact. Yeah. Very good.

[00:50:27] Thank you, Jun. That's awesome. So check them out. 


[00:50:33] And with that quick shout out, if you would like to join our community and you're not in there already, join us built on air. com slash join that gets you access to our free newsletter. That's putting out great content every week or two. You don't want to miss that newsletter.

[00:50:49] It's been revamped. So be sure to, to look for that in your inbox and great stuff there as well as our Slack community, thousands of Airtable users. So [00:51:00] check us out at built on air. com slash join. 

[00:51:04] A CASE FOR INTERFACE - 00:51:29

[00:51:06] We're going to finish with Ali and interface. 

[00:51:10] Alli Alosa: All right. Excellent. Okay. So this is just a, an interesting, I think, little hack that I had to just put together for a client that I thought might be useful to share.

[00:51:26] So we were setting up a system to collect NPS scores. And if you're not familiar, NPS scores stands for net promoter score. It's a way for Teams and companies to collect feedback from their customers or their membership or whatever you might have and get a feel for how satisfied those people or customers are with your product or with your service.

[00:51:54] And it's kind of interesting. I didn't know how NPS scores were calculated until I [00:52:00] had to take this project on and it's not a way that I would have thought of. It's basically, you take the total number of submissions. So I've got 75 records here. You calculate what percentage of them are your promoters and promoters or anybody that have given you a score of a 9 or a 10.

[00:52:20] Then, if somebody has given you a score of a 7 or an 8, they are a neutral that's a neutral score. So that doesn't actually add or detract from your total at all. And then if you've got a 6 or below, That is a detractor. So that actually subtracts from your score. So you basically get the percentage of how many promoters you have and then subtract from that the percentage of how many detractors you have.

[00:52:50] And that is your overall NPS score. So what we're looking at here is a NPS score of 90. 67%. So [00:53:00] the, the interesting challenge that I had for this was not only to be able to get the total percentage of that score. But also if I wanted to be able to filter that number, like filter by a date range, for example, I had to do some fancy stuff to get that to work because in an interface, if you just use the regular built in filters, it's going to show you only the records that add up or that fall in that date range, but.

[00:53:30] Your percentages are going to be off because there's no way to know the interface doesn't have a way to surface how many records it's showing you and do math on the fly, based on that number of records. So I had to come up with a way to filter the records down, but also kind of redo the math at the same time.

[00:53:52] So I did a little fancy trick. And I'm going to go into how that's done really quickly, [00:54:00] but first I'll actually just show you the end result. So this interface right now is just showing 1 for my client. They have several different types. So over here, I might have, you know, they might be collecting.

[00:54:14] An overall NPS score, and then they might have NPS scores for different sections of their business, like maybe different departments. So that's why I'm using the record review option here. But I'm just going to go into 1 example. So I've got the all time NPS score at the top here. And then I have this filter section.

[00:54:35] To be able to say, all right, well, maybe I'm only interested starting August 1st. So if I put that number in and give it a 2nd, there we go. I don't know why that took so long. Now I've got an NPS score of 84. 62 and everything down here is filtered to just show from August 1st [00:55:00] on. But let's say, actually, I want to start with August 6th, that should actually make my score 50%.

[00:55:11] So if I change this to the 6th, no, excuse me, it's a 0, because it's 50 and 50. I'm still getting used to the math, because 50 percent said they like it, 50 percent said they don't, so 50 minus 50, that's a 0. Overall score of zero. So the way that I'm doing this and this does have a couple gotchas.

[00:55:34] So only one user can filter this at a time because this is not one of the built in filters that air table gives you in the interface. That's kind of specific to you to be able to play with. So if somebody else came into this interface, they would also see this the same exact numbers that I'm seeing here.

[00:55:52] So that is The one downside here, but I did put in this cool little reset button here. So you can click this and it [00:56:00] clears out these two fields. So the way that this works is I have a summary record, which is something I use pretty often. It is kind of a. It's a double edged sword because this can definitely slow your base down if you have a lot of data and you're using this method, you might see some performance issues.

[00:56:24] But if you're only dealing with, you know, maybe a couple thousand records shouldn't be an issue. I have an automation set up that every time a new score is added, it links up that record to the summary record. So all of the scores end up linked to this summary record. Then I'm able to get the count of how many there are.

[00:56:48] And when I get that count, I then roll it back down to this table. So I can see what percentage each record is actually contributing to that overall score. And that just looks like [00:57:00] this. I'm, I have it all in this roll up field and I'm saying, all right, if I have. a value for this count field, then I want to get what percentage this one record is of that value, and then I multiply it either by one or negative one, it based on if it's a promoter or a detractor.

[00:57:19] So if it's going to be adding to that score or taking away from that score. So that's how the overall score works. Then the filtering, I have on the summary record, a start date and end date field. And these are the fields that are displayed in my interface, so that's the start date and end date field.

[00:57:40] Once I enter in values here, they get rolled back down to all of the scores. So they get, they show up on every single one of these records here. As an example, I'll put in August 1st again. And so now you can see every single record here has 8 1 [00:58:00] as a reference point. And I have a formula that's quite complex that essentially is just looking at these two dates and saying, okay, if there's a date here, does this created time fall within that date range?

[00:58:16] And it returns a one if it does. So from that point forward, I can then roll that count back up to My summary record and say, okay, now I only have 13 records that fall within this date range. And then I perform that same switch function all over again to say, okay, is this a promoter or a detractor?

[00:58:40] And is it going to be adding or removing from that score to get my total at the end? So it's kind of just a little bit of a way to filter your records, a different approach, but. It was something that we needed to be able to do to do this math [00:59:00] on the fly and still be able to cut it into different slices.

[00:59:06] So I thought it might be interesting to share. 

[00:59:08] Kamille Parks: That is really cool. And I can see a thousand ways that this can be implemented as well. Like from my understanding, it doesn't necessarily have to be dates as your filters. If you had a drop down of category, you could do the same thing. And you know, if you had a whole bunch of time, you could add more than just those two fields as well.

[00:59:31] I assume. 

[00:59:32] Alli Alosa: Absolutely. Yeah. You could have all sorts of things here to be able to match. To the data. And yeah, the only downside is that it's not user specific. It's, it's, you know, you're editing the data for everyone. So that's the downside. But if you don't have many people in here, shouldn't be that big of a problem.

[00:59:55] Kamille Parks: I have done something where if you add another table and [01:00:00] each table is like, One record per person and in the filter fields, in this case, start date and end date existed there, then you would be able to have this interface page filter to only show my record and then you'd be able to do it, but it does require you to have one record per person or one record per collaborator, I should say, and, you know, extra fields and, you know, No telling what that would do to performance.

[01:00:27] Alli Alosa: Exactly. Yeah. I've thought about that and you could have, you could do exactly what Camille is saying. The only downside is that you would not only need one record per person, but you would need to duplicate all four of these fields for each person as well. Yeah. Do the math over and over again, which if you only have one purpose of this base, if it's just to calculate these scores, I wouldn't.

[01:00:50] be too worried about performance. It's more about the scalability of it because every time you add someone, you need to then go and add for more fields. But [01:01:00] regardless, it works for what we need. And it's also made me wish for more, flexibility or more, more features within interfaces. It would be great to be able to like surface what's on this screen.

[01:01:14] Like, For example, if I'm filtering this list, I wish I could have a button that's like send an email to everyone on this list that's in this interface right now. You can't do that. So that's that all sorts of things I'm wishing for. But this is my little hack to get around that issue right now. 

[01:01:33] Dan Fellars: Awesome.

[01:01:35] Yeah, that is great. Very useful. Very good. Thank you for sharing that. And that concludes this week's show. We'll be back next week. Hope you can join us. Thank you all. Thank you, June, for joining us and be sure to get your free shortcut from June. We'll send out the link and 

[01:01:54] Jun: yeah, I'll send it in the Slack 

[01:01:57] Dan Fellars: channel.

[01:01:58] Yeah. All right. [01:02:00] Thank you. Everyone. Catch you next week. 

[01:02:03] Jun: Thank you.

[01:02:16] OUTRO - 01:02:16

[01:02:17] for joining today's episode. We hope you enjoyed it. Be sure to check out our sponsor onto our backups, automated backups for air table. We'll see you next time on the built on air podcast.